Chapter 22

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Maddie's POV:

I wake up at 5:45 to my phone ringing. It's been three long days of avoiding Sadie. I don't know what I am supposed to do about her self harming. I look at my phone to see a call from Chloe. I decide to text her instead of calling. Everything has been weird and intense lately. I only go downstairs to eat and when I do I bring my headphones to ignore AJ and Sabrina's attempts to talk to me. I am still really mad at both of them. I get up and take a quick shower. Maggie and I are gonna go to the library and hang with a couple of my friends. I walk downstairs to see Maggie and Sabrina at the table. I go and eat ignoring Sadie making her breakfast. I walk to the table and sit down near Sabrina.

"Hey Maddie how'd you sleep?" AJ asks handing me a bowl of cereal making me roll my eyes to myself at her attempt to make things seem normal

"Good I was wondering if Chloe, August, Paige, and Nia could bring Maggie and I to the library today or if we could take the bus?" I ask begging as I start praying she lets us

"Yeah that should be good I have work in twenty minutes. I can pick you and Maggie up when I finish work today. Just message me when you're ready to be picked up." AJ says making me nod smiling that Maggie and I can go see our friends

"Cool I'm gonna go get ready." I say running upstairs to change out of my PJ's

I go upstairs and quickly get dressed. I text Chloe showing her my outfit today. I quickly put on my makeup. I grab my headphones before heading downstairs. Once I reach the kitchen I see Chloe, Maggie, and August waiting in the car for me. I quickly put my shoes on before heading out to the car greeting my friends.

"Hey Nia and Paige thanks for doing coming and doing this it's been weird these past days I think we all needed this hang session." I says hugging Chloe excitedly smiling

I quickly get out of the car as we all rush into the library. I am happy that the group is finally back together. Even though things have been weird at home this is where everything is normal. This is who may I consider my family. I'm glad Maggie likes and gets along with all my dance friends.

"I missed you guys!" I say happily hugging Paige as she hugs me back excitedly

"Yeah three days with Sadie and all her secrets coming out is too much." I state holding Chloe's hand as Paige gives August and Ava her phone and headphones so they can't hear us talk

"I missed you too! Sorry I couldn't come sooner. My mom was being a real drill sergeant with schooling especially since dance keeps us busy. You know how she can be." Nia says explaining as I nod understandingly

"I'm glad the dance group is back together. I literally cannot go another three days in the depressing black hole house without hanging." I say laughing as Chloe puts her arm around me making me smile widely

"We have until 7:00 that's when AJ will track us down and pick us up on her way home from work." I say sadly as Nia hugs me smiling making me relax and feel better

"Why don't we go to our secret room in the back and watch a movie?" Paige suggests making me smile widely

"I brought snacks. They don't have an anything in them cause you brought Maggie." Paige says as I nod understandly letting out a breath of relief

"We will do it next time you better bring the ones that do. If AJ found out I did that in front of Maggie she would banned me from leaving my room. Or from hanging out with all of you guys." I say gratefully that Paige didn't bring the other snacks

"How's things been between you all? You talk to Sadie about what happened?" Nia asks curiously

"Nope. I'm not saying anything til she tries to understand where my anger is coming from." I say rubbing my face stressfully

"Yeah she can't just waltz in with her fake ass explanations and think everything is cool. Especially since she included AJ but not you." Nia rolls her eyes saying as I nod

"Yeah it's been tense. Like a knife couldn't cut the tension between him and I." I state putting my hair on my forehead

"When do you think she will try to apologize again?" Chloe asks knowing Sadie is more than likely gonna attempt to apologize again soon

"I don't know but it better not be tonight. If it is I'm leaving that house." I say shrugging not really knowing what else to say

"Come on let's go relax." Chloe says grabbing my hand making me blush as I smile widely holding onto her hand tightly

We go out back and put on "My Girl 2" it's one of our favorite movies. Once the movie starts we all bite into the gummy sharks. I instantly feel my body start to relax after three long days of it being tense I am finally having fun. Every worry or anxious thought I had about Sabrina these past three days have left my body. Not an ounce of bad feelings left in my head or my body. I lay down on Chloe's lap and just watch the movie. I feel her run her hands through my hair making my body relax even more. This group has always had my back knowing exactly what I need. I don't think I could thank them enough for everything they do for me. I'm glad they always have Maggie's back too. These are the memories I will tell my future kids about and my future grandkids.

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