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Tamela held her phone up to her ear once again, it was a week of calling Karen's daughter trying to reach her and the calls would go to voicemail.

She didn't call everyday because she didn't want to annoy Kierra, but when she did the phone wasn't answered and she didn't know what to think of it, she gathered her dignity telling herself she will call one more time and then never call again if not answered.

"Hey Ms Tamela." Kierra answered the call.

"Hey Kierra... I've been calling for a while trying to reach your mom, is everything okay?" Tamela asked, she was indeed worried about Karen.

"Uh... miss Tam, I tell my mom about you calling and she doesn't seem to want to talk to, I don't know how to put it in a nice way... the first time she said you guys don't talk anymore." Kierra said.

Kierra's words was a pain in Tamela's heart, she was hurt that Karen didn't even have the decency to tell her all this herself.

"Oh that's what she said?" Tamela asked Kierra.

"Yes, she even said that I should not answer when you called when I told her that you called." Kierra answered  snitching on her mom.

"Oh uhm, thanks Ki... I appreciate your honesty at least now I know to not call again." Tamela said, she wanted to immediately get off the phone call so she could cry.

"Did something happen between you and my mom? I mean why would she say that after all that you've done for her?" Kierra asked.

"I don't know Kierra... I didn't know what was wrong myself hence why I kept calling to check on her..." Tamela said to her.

After her phone call with Kierra, Tamela covered her mouth crying, she didn't want anyone in the house hearing her but her heart was broken.

She told herself right then and there that she would forget about Karen, she thought what she just did was the worst pain she ever knew and she did not want to put herself through that rejection again.

It felt pointless to have spent her time hoping that maybe they will be okay.


Karen and Dorinda sat on Karen's balcony as they had their conversation having tea with biscuits, they had just had a church conference and both women were tired.

The sisters were having their girl talk and Karen knew her sister Dprinda for one to say the most out of pocket things so it was fun talking to her.

"I think I'm going to try and have sex with Drew again." Karen said to her sister.

"What do you mean? You guys don't have sex?" Dorinda asked and Karen shook her head no.

"What?" Dorinda asked.

"We haven't had sex since I woke then... " Karen said and Dorinda's eyes widened.

"Karen that was 3 years ago!" Dorinda exclaimed.

"I know." Karen cried out.

"Why? He's your husband ain't he?" Dorinda asked and Karen nodded.

"I wouldn't let him touch me cause he has sex with Linda." Karen said to Dorinda, she thought Karen was crazy.

"Karen you knew exactly what you were getting into when you agreed to this mess... of which I still don't understand really because you hardly even look at the man." Dorinda told her.

"I know, we did try and I wasn't aroused... I didn't want him to continue." Karen said remembering that day, it was the most embarrassing day for both her and Drew.

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