Queen of Executions

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Mitsuru was on her way to one of the entrances of Gongmen City when she was stopped by one of Shen's generals
General: Hold it right there.
Mitsuru: I need you to step aside. I came here searching for someone and I can't have you getting in my way.
General: I don't take orders from you!
Mitsuru: Then you have left me no choice.
Mitsuru took out her Rapier ready for combat.

Yosuke, Viper and Crane were heading toward Gongmen CityYosuke: I'm telling you Crane-San, I saw this girl! She was watching us fight!Crane: Are you sure you're not making things up, Yosuke?Yosuke: I'm not!They saw a woman wearing a long white coa...

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Yosuke, Viper and Crane were heading toward Gongmen City
Yosuke: I'm telling you Crane-San, I saw this girl! She was watching us fight!
Crane: Are you sure you're not making things up, Yosuke?
Yosuke: I'm not!
They saw a woman wearing a long white coat putting away her rapier after she dealt with Shen's Troops
Viper: Is she the one you're talking about?
Yosuke: No, the girl I saw had red eyes, plus she was wearing a Yasogami high school uniform.
Crane: Even if this girl you saw was real, I doubt that she's connected to Lord Shen.
This caught the Queen of Execution's attention.
Mitsuru: Did I just hear one of you refer to a girl? Where did you see her? What did she look like?
Crane: I spoke too soon.
Yosuke: Woah what's with the third degree? I just saw her yesterday and I haven't seen her since then.
Mitsuru: I see... Sorry But I need you three to leave. This is our problem, it doesn't involve you.
Viper: Look Ms. I appreciate your concern about us, but we have to stop Lord Shen at all costs.

Mitsuru: We are at an Impasse then, I have my own motives... my apologies but if only one of us can stop Shen it must be me.
Mitsuru pulled out special looking gun as she points it to her head.
Crane: What is she doing?

Mitsuru: PERSONA!She pulled the trigger as her spirit appeared

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Mitsuru: PERSONA!
She pulled the trigger as her spirit appeared. It had a red mask a blue gown dress wielding a whip
This was Mitsuru's Persona, Artemisia.

Viper: She must be one of those Persona users!Crane: Yeah, But she just summoned it in a different way!Yosuke: I guess It's too late to split hairs

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Viper: She must be one of those Persona users!
Crane: Yeah, But she just summoned it in a different way!
Yosuke: I guess It's too late to split hairs... Let's go Jiraiya!
Jiraiya appears and fires several Garu blasts but Artemisia countered them by striking them with her whip.
Jiraiya and Artemisia clashed attacks while Mitsuru and Viper were exchanging blows.
Viper: I have to admit you're pretty strong with your Persona.
Mitsuru: I could say the same to you about your skills.
Meanwhile Artemisia summoned several icicles at Crane with him dodging each of them as he lands a hit on Mitsuru's head.
Mitsuru gets up as her Persona appears beside her.

Crane flies toward her but Artemisia uses her whip to grapple onto Crane's foot as it slams him into the ground before she throws icicles at Viper

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Crane flies toward her but Artemisia uses her whip to grapple onto Crane's foot as it slams him into the ground before she throws icicles at Viper.
Crane: Viper look out!
Yosuke looks over and notices that the icicles were targeting Viper.
Yosuke: Oh no you don't!
Jiraiya appeared and fired several wind blasts destroying the icicles.
Yosuke smiled as he gave them a thumbs up.
Yosuke clashes his Kunai with Mitsuru's rapier but Mitsuru gets the upper hand by kicking him into Crane.
Mitsuru: This is your last chance to stand down, I do not wish to end your life.
Yosuke: No we're never giving up. Not while China is counting on us to defeat Shen and save Kung fu!
Yosuke's Persona started to evolve as a powerful gust of wind surrounded Yosuke., it's appearance changed it was now wearing a blue jumpsuit with a huge ring around it with orange hair
This was Yosuke's evolved Persona. Susano'o

This left Mitsuru impressed

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This left Mitsuru impressed.
Susano'o fired a powerful wind Blast which overpowers Artemisia's Ice Storm knocking Mitsuru on the ground.
Mitsuru: Ugh... you're stronger than I thought.
Crane: If you know what's going on here would you mind telling us Ms... um...
Mitsuru: I'm Mitsuru Kirijo. I came here searching for a certain unit that was lost in transit to a research facility.
Yosuke: A unit? You mean like some kind of mech?
Mitsuru: It's called Labrys, the 5th generation anti-shadow suppression weapon. She looks like a young girl. Our objective is to retrieve or destroy her.
Yosuke: A mech who looks like a girl?! Woah thats..! Wait a sec... don't tell me she's-!
Mitsuru: it's not just her looks. Labrys has a Personality so it's possible that she can use a Persona.
Yosuke: A Persona? man they're doing some crazy things to robotics these days.
Mitsuru: Given your powers and skills I have a favor to ask, I would like you three to cooperate with us in retrieving Labrys. And In return we shall help you against Shen's army.
Crane: You're after Shen as well?
Mitsuru: Yes, That is our second objective and it's also possible Shen has her with him,
Yosuke: alright if it means stopping Shen then we'll do it
"Thank you, I'll be counting on you three. Anyway I know another way into the city. Follow me." Mitsuru said before she heads over to Gongmen city
Viper: Looks like you weren't lying Yosuke.
Crane: Well we should hurry and follow her, hopefully everyone will be waiting for us.
Viper and Yosuke nod as they Follow Mitsuru Kirijo to one of the entrances of Gongmen City.

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