Task 2

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Only two students failed Task 1: Mineta and Koda. Mineta struggled with offense and adaptability and Koda didn't defeat the robot quick enough. If they complete Task 2 and have good enough scores, then maybe they won't have to attend summer classes. 

For Task 2,  class 1-A will complete a hostage scenario, rescuing a dummy from villain hideouts. Groups of three will be randomized by a machine. The groups are as followed:

Group 1: Izuku, Ochaco, and Ojiro

Group 2: Bakugo, Eijiro, and Aoyama

Group 3: Iida, Tsu, and Katsumi

Group 4: Todoroki, Ashido, and Tokoyami

Group 5: Jirou, Sero, and Hagakure

Group 6: Denki, Shoji, and Momo

Group 7: Sato, Mineta, and Koda

Now that all the teams have been made, All Might reveals the situation, and what they will be graded on. Each group will have to overcome obstacles, villain robots guarding the "hostage" and limited time. The group will be tested on teamwork, effective use of the combination of quirks, problem-solving skills, and just like the last task, this task is timed. The groups will go in the order they were called, so Katsumi's group will go third. She hasn't trained with Iida and Tsu before, so she doesn't know just how much her quirk can benefit theirs, but she does have a good understanding of each quirk thanks to class training.

Katsumi starts thinking of how they can effectively use each quirk to their advantage, and to safely extract the "hostage" from the villain robots. She starts thinking about how she can utilize Iida's speed and Tsu's frog-like capabilities. Group 1 and Group 2 go, and before they knew it, it was Group 3's turn. 

Iida, Tsu, and Katsumi all head downstairs and are given the rules by All Might. They are also given earpieces to effectively communicate to each other. A 20-minute clock appears on the window of the control room, reminding Group 3 just how much time has passed. All Might comes over the intercom. "Ready? GO!!!" and Group 3 is off. 

"Okay, let's take a squat and strategize for a moment. First, we need to find where the villains are hiding. Iida, I want you to use your speed to scout out the area, and Tsu, I want you to use your camouflage and wall-climbing abilities to go behind Iida, ready to relay information back to me. Since I don't have your speed Iida, or your abilities Tsu, I won't be any help trying to find the hostage." The other two group members nod, and head off in one direction, with Katsumi following slightly behind, in case enemies attack. 

Soon, Iida spots the enemies in a nearby window, and Tsu climbs up to see how many enemy robots are present.

"Okay. That building on the corner to our right is where they're located." 

"I saw five enemy robots guarding the hostage, but some can be in the actual building waiting for us." 

Katsumi nods, trying to come up with a plan.

"Okay, Tsu you fling me in the window first, then I want you to come in after me. Iida you'll be last to come in. I want you to run up the wall. We're not going to head straight in, but a couple of flights down. Unfortunately, we can't tell how many are below them, so we're gonna have to stay on guard." 

Tsu flings Katsumi in, and Katsumi shields her face with her arms as she crashes into the window. Next comes Tsu, and then finally Iida, all climbing in after Katsumi in the hole that she made. They decided to enter higher up, incase villains are more populated on the lower levels, probably thinking they would walk right in. The plan was solid, but it did create noise to alert the robots where the three of them are located.

Traps were mentioned in the rules that All Might explained earlier, so Katsumi has Tsu go ahead, disarming them with her tongue and jumping. Iida also goes ahead, drawing away some of the villains away from the main path to the hostage. Katsumi stays behind and readies her blades. She quickly draws one of them, and uses her swordsmanship to disable the robots. She decides not to use her flames so the sprinkling system doesn't activate. Good thing mastery of the blades is like second nature for Katsumi, so she cuts through the robots, and any traps left behind.

The three of them do this up the 3 flights that's distancing them from their target. Once they reach the hostage, they quickly take a deep breath. 

"Good work everyone!" Iida says to Katsumi and Tsu.

"Without your quick thinking, those robots might've overwhelmed us." Tsu and Iida both high-five Katsumi, and she blushes.

"Okay, now it's time to rescue the hostage. There are 5 robots in there, and I will take care of them. Iida use your engines to make contact with the hostage, and Tsu I want you to take out any obstacles that might be in your way as you escape the room. I'll be down as quick as I can."

"Are you sure you can handle 5 robots? I mean, that's a lot for one person." Worry washes over Iida and Tsu's face, as they relay their concerns.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Since they're robots, I don't have to worry about not killing them. I want you to get out first, so I don't injure the hostage. Although the hostage is a dummy, we still have to treat this if it were real life. Once you escape, I will create a fire barrier so the robots can't follow. Tsu, I want you to take out the sprinklers with your tongue so they don't activate and extinguish my flames." 

"Okay." Iida and Tsu say at once. They believe in Katsumi, and know that this is the best plan. At once, the three of them charge in the room. The robots are taken aback at this surprise attack. Iida fires up his engines and reaches the hostage. He quickly grabs the dummy, and Tsu whips her tongue at the robots to keep them out of the way. She also aims at the sprinklers, having them fall to the ground. 

Once they leave, Katsumi produces two swords of fire, and throws them on either side of the door. The swords connect, creating a barrier that only Katsumi can walk through. The heat from the flames is hot enough to melt the exterior of the robots, so they stay back. Now, Katsumi takes two swords out of her sheath, and gets in close, picking them off one-by-one. Katsumi's swords slice through the air easily, taking down each robot. All the work Katsumi has accomplished, especially the training against Bakugo, is proving successful. It doesn't take long for Katsumi to take down each of the robots. She runs through her flames, catching up to Iida and Tsu on the floor below them. 

"Great work Kat!" Tsu says. Iida nods his head in agreement.

"Now, for the task to be officially over, we need to take them to where we started." Katsumi looks out one of the windows, and sees that they have 5 minutes left. 

"We need to hurry if we wanna pass." The group goes back to the floor they landed on, and Iida hands the dummy over to Tsu. 

"Wrap your tongue around the dummy." Iida instructs. Tsu wraps her tongue securely around the dummy, and heads down first. Katsumi climbs on Iida's back as he runs down the side of the building. Once they landed, they quickly run back to where they started, to finally finish the test. 

As they make it back, Katsumi notices that they finished with 3 minutes to spare. A loud buzzer goes off, indicating that the task is complete. 

"Woohoo!" The three of them shout and hug in congratulations. 

As Katsumi is walking back to the control room, she smiles proudly. She thinks about what her mother and father would say, and how happy they would be at her. Although her relationship with her brother isn't the best, she knows he would be happy too. When she walks in the room, her friends run up to her and congratulate her.

"It was a team effort. We all did it." Katsumi motions towards Iida and Tsu, knowing that they combined their quirks effectively.

The other groups head down when their number is called. As Katsumi watches each group, she is grateful she was put in an amazing class that she can proudly call her family. Although there were hiccups, she knows that no matter what, everyone has each other's back. 

Just like with task 1, two groups failed this one. Group 5 and 7 both failed for lack of effective communication, time limit issues, and failure to combine quirks. Mr. Aizawa will announce who will stay for remedial classes over the summer, and who won't. Katsumi knows that she passed (it's that ego talking), and she starts to plan her summer vacation. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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