Chapter 14

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Maggie's pov:

I just finished filming. I was about to walk back to my trailer Sabrina, Sadie, Corey, Gaten, Caleb, and Rowan stop me.

"Hey guys how was work?" I ask

"It was great until AJ showed up." Sadie says annoyed

"She showed up at your set too?" I ask

"She also show up at mine." Sabrina says

"What is her deal who does she think she is?" I ask confused

"She asked me a bunch of question got to know me better." Corey says

"Same." Gaten and Caleb said at the same time

"We should tell her to back off!" Sadie says getting mad

"Whatever shouldn't we go get Mads?" Sabrina asked

"Oh AJ got her." Corey said

"When why didn't you tell me?" Sabrina asks annoyed

"I was going to but you were sleeping." Corey says calmly

"Well wanna get Subway and then eat at my place?" Sadie asks

"Sure!" Corey, Gaten, Caleb, and Rowan said

We all get in the car and get subway. I pass Rowan the bag to hold. I plug in my phone playing "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragon. I look and see Sadie smiling. This song is mine and hers. Anytime I had nightmares she'd sing this to me. Once we make sure Rowan has all the sandwiches for everyone including Maddie and Chloe we head back to the house.

Sadie's POV:

Once we pull up into the driveway Sabrina, Corey, Caleb, Rowan, Gaten, and I all run inside. I start to smile thinking about how we've always raced inside anywhere we went. I look back to make sure Rowan still has the sandwiches. Once I see that she does we walk inside. Once we head into the kitchen I see Maddie and Chloe at the table smiling.

"Hey guys we have subway we got you guys some! Do you wanna come in my room and hang with us?" I ask smiling

"Yeah sounds fun! I have a lot to tell you. There was so much drama today!" Maddie says as she grabs Chloe hand

We all make it up stairs and go into my room Sabrina, Maggie, Caleb and I are on my bed. While Rowan, Gaten, Corey, Maddie, and Chloe sit on the bean bags on the floor. I put on "Video Games" by Lana Del Ray. As the music is quietly playing in the background we all begin to eat.

"How was the car ride with AJ?" Sabrina asks Maddie

"Maddie and I listened to music. No one talked. So it was really quiet." Chloe answers

"Do you think you guys should hear her out? I know you guys won't admit it but you want her in your lives." Corey says

"Yeah Sadie you say crap about her all the time but I remember how you used to cry for her." Caleb says

"Mads you used to tell Maggie all the time on what life was like with her and sure there was bad but there was also good moments." Chloe says

"Are you saying we should forgive her so easily? Act like nothing happen? Give her a clean slate? Fresh start for all of us?" I ask

"No Sades I think they are saying that we should hear her out. I mean shouldn't we know why she did what she did? Everytime some asked why she did that we always lie or act like we don't hear them asking us." Sabrina says

"I don't know if I'm ready for that conversation." Maddie says looking at the floor

"Well ready or not I know as soon as our friends leave AJ is gonna want to have that talk." Maggie says

"Well good thing they're spending the night we have one more night before we have that bullshit talk." Maddie says

"Should we tell AJ we're spending the night?" Rowan ask

"Sure how about Gaten goes and ask since he seemed to be her buddy earlier. You should of seen it he wouldn't stop talking to her. It was like he knew her for years. It was crazy." I say rolling my eyes

"Yeah would you mind doing that Gaten?" Caleb asks

"Sure I'll be right back I'll let you know what she says." Gaten says as he head downstairs

"I'm bored Sadie and Sabrina sing that song AJ used to sing us that you used to sing to me when I had a nightmare. "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls it was called." Maggie says excitedly

"Why that one?" Corey asks confused

"It's what AJ used to sing to us as babies. Anytime we had nightmares and she was home. She would climb into our bed hold us to her chest and sing it til we went back to sleep." Maddie says

Sabrina gets up and grabs her guitar from her room. Once she grabs it she brings it into mine since we're all spending the night in my room. I look at Sabrina and she nods. Once she starts to play Sabrina and I sing the song and right after we finish Gaten enters back into my room. He looks at Sabrina and I with an impressed impression.

"Hey guys she said it was cool. Sadie and Sabrina that was beautiful!" Gaten says as he sits back down on the floor near Rowan putting his arm around her

"Well guys I think we should put on a movie and call it night it's already nine and we have to be up early so we can have that talk before with AJ before work." Sabrina says rolling her eyes

Maddie and Chloe get on the floor sharing a sleeping bag. Caleb and I are sharing my bed. Gaten and Rowan are sharing the bay window. While Maggie has the fluffy giant bean bag and Corey and Sabrina have the couch. We put on the movie and not even five minutes later everyone is sleeping. I see AJ enter the room kissing Mags, Sabrina, and Maddie's forehead. I pretend I'm asleep before she can make it to me and I feel her kiss my head and turn off the tv before leaving to her room. I sigh thinking how tomorrow is gonna go. I close my eyes letting sleep take me over.

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