Midnight meeting

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Yu was heading back to the Valley to join up with the others. He wanted to ask Lu Bu about Seiryu and why was he after him/
Yu: Lu Bu.... You got 5 seconds to tell me what happened.
Lu Bu: Seiryu is one of the members of the Persona Council.
Yu: Persona Council?
Lu Bu: I do not know the history of it. But I do know that they are very powerful and they protect people from Tyrants.
Yu: So what's your history with this Persona Council?
Lu Bu: I... Rather not talk about it.
Yu: Bad memories I'm guessing.
Lu Bu: Indeed.
Yu made it back to the Valley and saw that the noodle shop was booming.
Yu: There's Po-Chan!
Yu ran over to Po and the others while being greeted by some of the villagers
Yu: Sorry I'm late guys.
Ping: Oh Yu! We were just talking about you!
Yu: You were?
Ping: Yes about you becoming a new addition to our family. I'm so proud of you!
Yosuke: So Narukami did you find out what that Persona was that attacked you?
Yu: He goes by the name of Seiryu. the Azure Dragon.
Yukiko: The Azure Dragon?
Po: No way! What's he like?
Yu: In case you missed it, Seiryu possesses lightning fast sword strikes. And he can summon a energy dragon from his blade, Lu Bu has had a rivalry with him,
Po: That's so cool!
Kanji: Hey Senpai, What's that you got there.
Yu: Oh The Villagers gave it to me as a gift. I'll show you when we head out.
Rise: wow that's amazing! Can't wait to see how you look when you wear it.
Yu: Well I'm going to head to bed,
Chie: That early!?
Yu: Yeah I had a long day today and a long walk back. Before I go, father, can you make more beds for my other friends?
Ping: Of course I can do that.
Kanji: No way in hell am I sleeping on the floor.
Po: Alright Good night Yu.
Yu: Good night Po-Chan.
Yu took off his shoes and got into bed as he closes his eyes as he drifted off to sleep

Name: SeiryuPower: 6/10Speed: 10/10Durability: 7/10Fighting Skills 10/10Range: 4/10Abilities: Lightning fast sword strikes, Expert swordsman, Dragon summoning via Dragon Blade

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Name: Seiryu
Power: 6/10
Speed: 10/10
Durability: 7/10
Fighting Skills 10/10
Range: 4/10
Abilities: Lightning fast sword strikes, Expert swordsman, Dragon summoning via Dragon Blade

It was officially midnight when Yu opened his eyes. He was told by Seiryu that he would meet him at the Valley. So he had to sneak out of the house. He tip towed from his room and downstairs trying his best not to wake up his friends.
Once he entered outside he saw Seiryu waiting for him.
Seiryu: You're here.
Lu Bu: What are you plotting, Seiryu?
Seiryu: I'm not plotting anything. I only wish for the boy to come and chat with Cromwell.
"And as I told you he's not going with you!" Lu Bu said as he points his weapon at the Azure Dragon
Seiryu: You really want to fight?? In this Valley?
Yu: Wait Lu Bu, let's hear what he has to say.
"Hmph. Fine" Lu Bu said as he stows his weapon
Seiryu creates a portal to another area.
Seiryu: Come. Everyone is waiting
Yu:  Everyone...?
Yu followed Seiryu through the portal he was curious on who was waiting for him
(Sorry I have to cut this chapter short, but don't worry, next chapter will be long and interesting.)

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