Chapter 10

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Sadie's POV:

I really need this party to destress. This is gonna be amazing the gang is finally back together. What is more important though is I get to be with Caleb again. Rowan and Gaten are dating they made it official last year. I made a bet with Sabrina that they would be together. I watch as Corey pulls into the parking lot of Caleb's house where the party is being thrown. As the car stops we all get out.

"Who is ready to have the best party of all time?" I ask happily

"You know I am!" Sabrina answers excitedly

"Babe this is gonna be so much fun even if I can't drink." Corey smiles telling Sabrina since he's designated driver

"Are we gonna play beer pong?" Caleb asks me

"Yes! You in Gaten and Row?" I ask

"Obviously! We're always ready for beer pong." Rowan smiles as she answers as we all make it inside

As we make it inside Caleb and I go and get the tequila. Sab and Corey go and make some margaritas. While Rowan and Gaten went to put the snacks out. Rowan then pull out her phone connecting it to my speakers I brought as she looks through her playlist. We get all the drinks ready and put them out as everyone starts showing up.

"What song should I put on?" Rowan asks

"Put on "skater boi" by Avril Lavigne!" Sabrina yells

I laugh as Rowan puts on the song. Halfway through the song everyone arrives. We turn up the music even louder and we all start partying.

Maddie's pov:

I have been in dance for three hours now. I have been practicing my solo for two. Now I am practicing my duet with Chloe. She's my best friend here. We both dream of being famous dancers one day. My thoughts are interrupted as our teacher Abby starts screaming.

"Chloe left leg is bent on that Ariel fix it!"  Abby yells

"Maddie right leg bent on the turns fix it!" Abby yells

"Girls restart the duet this time I want it perfect!" Abby yells

As we redo the dance and get to the end we hear clapping. I turn my head to find Abby clapping. I look over to Chloe who stands there still. I'm shocked she has never done that before.

"Girls perfect go take a break tell the others to come in. I want you girls to go home and relax." Abby tells us

"Thank you!" Chloe and I say in unison

As we leave and tell the other dancers to go in the studio. We head to the dancers den and we grab our bags. I look up and see AJ waiting smiling. I roll my eyes and walk up to her.

"AJ can Chloe spend the night?" I ask

"Sure she can! Her mom is cool with it first." AJ answers

I leave to tell Chloe. Once I find Chloe waiting at the reception desk I tell her she can come over. As we head to the car I see Maggie asleep in the back.

"How'd her interview go?" I ask AJ

"It was good she answered the questions very professionally. They should be airing it in a couple months." AJ answers

"So Chloe how long have you known Maddie?" AJ asks

"Since I was six. We have been inseparable since then. We have been duet partners for three years now." Chloe replies smiling

"You guys have a duet for this competition?" AJ asks

"Yes and I think we have a shot at winning." I reply scrolling through my phone

"Can't wait to see it." AJ says smiling

I smile as we pull into the driveway. I rush out of the car with Chloe following me. I watch AJ picks up Maggie carrying her to the couch. I turn to Chloe and grab her hand bringing her upstairs. Once we're upstairs we race to my room.

Sabrina's POV:

As the party continues I look up and realize it's six we have to be home in an hour. I am extremely wasted and so is Sadie. Caleb and her are drunkingly dancing to "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé. Rowan and Gaten are tipsy and failing at beer pong and laughing. Corey and I are making out.

"We should head out we have to be home soon." I say slurring resting my head on Corey's chest

"Okay let's grab everyone and head out." Corey says standing up helping me

Corey, Caleb, Gaten, Rowan, Sadie, and I all pile back into the car.

"AJ is gonna be so mad at you guys. You guys are more wasted than you normally get." Rowan says laughing

"So what I don't care what she thinks. She can't just be in and out of my life and tell me what not to do." Sadie says slurring

"Well she's gonna be extremely mad when she sees you guys are wasted. Especially since you lied saying you were working." Gaten says causing Caleb to laugh

"Not true Sabrina and I are sober as a judge." Sadie says kissing Caleb

"We'll be fine ain't the first time we are drunk. Worse case scenario I'll have Corey carry me inside." I say

"Ain't that the truth. I don't mind babe I will always carry you. Corey says kissing me.

As we pull up into our driveway Sadie stumbles out of the car Caleb has time to sober up so he catches her. I watch Caleb life Sadie into his arms. Corey helps me out of the car. Sadie pretends to sleep as Caleb carries her so she doesn't have to face AJ. Corey helps me walk to the front door. I open the door and we all enter inside.

"Hey guys how's was work?" AJ asks us

"It was good Sadie passed out on the way here. I think Sabrina is a little out of it. We all had a long day filming took forever." Corey answers for me

"Sorry to bother you Mrs Cook but where do I put Sadie?" Caleb asks AJ

"You can bring her to her room upstairs. It's the first door on the left. Thank you." AJ replies smiling kissing Sadie on the head

Caleb goes up the stairs carrying Sadie.

"What's that smell?" AJ asks sniffing me.

"She got a drink spilled on her at the airing party. One of the producers fell and spilt it everywhere. Sabrina didn't have any extra clothes so she had to stay in this." Corey says

"Are you drunk?" AJ asks

"I'm sober like a judge." I slur

AJ looks at me skeptically. Before she can say anything Corey steps in. He always protects me. He knows when to step in before I get in trouble.

"I should bring her upstairs she needs sleep we have another big day tomorrow." Corey says picking me up

"Of course her room is upstairs hers is right next to Sadie's." AJ says smiling kissing my forehead

"Thanks oh I'm Corey by the way I work with Sabrina and that was Caleb who brought Sadie upstairs he works with her." Corey says smiling

Corey carries me upstairs he knows not to tell AJ we're dating. He knows I don't want her to know. Corey gives me pjs to put on and tuck me in. He grabs me a glass of water and puts it by my nightstand. Once he sees I'm settled he gets up.

"Good night princess I love I'll see you tomorrow on set." Corey says kissing me.

"I love you too." I say slurring as I pass out letting sleep consume me.

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