Azure Dragon

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Previously on Personified Kung Fu 2...
The mysterious persona took out its katana to slice Yu from behind but it was met with Lu Bu's halberd
Seiryu: Boy. Come with me.

Monkey: how does this guy know you?
Yu: I don't know I never seen him before.
Lu Bu appeared as he clenched his fist.
Lu Bu: You...
Seiryu: So this is where you've been Lu Bu.
Naoto: A Persona without its user? Is that even possible?
Yu: You guys get out of here. I'll handle this.
"Be careful Partner!" Yosuke said before he and the others left to catch up with Po.
Seiryu: I never thought you would side with a human, did you have a change of heart?
Lu Bu: That's none of your business. Why do you want Narukami?
Seiryu: Cromwell sent me to bring him to the council.
Yu: Cromwell? Council? What?
Seiryu: and... he wants you back.
Lu Bu: Forget it, Cromwell and The council already kicked me out, why would he want me back?
Seiryu: ...You haven't changed a bit.
Yu: How do you know this guy?
Lu Bu: Seiryu, the Azure Dragon and master of the Quick draw. His fighting style focuses on lightning fast strikes from his Dragon Katana. He and I had a rivalry history.
Seiryu goes into his stance as his hand grips onto the hilt of his Katana.
Lu Bu: Just stand back.
Yu listened as he stepped back a couple of feet.
Lu Bu summons his bow and fires a giant almighty arrow which splits into several tiny arrows. But Seiryu slices them with his lightning fast katana strikes.
Yu's mind: He's so fast!
Lu Bu readies his spear as he charges forth at his opponent
Lu Bu and Seiryu were clashing strikes.
Yu: you need help?
Lu Bu: No, I can handle this myself!
Lu Bu swings its halberd sideways before Seiryu Jumps and quick draw slashes Lu Bu but the latter blocked it.

Yu: you need help?Lu Bu: No, I can handle this myself!Lu Bu swings its halberd sideways before Seiryu Jumps and quick draw slashes Lu Bu but the latter blocked it

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(Imagine Lu Bu in the place of Guan Yu and Seiryu in the Place of Xiahou Dun)

As they broke the clash, Seiryu took out his katana as a light blue lightning energy dragon spirit appeared from the blade while Lu Bu readies his spear showing a Purple Almighty Dragon spirit as both Dragon spirits clashed. But Lu Bu's Dragon was more powerful as it overwhelms Seiryu.
Lu Bu: it's futile Seiryu. No matter how hard you try you can't beat me.
Seiryu slowly gets up before he sheathes his katana.
Seiryu: It appears that the human has changed you.
Lu Bu: ever since he freed me from the altar, He has been the only person I have trusted
Yu: It's true he's been protecting me ever since.
Seiryu: I see... Boy, meet me in the Valley at midnight and come alone.
With that said, Seiryu disappears.
Yu: What was that all about..?
Pig: Thank you for saving our village young man!
Yu turned around and saw the Pigs coming out of hiding.
Yu: I'm happy to help.
Pig: As a reward for saving our village I present you with this.
The pig villagers gave Yu a special armor.

(Artwork does not belong to me)Pig: We Kept this very hidden from the bandits, and we would like you to have it

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(Artwork does not belong to me)
Pig: We Kept this very hidden from the bandits, and we would like you to have it.
"Thank you." Yu said before he took the armor
Pig: Safe travels young man.
"I will. Stay safe!" Yu said before he left.
Yu: I have to tell this to Po-Chan and the others about what just happened.

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