6: I Rescued a Prince, He Was Not Happy

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"Welcome to Renverie Academy!" Ms. Mara made a big gesture with both of her arms. It was as if she was trying to hug a giant. But that's not the point, the point was how big the auditorium was. It wasn't as big as the Painted Palace but It seemed like half the size of it. Instead of wooden chairs, I saw velvet couches arranged around a stage. This school was fancy.

Ms. Mara faced me and put her arms on both of my shoulders like she was giving me a pep talk. "Listen, what's your name?" She asked. That's when I realized she didn't know my name or what to call me.

"Aurelia..." I whispered.

"Well Aurelia," Ms. Mara's face softened, "How do you feel about the name Aurelia Mara? Because from now on, I am adopting you. I'm your new guardian, so feel free to call me Auntie Mara if you aren't comfortable with calling me mom."

My jaw dropped, she wanted to adopt...me? "Eh?" I cleared my throat, "It would be nice to have you as an auntie, but what about my cousins?"

"Already taken care of," Ms. Mara smiled and removed her hands off my shoulders, "They will be waiting for you at my household after you take the test to get in"

My head snapped up in surprise, "There's a test?" I was panicking, if it was about history, I'd be okay but if I was required to do anything athletic...

"Oh, these clothes aren't suited for the occasion right now," Ms. Mara ignored my question. Ms. Mara snapped her fingers and my clothes changed from a red lace dress, to a light outfit. I now wore a velvet long sleeve and pants. And I had a similar dark brown belt tied to my waist like Ms. Mara.

"Why do I even need this? Is it for the entry test? What's the requirements for the exam?" I looked up at Ms. Mara after analyzing my new clothes. Ms. Mara inhaled and exhaled like she was preparing me for the worst.

"Well yes it's for the test, it's not that hard. All you have to do is take a written test and..." Ms. Mara smiled nervously, "Slay a dragon"

So there I was, 2 hours later, sitting in my chair after taking the exam. And completely scared about what was to come. After Ms. Mara left, someone escorted me to a classroom. I have to admit, the test wasn't that hard. In fact, I was one of the few to finish first. I had to wait for everyone to finish before the slaying of the dragon. I was not excited at all. I was sweating. Oh no, what if it was hot because the universe was sending me a sign that I was dragon toast?

As I sat at my desk a girl who was sitting next to me leaned over. She had curly dark brown hair in the shape of a cloud. And her skin was a beautiful brown, almost like dark chocolate. She wore pink from head to toe, from her pink headband to her pink shoes, she also had pink eyes, which kind of surprised me a bit.

"Hi, I'm Esme Rinaldi" She held out her hand for me to shake and raised her eyebrows, in a kind of sweet way.

I took her hand, "Aurelia Mara." Then I noticed her golden pocket watch.

"You're a Chorus Child too, I see" She smiled, she must have noticed mine too, "I'm the reincarnation of Cupid, and no, I will not pair you with your crush. I can only see possible love and guide people to become couples, not force them on eachother. I hate it when people ask me to do that for them."

"Uh...I don't have any crushes," I replied frankly, "I only found out I was Diana's reincarnation 45 minutes ago."

Esme's eyes widened at my statement, "I like you already, tell me more about yourself." So I did, I'm pretty talkative when I wanna be.

"Okay I want everyone who hears they're name to proceed to the stage/arena" A man with a pile of black hair that was underneath a gray beanie, said. "I am Mr. Carson, a Vice Principal here at RA, and if you hear your name it means you barely passed the test, so be lucky you're alive right now." I bit my nails nervously.

Aurelia the RebelliousWhere stories live. Discover now