I am a Vampire [1]

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Okay, so before I start. This story will all be in McKenna's POV unless indicated otherwise. There will probably be a couple of other POV's but it will mostly be McKenna. I hope you enjoy my first chapter!


Bella's POV

I wake up. My head pounds but when I open my eyes I see every detail, I hear every noise. I am a vampire. I listen to Renesmee's sweet cries in the distance and smile to myself. I have done it.

I slowly get up out of bed as Edward comes in. He sees me awake and relief floods into his expression. He comes and hugs me tight. I look up at him.

"Renesmee," I say. "I want to see Renesmee." Edward shakes his head.

"You need to hunt, Bella."


Edward cuts me off. "No. We have to go to the mountains to hunt."

I reluctantly agree, and we make our way outside. Edward begins to run with vampire speed up the mountain. I almost shout to him that I can't run that fast but then I realise I can. I am a vampire now. So I run.

My bare feet barely touch the ground as I run up the mountain. The cool air feels nice against my skin. We soon reach a forest pool. I look and see a deer drinking peacefully out of it. The wind blows and the only thing I smell is... human blood.

I stand up straight and smell the air. It is one of the most mouth watering smells I've ever experienced in my life.

"Bella, don't." I hear Edward say. I don't listen. I run to the huge cliffs where Sam Uley and his mates cliff-jump. I see a human climbing it in a harness and trying to attend to a recent scrape they recieved. I run up the steep cliff face and jump onto a ledge. I am ready to run again but Edward grabs my wrist.

"Stop. Don't give in." he says calmly. I look from him to the human above me and then back to him. I take my wrist out of his grip and jump down the cliff. I can hear him chuckling from above.

We meet up again at the forest pool and I spot the deer again. I get ready to lunge and hear a soft growl with my sharp hearing. I look to my right and, on top of a small cliff, sits a mountain lion eyeing my lunch. Just as it pounces, I jump and knock it out the way - scaring off the deer, but getting nice, fresh mountain lion blood instead.

"Well done, Bella!" Edward congratulates me. I grin from ear to ear.

We head back to the house, pushing and shoving each other playfully. When we reach the front of the house, I see Jacob. I run up to him.

"Oh my gosh, Jake!" I scream and hug him. As my head is on his shoulder, I take a whiff of his scent. I pull back quickly and he looks hurt. "Wow, Jake, they were right. You really do stink."

Jacob laughs and hugs me again. "Missed you too, Bells."

I turn to Edward. "Can I see Renesmee now?" I ask him. He nods.

I start towards the front door, but Edward takes a hold of my wrist. "Before we go, though, there's something I need to tell you."

I start getting worried, but I tell myself nothing bad has happened. "What?"

"Renesmee has a twin sister. We hadn't seen her in the ultrasounds and we never heard her heartbeat. We don't know how this happened - Carlisle is doing some research - but we know for sure they are twins and both hybrids."

"What's her name?" I ask.

"We haven't chosen yet. We thought we'd better leave that to you."

"Can we go see them now?"

"Yes, let's go." Edward takes hold of my hand and leads me into the house. We walk up the stairs and walk down the hallway towards the lounge room.

When I walk into the warm room, I see Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett and Esme. I also see two identical babies with short brown hair and brown eyes.


Dun dun duhhhnnnn...

This is it! My first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! I'm on a road trip right now so I have a lot of time to write. See ya next chapter!

Hannah 🍭🌻

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