Beginning (CD & LG)

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(there are only so many ideas i can get out of the exact same concept before i run out)

If one *really* thinks about it, a cloud and a bolt of lightning aren't exactly the *greatest* candidates to be given the gift (er, curse) of life.

A cloud, as most people understand it, is just something that hangs around lazily in the sky, drifting from one horizon to the next as time goes on. Plenty of them tend to look up and watch them go by for hours on end, mostly because there isn't much else to do in the grasslands besides cause mayhem and Battle for Dream Island. For those that have the exceptional privilege of being able to fly through unknown and esoteric means, they can very much attest to the fact that if you come face-to-face with a cloud, one can just fly *right* through it and be just fine. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary occurs when you do it; you enter it in one moment, then leave it some time afterwards. No big deal. That's because, as Golf Ball explains (to anyone that bothers to listen), a cloud is just a loose assemblage of tiny little particles, mostly understood to be water in its various states of matter, that can easily be pushed away by anyone and anything. If that *is* the case, then how can it be that anything that can support life can be hosted within one? Would the force of gravity just act as it has always been, immediately pulling it down and causing the cloud to not be alive rather quickly?

And yet, Cloudy exists regardless; most try to not think about it too much, since that's mostly just boring science stuff for dumb nerds like that bozo-brain bossy-bot.

Lightning was pretty much in that exact same boat, and he's quite probably the worst offender out of the two. Not only is he *also* just a collection of tiny particles that one can easily go through (if one could survive it, anyway), but he's also supposed to be temporary. Here and gone as quickly as it takes to blink. If he's able to stick around, to live, to breathe, to *exist* in much the same way as everyone else, then he's not really Lightning, is it? He can zap people with much the same effect as actual lightning, but that just makes him a *source* of lightning, not lightning itself. So once again the question is raised: just *what* is he? What is this yellow entity that's in the shape of a rough approximation of a lightning bolt? How was he created? Why? Who would be insane enough to create something so ridiculous, so asinine?

Again, that's enough of *that*.

Regardless of whatever ridiculous circumstances may have occurred in order to bring them into existence, they just have to face reality here: Cloudy and Lightning exist. That's just the way things are. And as they had an entire realm of existence completely to their own, absolutely devoid of anybody besides a few other infrequent fliers, they ended up naturally drawn towards each other. For 2,763 years (give or take), they'd just aimlessly roam about the cursed Earth, look for anything interesting going on, and just... hang out. Talk. Do whatever. What else can they do? What can *anyone* do? They can *fly*. If anyone wants to do something about whatever shenanigans they're up to, if anyone was even alive to see it, all they have to do is just... fly away. That's it. That's everything. That's all there was.

Life was simple. And they were happy.

And then things changed very suddenly, and very drastically.


Lightning couldn't quite remember when they saw that speaker box fall out of the sky; most likely because they weren't keeping track of time.

For a little while, the sudden appearance of the Announcer was nothing more than just a new conversation starter, a topic that they'd go back to once every few days or so. It was the first interesting thing to happen in quite a while, and not only that, it actually *affected* them. Well, not really; they were all rather distant from the scene of the crime when it occurred. But had any one of them been on the wrong place at the wrong time, things could've ended very differently. Much speculation was had about what had happened: on what that metal thing was, where it came from, if it was also alive, if it had thoughts and feelings, what its plans were, if they were ruined by this sudden freefall, and so on, and so forth. But interest eventually dies down, the brain (or whatever else one has inside their head) eventually moves on to other things of note, and they just ran out of things to talk about the box. It was a weird thing that happened, and that was that. It's in the past, and what's past is past.

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