Move-in Day

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It's the end of the day, but Katsumi doesn't want to go home. Besides the whispers and the stares, she can confidently say that today was great. She made a whole group of friends, and without her knowledge, she attracted the attention of someone who didn't know he had the attention to give. As the bell rings and everyone gets up, Ochaco and Momo walk out with Katsumi. Instead of walking in the same direction, she walks the other way towards her house. She didn't know that there were dorms since Kaji still lives at home. Her older brother doesn't really have friends, so he didn't see a point to stay in a place with people he didn't like.

As Katsumi opens the door, her mother runs up to hug her.

"How was your dad, sweetheart?" Aiko asks.

"It was great! Well not at first, but I made a group of friends that don't entirely hate me." Katsumi laughs. She tries to take a bad situation and turn it into something enjoyable. Yes, she may have been talked about and sneered at, but she overcame her worries and made friends.

"Oh Mama, apparently there are dorms you can live at while attending the school. Here's the form." Katsumi opens her bag and hands her mother the form discussing the moving details. Katsumi really hopes her mom allows her, but her mother has never been away from her daughter for a long period of time before, and now she's moving? Katsumi knows it's a long shot, but she's willing to take it. Her mother reads over the forms with a concentrated look. She doesn't know what's going on inside Aiko's head, so she waits. Aiko looks up and gives her daughter the form back.

"So... can I go Mama?" Katsumi asks sweetly. Hopefully if Katsumi puts on an innocent act, her mother will give in.

"I don't know sweetheart. I mean you'll be away all week, and maybe even on the weekends. Besides, I'll have to buy you new furniture and that all adds up."

"No you won't! The beds are provided along with some basic things like a desk, lights, tables, etc.. And I'll bring all my old decorations along so you won't have to buy anything new. I'll come home on the weekends, and talk to you every night. Please Mama? I really want to go and experience what's it like to live with everyone else." Katsumi hopes her pleading and being the only daughter can sway her mother into letting her move in.

"I'll have to talk to your father about this Kat. Whatever he says will be the final decision."

"But I thought Papa was away on business?"

"He's coming home tonight to hear all about your experience at UA. He made sure to get everything taken care of at work. He'll be home tonight in time for dinner. While we wait, how about you go and complete your homework." Aiko hugs Katsumi tight, knowing what her husband is going to say. She's not afraid of her husband, she just knows that what he decides will be the best decision for their children.

Katsumi goes upstairs to do what her mother instructed her to do. After a while, she hears the door open and shut. She notices the time and sees that it's around dinner time. She jumps up and runs downstairs.

"Hey Katsu! How is my little Flame doing?" Kenshi bear hugs Katsumi tight. Katsumi hasn't seen her father in weeks, due to him being overseas for a possible new client. She knows not to cry in front of her dad, because he doesn't like for his children to show weakness. Not that he thinks crying is weak, but he knows that soon, she won't be able to cry at all.

After the father-daughter reunion, Kaji gets home. The only person Kaji is close to is his father, so seeing him broke Kaji out of his shell a bit.

The family sits down at the table. Both Katsumi and Aiko know what the other is thinking. Reluctantly, Aiko brings up the dorm situation.

"So, Kenshi... Kat has the opportunity to stay in the UA dorms while attending. You probably already know my stance on it, but you're her father. You make the final call."

Silence fills the air. Kenshi is a loud individual, so being quiet is rare for him. Katsumi looks at her mother, and points towards her dad with her eyes saying, "Go on". Aiko opens her mouth to speak, but Kenshi's hand silences her.

"Is this something that you want Katsu?" Kenshi asks.

"Very much Papa. You know I want to take every opportunity I can."

"Then it is decided: you may move into the UA dorms."

Katsumi squeals in delight and jumps up to hug her dad. "Thank you thank you thank you, Papa!!"

"Can you be a little quieter, I'm trying to finish eating so I can leave." Every time Kaji opens his mouth, it's to always put down other people's happiness. Katsumi rolls her eyes and sits back down. After the meal, she runs up to text Ochaco and Momo about recent events.

Katsumi: "You guys!! I can move in!"

Ochaco: "That's great! When??"

Momo: "I'm excited for you. It really is a fun place to live."

Katsumi: "Tomorrow after school. My parents are going to pack for me while I'm at school."

Momo: "I can ask Kaminari and Kirishima to help move you in."

Ochaco: "And I'll ask Izuku to help!"

Katsumi: "Who's Izuku?"

Momo: "Someone who Ochaco likes..."

Ochaco: "I don't like him Momo. He's just a friend.."

Momo: "Yeah a friend whom you have a crush on."

Ochaco: "Is it that obvious?"

Momo: "Everyone knows girl."

Katsumi laughs at Momo outing Ochaco's crush on this kid Izuku. She's glad to finally have some girlfriends to talk boys with.

Katsumi: "Well thanks for all the help. I need to get to bed. Cya tmr at school."

Ochaco: "Bye!!"

Momo: "See you tomorrow."

Katsumi gets ready for bed. As she lies down to close her eyes, she thinks about today; how people gossiped about her, to her overcoming her embarrassment, and to how she made friends. To her, nothing could steal her of her happiness. She falls asleep, and dreams blissfully.

*The next day, after school.*

Katsumi stands in front of the dorms, and she sees her friends waiting. Momo, Ochaco, Kaminari, and Kirishima wave to Katsumi, and a short boy with greenish hair is also there. "This must be Izuku" Katsumi thought.

Katsumi walks up to them. "Are you the one Ochaco talked about?" Ochaco snaps her face towards Katsumi, and says with her eyes "Stop talking. Right now."

"Oh I guess so. I'm Midoriya Izuku. Nice to formally meet you." No wonder Ochaco likes him, he seems friendly, and easy to talk to.

Aiko and Kenshi Takeda walk up behind Katsumi and introduce themselves. All of Katsumi's friends introduce themselves as well. As the group walks up the steps, the boy with pale blonde hair watches as they walk inside. Katsumi feels him staring and look back. The boy snaps his face away and walks in the other direction. "Hmm that was weird" Katsumi thinks, but she soon forgets all about it. Her entire focus is on how she can finally live out her dreams.

Once Katsumi gets settled in and her family leaves, she leaves her room to explore. As she turns the corner, she bumps into the same boy she saw earlier.

"Watch where you're going, dumbass." The boy retorts.

"Excuse me?"

"What? Are your ears not working?"

"Uh they're working just fine. Thanks for asking."

"Then move." The boys pushes past Katsumi. She sighs and comes to understand not everyone will accept and like her. Suddenly, Katsumi challenges herself something: to befriend that beast of a boy to prove to herself that she can become friends with anyone, even someone like that. Today's moving day was a success for Katsumi, and she found a resolution for herself. As each second passes, Katsumi becomes more and more excited for her new adventure.

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