Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

Sabrina's POV:

I wake up at 4:30 in Sadie's room. I look around to see the guys and Rowan have left. Leaving Chloe the only guest still here. I see a note on my phone from Corey saying they went to get breakfast and will be here at six to bring us to set. I smile putting the note down before getting up.

"Mads, Sades, and Mags you awake?" I ask my sisters

"Yes sadly but if I had a choice I wouldn't be." Sadie says grumpily

"I don't wanna go downstairs cause then we'll have to have that important talk with AJ." Maddie says sighing

"You might as well just go and get it over with." Chloe says sleepily sighing

"Yeah I agree with Chloe. Let's just do this." Maggie says getting up

"Alright then let's get go better not keep AJ waiting." I say standing up

Maddie, Maggie, and Sadie follow me downstairs while Chloe goes to Maddie's room to get ready for dance.

As we all walk down stairs we see AJ sitting at the table. She drinking coffee. The look on her face looks distracted. I look at my sisters and nod reassuringly as we all sit at the table. I look and I can tell Sadie is about to say what's on her mind except this time I don't stop her.

"Well AJ let's hear what excuses you have to say we don't have all day. I didn't wake up at 4:30 for us to sit in silence." Sadie says

"For once I'm with Sadie." Maggie says pointing at Sadie who smirks in response

"Yeah seriously we have been here for almost a month and you still haven't told us your reasoning." Maddie says nodding in agreement

"I think we have the right to know and you said you'd tell us today and we're all here. So can you please just spill." I say getting annoyed

AJ looks at all of us and she takes a deep shaky breath.

"Alright well you better get comfortable because this story is gonna be long." AJ says looking at all of us with a serious expression


"Alright it started in 1999 I just got told I'll be starring in a show called "Higher Ground" and I went to a party to celebrate the good news. While I was at this bar celebrating I met your guys dad. I was partying a lot with him and I ended up pregnant with Sabrina." I say

"Who's our dad?" Maddie asks impatiently

"His name is Hayden Christensen he played Scott Barringer in 'Higher Ground" I last saw him in 2008 when I was filming a movie called "Misconceptions" I bumped into him. We went out for coffee." I say taking a deep breath

"Wait he's our dad?" Maggie asks

"Yeah but the only two who would really remember him are Sabrina and Sadie. Maggie and Maddie you were too young when he'd always come and go." I say running my hand through Maggie's hair

"So what happened that made you leave us like trash?" Sadie asks in an annoyed tone

"With the mental trauma of being in this industry, your dad never showing up and being a dad to you girls, and him not having contact me since I bumped into him, and my busy work schedule I felt like I couldn't be the mom you girls deserved. I thought you'd all be better off without me. This industry really damaged me not only physically but seriously messed me up mentally. I mean with the pressure to be and look perfect or to always work, being pinned against other girls for roles, and casting directors making you think you're not worthy to be casted. Once Sabrina hit nine my mental health was at an all time low. I was working and abandoning you guys leaving you with nanny after nanny I was not being the mom you girls truly deserved. So I did what I thought was best and I gave you girls away thinking you'd get a loving home with two parents. Instead of a broken home with barely one. If I knew that wasn't the case I would have kept you all." I say looking at the girls rubbing Sadie's back as she looks away from me

"So why did you decide now out of all the years you could have come back to do it now?" Sabrina asks

"Once I heard you were in Provo. I knew you never got the home you all deserved. I was gutted. I knew I had to get you out of there." I say holding Sabrina's hand as she quickly moves her hand away

"Where does this leave us now?" Sadie asks

"What do you mean?" I ask

"What Sadie means is are you gonna keep us or just throw us away when your life starts falling apart again?" Maddie ask looking me in the eyes

"I made a mistake the first time I promise I won't do it again." I say

"Actions speak louder than words. You gotta show us you mean it then sitting here promising it." Maggie says making me nod

"Anyway thanks for this talk but we have to go get ready our friends will be here to pick us up we'll be back at five tonight. Maddie and Chloe are coming with us the studio is on the way to set." Sabrina says as the girls all walk to the staircase climbing to their rooms. I can't help but hope that they can understand why I did what I did. It may not have been the best solution but I was desperate. I just hope one day I can earn back there trust and they can call me mom again. I know one thing is for sure I will never leave them again.

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