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Loud, celebratory music resonated through the stadium as Filius Flitwick, the ever-enthusiastic Charms professor, conducted the school band with precision and flair. Briar, standing confidently among the musicians, blew into her trumpet with pride, her notes clear and powerful. She scanned the crowd, her eyes lighting up when she spotted Amos Diggory entering with his children, Cedric and Eloise. The sight of Eloise, beaming with pride for her brother, filled Briar with joy. Eloise's enthusiastic wave was met with Briar's cheerful reciprocation, and they exchanged a playful moment as Eloise mimicked playing a trumpet. Briar's laughter echoed the sentiment, a shared bond of friendship and mutual support.

However, Briar's smile faltered as she noticed Harry Potter entering the stadium alongside Albus Dumbledore. Unlike the jubilant expressions surrounding him, Harry's face was painted with a mixture of fear and apprehension. The stark contrast between his demeanor and the festive atmosphere was jarring. Dumbledore, with his commanding presence, raised his arms, and an immediate hush fell over the crowd. The band, in perfect unison, ceased their playing, though Briar had to nudge Justin Finch-Fletchley, who continued for a moment before realizing his error. The Hufflepuff blushed deeply, hastily setting down his instrument, his embarrassment evident.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows the exact position," Dumbledore's voice echoed through the silent stadium, carrying the weight of the event. "Now, as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter are tied for first place..." His words were cut off by the eruption of cheers from the audience. Briar, caught up in the excitement, whistled and nudged Justin with enthusiasm. "Because they are tied for first place, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!"

The crowd's energy surged again, posters and flags waving in fervent support of their champions. Dumbledore's calm voice continued, "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should any contestant wish to withdraw from the task at any point, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around!" With a gentle but firm gesture, he encircled the champions, imparting final words of wisdom.

"In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you will face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Find the cup if you can, but be very wary. You might just lose yourselves along the way." Dumbledore's whispered warning carried a sense of foreboding that resonated deeply with the champions. Their faces reflected a mix of determination and apprehension as they nodded in understanding.

"Champions! Prepare yourselves!" Dumbledore announced with a tone that commanded respect and attention. Cedric and Harry moved to the entrance of the maze, staring at the towering walls that loomed ahead. Eloise, with tears brimming in her eyes, hugged her brother tightly, her voice choked with emotion. "Good luck, champ," she whispered, kissing the bracelet she wore as a token of love and protection. Cedric, reciprocating the sentiment, lifted his arm to reveal a matching bracelet, his a symbol of his sister's house pride. The red and yellow of Cedric's bracelet contrasted with the yellow and black of Eloise's, each color representing their individual houses yet unified in sibling solidarity.

"Stay brave," Eloise urged, standing on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on her brother's forehead. Cedric nodded, his smile tinged with nervous anticipation. "Be patient," he laughed softly, hugging his sister one last time before stepping back. Their father, Amos, approached, his face a mixture of pride and worry. "My darling boy," he said, cupping Cedric's face tenderly before walking away with Eloise. "I love you, Ced," Eloise called out, her voice carrying over the noise of the crowd. Cedric smiled back at her, his resolve strengthened by their love. "Love you too, El," he replied, his voice steady.

As Harry and Cedric walked into the maze, the lively music that had filled the air moments before faded away, replaced by an eerie silence as the entrance was covered by a tall grass wall. The sudden change in atmosphere was palpable, and Harry felt a chill run down his spine. The rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of the other champions navigating the labyrinth heightened his sense of urgency and caution. Cedric, driven by a fierce determination, sprinted through the maze, his path obscured by the ever-shifting walls.

The maze, a living entity, responded to their movements. Cedric cried out as the walls closed in around him, pushing him forward into an unknown path. Viktor Krum, moving methodically with his wand at the ready, seemed to be in a trance, his eyes fixed and unblinking. The crunching of leaves under his feet was the only sound that accompanied his solitary journey. In another part of the maze, Fleur Delacour ran in fear, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She paused at a crossroads, her eyes darting between the different paths, her decision fraught with anxiety. Her scream of horror echoed through the maze as she heard a low, menacing hiss from behind her.

Krum, stood over Fleur's body entangled in the grasping branches, her body still. His eyes, once filled with purpose, now reflected a dark, unnatural grey, devoid of their usual warmth. Harry, hearing Fleur's scream, rushed toward the sound, his heart pounding. He arrived to find Krum standing over Fleur, his wand raised menacingly. Krum's eyes, now void of recognition, met Harry's with a cold, alien stare. Ignoring Harry completely, Krum walked past him, his movements robotic and devoid of emotion.

Desperate to help, Harry pointed his wand upwards. "Periculum!" he shouted, and a shower of red sparks erupted from his wand, signaling distress. The walls of the maze responded, closing in around him with a powerful gust of wind. Harry stumbled forward, gasping as he caught sight of the Triwizard Cup's bright blue glow in the distance. His hope surged, but just as he began to run towards it, Krum appeared again, his wand aimed at Harry. "Duck, Potter!" Cedric's voice rang out, and Harry barely managed to avoid Krum's spell.

"Stupefy!" Cedric shouted, and Krum collapsed, his body falling limply to the ground. Cedric approached cautiously, his wand still trained on the Durmstrang student. "Cedric, stop! He's bewitched!" Harry shouted, his voice urgent. Cedric paused, his wand lowering slightly as he processed Harry's words. 

Cedric turned his attention back to the Triwizard Cup, its glow a beacon of victory. He stepped forward, but the maze had one final challenge. Several branches reached out, wrapping around Cedric and pulling him back. Cedric yelled in panic, struggling against the relentless grip of the enchanted foliage. Harry looked at the older boy and back at the cup in hesitation. "Harry!" Cedric shouted out. Harry shook his head, dismissing his hesitations and pointed his wand at the encroaching branches. "Reducto!" he shouted, and the branches shattered, freeing Cedric.

Cedric staggered forward, his face pale and his breath coming in short gasps. "Thanks," he managed, his voice trembling with a mixture of relief and lingering fear. "You know, I thought that you were going to let it get me," he admitted, his eyes reflecting the vulnerability of the moment. Harry, equally shaken, met his gaze. "For a moment, so did I," he confessed, the honesty of his words bridging the gap between them.

They both turned their attention to the Triwizard Cup, the symbol of their shared struggle and the culmination of their efforts. Cedric looked at Harry, his expression serious. "Go on, you saved me. Take it," he said, his voice steady. Harry shook his head, a sense of fairness overriding his desire to win. "Together," he insisted. The two boys nodded, their hands reaching out in unison towards the cup.

"One," Harry began, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Two," Cedric continued, his hand reaching closer.


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