Chapter 4

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I was waiting in the living room when I saw Matthew walk back in looking pale and by the look on his face the news wasn't good.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Good news there alive." Matthew starts

"What's the bad news?" I ask

"They've been in and out of 28 foster homes in all total....but that's not the worst part there currently at Provo." Matthew says

"What do you mean?" I ask panicking

"There wasn't room for them at any of the orphanages so the judge sent them to Provo." Matthew says

"We need to get them out." I say knowing how bad that place is

"Okay then let's go visit them." Matthew says grabbing his keys

Matthew and I run getting into the car. We have sat in silence for the last five miles. Matthew finally turned down the music and looked at
me. He knows that I must not only be feeling responsible and guilty but knows I am gutted my kids are there. I don't know how it'll end but I know for sure that one way or another my life will be changed forever.

Sadie's POV:

"Alright guys make sure you do your homework read chapter four and five tonight and write a report on what you read." The teacher Maria said

I internally groan great more to do on my work load. This is the only time of day that I feel somewhat normal. The rest of Provo isn't it's like if a school and a prison had a baby but ten times worse. I remember my mom of course I do I was seven when my mom left her. I remember when she would leave and not come back for weeks leaving us with random Nannies. I also remember the nights I spent getting beaten from different foster parents crying for my mom to come back and promising I'd be good. Will I tell my sister this though no. If I tell them it'll do nothing but make them sad. So I keep it to herself as the second oldest I will do anything to protect Maggie and Maddie.

I get up walking out of class this was my last class of the day. I see Sabrina being lined up and I join her. I look around I see Maggie in her line but no Maddie. I can't help but have a bad feeling in my chest. I start to panic and think where did Maddie go?

"Where's Maddie?" I ask Sabrina

"I don't know I haven't seen her all day I've seen you and Maggie and that's it." Sabrina responds

"If we don't see her at lunch then we start to freak out." I say

"I agree." Sabrina says

Sabrina, Maggie, and I walk in our lines to the lunch room. I grab my tray watching Maggie and Sabrina behind me as they walk to the table. I look around and there's still no sign of Maddie. My bad feeling from earlier only grows stronger. I reach the table and sit next to Maggie.

"Maggie where'd Maddie go?" I ask knowing she would know

"It was bad. We were in class. Next thing I know I hear yelling in the hall. I look up and Maddie's on the ground. The older girl Sarah who's been targeting her knocked her out. She said that since Maddie thought she was a star she should see the stars. The guards came and brought both Maddie and Sarah into solitary." Maggie says

"They put Maddie in there!?" Sabrina asks getting mad

"Yes." Maggie says sadly looking at the floor

"It'll be okay guys we've all been there before as shitty as it is at least Sarah can't hurt her more. Maddie will be okay she'll survive. We know she'll keep her head down and wait it out." I say trying to make them feel better. Not even I believed it as I said it.

"Look yeah it's hell there but Maddie's tough we'll see her tomorrow right?" Maggie asks hoping

"I'm sure we will. Sadie's right Mads is just gonna be quiet and wait it out." Sabrina says

Sabrina looks at me almost pleading for me to agree. Knowing between both of us that yes Maddie will be back tomorrow but each time in solitary we lose a piece of ourselves and let's just say this isn't Maddie's first time. We both know Maddie will be quiet for a week, won't eat for another week, and then will slowly start to get back to normal.

"Yeah Mags. Sabs is right. Watch you'll see tomorrow Mads will be back in class." I say

"Okay. No more of this let's eat." Sabrina says changing the subject

Maggie and I nod and start to eat we only have five minutes left until we are back in our separate rooms. We won't be able to see each other til morning. Once we finish eating in silence we empty and clean our trays, do our assigned chores, then we all got back in our lines. Each one of us entering our rooms. I can only pray that someone finds us soon and claims us before we completely lose our souls.

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