𝟎𝟓: 𝐀𝐰𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬

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"You know," Anthony started, while Thea and her friends sat at a table in the cafeteria. "I find it funny that when people find out that I was a former junkie, they feel the need to tell me about their problems."

Georgia looked confused at that, "Really?"

"I had one of my professors straight up tell me that he hated his family," Anthony said. "And all I could say was, 'have you tried heroin? I guarantee that your life won't get any better, but within a month, your family won't be a part of it.' Like what words of wisdom are you expecting out of your junkie freshman student?"

Sage snickered as he reached over to steal some bacon from Georgia.

Georgia stole some toast from Sage in retaliation.

Anthony always seemed confused by the whole eating off each other's plates thing. "I also learned how much I hate when people justify their addiction. That guy over there?" He motioned to a guy with his head. Thea and her friends looked over. "I know he's an alcoholic, because he tries to justify it."

"How?" asked Todd.

"He said to me, 'you know, eating too much is worse than drinking too much,'" Anthony said. Liberty started laughing. "And I'm thinking, 'yeah, because my brother's ex-girlfriend is a nice woman until she eats to many sandwiches.'"

Georgia was confused, "What?"

"'And after a few patty melts and a large diet coke, she became a totally different person,'" Anthony continued. "'And my brother would have to hide the knives because he was worried that she was going to stab him and he'll end up going to jail for it, because Juniper went on another patty melt rampage. That rye bread is the devil's bread.'"

"Your brother's girlfriend?" asked Todd.

"Ex-girlfriend," Anthony corrected. "Yeah, get a couple of drinks in her and you'll be trying to hide the knives. She was very mean and vindictive." Liberty made a face. "You should see the scar she left on Blake's face. She also told me that I should've overdosed on heroin, that I should've been the one that got murdered, and she told me that I should've got raped in jail."

"Oh, jeez," Liberty replied, horrified.

"My sister, Zoё, was really pissed when she heard that," Anthony said. "It takes a lot to really piss her off. Like, we thought that anger didn't exist in her, but when she heard that, even Juniper realized she had messed up. Like I never saw a woman go pale that fast. I think it had something to do with the fact that Zoё pulled out the Hi Striker mallet from Candy Apple Red."

Anthony's sister had played Velvet in the movie Candy Apple Red. It was about five teen girls going to do a scavenger hunt in an amusement park. Little did they know, it was a trap. They had been lured there by someone who wanted them dead. The movie was kind of cheesy, but the mallet scene where a character got her hand smashed in by the Hi-Striker mallet replayed in Thea's mind every time she saw a Hi-Striker mallet.

It had been one of Lorelai's favorite movies and she and Rory would eat candy apples while watching the movie. Thea wasn't invited to join in.

The movie did fell eventually fell into obscurity.

"What happened?" asked Georgia.

"Let's just say that everyone in my family has done time in jail," Anthony said. "And out of my parents and siblings, I was the one who was in jail the longest. My mom has this tree mural on the wall and has all our mugshots framed and placed on the tree, like some giant family tree thing. It dates back to at least the 1920s. Complete with what crime was committed and with how long we spent in jail."

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