Chapter 11

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Maggie's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. As I enter the hallway I see Corey and Caleb leaving Sadie and Sabrina's room.

"Hey Caleb and Corey!" I say excitedly they are like my brothers

"Hey short stuff." Caleb says

"What's up pint size." Corey says

"I missed you guys!" I say

"We missed you too Mags." Caleb says

"Are you guys coming back tomorrow?" I ask

"Yes Mags we will see you tomorrow." Corey says

"Alright bye guys." I say heading to the bathroom. As I head back to my room the I notice the guys have left. I get back to bed and sleep.

Maddie's POV:

I wake up and look over to see Chloe asleep beside me. I have feelings for Chloe but I won't tell her I don't wanna ruin our friendship.

"Morning Mads!" Chloe says

"Morning Chlobird." I say

"Mads can I ask you something?" Chloe ask

"Yeah of course!" I reply

"Do you like me?" Chloe asks

"Of course Chlo you're my best friend." I reply

"No Mads I mean do you like like me?" Chloe asks

"Honestly?" I ask

"Yea I do." I reply

"Good then I can do this." Chloe says as she kisses me

"What does this mean?" I ask

"I hope it means you'll wanna be my girlfriend." Chloe says

"Yes of course!" I say smiling

Just as I was about to say something I hear yelling.

"Maddie can you come here please!" AJ asks from downstairs

"Be right down!" I yell back

I grab Chloe's hand and we walk downstairs.

"What's up?" I ask

"Where are your sisters?" AJ asks me

"They are probably on set working why?" I ask

"They didn't tell me." AJ says

"They never had to tell anyone before. They aren't used to having someone care where they are." I said

"I understand Mads. What are you girls up to today?" AJ asks

"We have dance Chloe's mom is gonna bring us." I say

"Alright see you tonight." AJ says kissing my cheek

I grab Chloe's hand as we walk up to my room to get ready. After we get dressed. I get our dance bags ready. Once we have everything we go downstairs to meet Chloe's mom and we head to dance.

Maggie's pov:

This morning Sabrina, Sadie, and I all woke up early. We met Corey and Caleb outside and we all went to set. Today I'm working on an American girl doll movie I'm in. Corey and Sabrina will be working on Girl Meet World season two. Caleb and Sadie will be working on Stranger Things season three. I immediately walk up to my hair and makeup trailer after getting my first outfit I'm gonna be wearing in the movie on. As hair and makeup finishes I walk out the trailer seeing AJ standing there.

"AJ what are you doing here?" I ask noticing she looks mad

"You guys didn't leave a note saying were you going this morning. I got worried. What time did you guys leave?" She asks

"We left at six I start filming in five minutes." I reply

"Where are your sisters? Are they actually working or are they somewhere else?" AJ asks

"They are on there sets filming there shows." I answer confused

"Who brought you guys here anyway?" AJ asks

"Corey did. He drove Sabrina, Sadie, Caleb and I. He always brings us to work." I tell her

"I don't think Corey and Caleb are such a good influence you guys shouldn't be around them." AJ says brushing a piece of my hair behind my ear

That's when I start to feel my blood boil. Who does she think she is to say that about them! They are my brothers. I've known them longer than I've known her. She can't say that about them. They are my family.

"Okay you know what you don't have the right to tell us who we can hang out with you lost that right when you abandoned us six years ago. As for Corey and Caleb they have been there for us throughout everything when you weren't. They are like my older brothers. You are just gonna have to deal with the fact that they aren't leaving.  If you don't like that then leave it's what you're good at. Now if you don't mind I should go and get ready for my scene." I yell starting to walk off.

I can hear AJ trying to get my attention but I keep walking I don't need this right now. I walk to where we are filming the first scene. I rehearse my lines forgetting everything that just happened. I need to be in the right headset. Once I'm finally calm enough I get ready to film.

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