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Meanwhile somewhere else in a field, a portal appeared and out came three individuals

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Meanwhile somewhere else in a field, a portal appeared and out came three individuals. One had long white coat with sunglasses and long dark red hair, the second one had a crimson cloak with white hair with olive pants and mixed martial arts gloves and the last one had short blonde hair with blue eyes wearing a black military coat. This was the Shadow Operatives team led by Mitsuru Kirijo. The other two who accompanied her were Aigis and Akihiko Sanada
Akihiko: This doesn't look like Tartarus. Where are we exactly?
Mitsuru: I'm not sure Akihiko, do you think Labrys could be in this world?
Aigis: indeed my sister unit is here, my tracking also shows that we are not the only Persona users here.
Mitsuru: I see... then We should move out, we don't want to attract any unwanted attention. It would be quicker if we split up. Akihiko will take the western area. Aigis you head east., I'll go north and we'll meet up later and be careful.
Akihiko: Right, Good luck Kirijo.
Mitsuru: Feelings Mutual.
With that said the three members dispersed with Aigis using her boosters to fly west while Mitsuru and Akihiko ran.

(Yep I'm including the Shadow Operatives team in this story. by the way. to be more specific this story will take place before Yu and Aigis meet in P4 Arena)

(Speaking of Aigis...)

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