Chapter 20

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Sabrina's POV:

As I'm in my trailer listening to "When I Grow Up" by NF I slowly close my eyes and start to fall asleep. I must of been passed out for a while now cause the next thing I know I feel someone lift me out of a car and put me in my bed. I know it must be AJ because I recognize the sounds of her heels clicking and the smell of her perfume. I hear her grunt as she shifts me as she opens the door to my room. Once she opens the door I hear her walk into my room straight to my bed putting me down. I feel her slowly pull my shoes off throwing them on my floor and covering me with a blanket. I feel her kiss my forehead as she walks out of the room. I wake up to light chatter in the kitchen and the smell of Italian food. I get up and enter the kitchen.

"Hey Sweet girl how was your nap?" AJ asks smiling brightly

"Okay." I say as I sit at the counter rubbing my eyes

"Where's your husband and my sisters?" I ask confused as I notice it's just us two

"Maddie and Maggie are at therapy my mom is gonna pick them up and drop them off later and Sabrina is at set still and Nathan is at his mom's house tonight. Nathan thought it should be the two of us tonight for supper so you can get comfortable with me before meeting up with your sisters tonight." AJ says and I instantly feel my body freeze up as I start to panic

"I heard you talking to him on the phone in the car plus I found it odd that my sisters aren't here yet. I can hear things when I'm sleeping. I've always been like that. Just in case you want to make a mental note of that." I reply as I watch AJ nod smiling

"I was gonna tell you everything once you got settled in and ate a bit of food." AJ explains making me nod

"So what are we eating? Unless you plan on cooking then I will have to say I think I'll starve. I refuse to eat your cooked food." I say changing the subject remembering AJ couldn't cook much when I was younger she practically burnt Mac and cheese

"I got your favorite things from that dinner down the street. Your sisters and you are always eating from there. I heard you guys talking about it one night. I thought you and I could eat from there." AJ says as she hands me a plate with all my favorite foods making me stare at her in shock

"Sounds good I guess I mean anything is better than when you try to cook. You in the kitchen can be scary. The only thing you know how to make is breakfast." I say grabbing my plate from her hands and eating it

"You are allergic to Apple pie aren't you?" AJ asks making me freeze and stop eating as I put my fork down

"Wait you noticed that?" I ask as I watch her shake her head

"It ain't hard to tell by how you avoided it." AJ says making me nod as I sigh

"To answer your question yes I am. I remember one year I must of been ten my old fosters's ordered Apple pie for one of their kids birthday parties. I never had an Apple pie and decided to try it. Next thing I know I wake up in the emergency room. Doctors said to carry an epi pen in case I eat one again. Apparently Apple pie is all I need to eat to die." I say

"Understood. Sabrina I can see by the way you're looking at me you have questions. You can ask I'll try my best to answer." AJ says rubbing my back

"I get why you kept us a secret it's because you had a career to build and you're older and more successful now which is why you got us back. I have to ask though did you ever try to look for us after you gave us up?" I ask looking at my place avoiding AJ's gaze

"I did. I tried for three years until one day the agency told me they couldn't tell me anything. I remember they told me your sisters's and your's records were confidential and there wasn't much they could do. At that point I figured you were adopted or in a foster home." AJ responds softly reassuring me

"So you actually did want us?" I ask confusingly

"Honey I regretted my decision every day that went by without you all. It felt like a piece of me was missing. You girls owned a big piece of my heart and now that I have you guys back I feel like I can finally breathe." AJ says as she hugs me making me tear up a bit

"I don't know what to call you. I ain't ready for mom yet. I forgive you. I understand now more than before why you did what you did. AJ seems wrong and makes it seem like we're just friends." I tell her as she nods understandingly

"How about A I know it's a nickname for you but it'll be the name I use until one day I'm comfortable enough for mom?" I ask

"I'd love if you did that sweetie. It'd make me happy." AJ responds happily

Once we finish eating we go back to the living room. AJ and I sit on the couch. We're currently watching "Criminal Minds". I have never seen it before. Once the episode is halfway done I slowly scoot my way closer to AJ. I lay my head in her lap. I feel her run her hands in my hair making me slowly drift off to sleep. Before I'm fully asleep I feel AJ cover me with her blanket.

"Go to sleep honey I'll be here when you wake up. I love you. I'll let your sisters know you are napping." AJ says kissing my head

"I love you too A. Thank you for the talk and being honest with me." I respond sleepily

As I'm slowly letting sleep take me over I can't help but smile. For once in ten years I feel loved and wanted. I don't think I ever want this moment to end. I can't help but think maybe this situation isn't as bad as I thought. Maybe for once I can be a kid. I can't help but think I can stop running. I finally feel safe.

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