5: What Are Chorus Children?

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"Allow me to explain," Ms. Mara's voice shifted to a more serious tone, you know, like the way a grownup clears their throat when they need to explain something serious to you. It's as if kids don't understand anything at all, it was always so unnecessarily patronizing.

"Everyone knows about the 13 voices of creation and their children." Ms. Mara darkened the room once more and began tracing her hands in the air to form words out of light. The light was blue, and it was so bright it felt like it could blind me. Ms. Mara began to weave a list in the air.

1st: Endeara: Voice of Death

2nd: Munara: Voice of the Moon

3rd: Estella: Voice of the Stars

4th: Hannah: Voice of the Sun

5th: Clarana: Voice of the Clouds

6th: Wendara: Voice of Weather

7th: Snow: Voice of Winter

8th: Flora: Voice of Spring

9th: Coral: Voice of Summer

10th: Fauna: Voice of Autumn

11th: Emana: Voice of Emotion 

12th: Anima : Voice of Animals 

13th: Gaia : Voice of Life

"Yeah," I nodded, "They each contributed to the creation of the realm in their own way. And even though they weren't related, they shared a special bond." I remembered being absolutely fascinated when Chance gave me a book about mythology.

Ms. Mara formed a skull symbol out of the blue light she had conjured, "Endeara was the first voice to be born, she was born from the universe to create balance. But was lonely for a bit so she prayed to the universe to have some company."

Ms. Mara shifted the light to form a crescent moon. "That was how Munara came to be the next day, and she brightened up the universe. After that, more voices of creation kept on coming and kept on contributing to the creation of the universe. Until the last voice, Gaia, came. Everything changed after Gaia was born, she created humans, mermaids, animals, pixies, etc."

I nodded, knowing what was going to come next. "That was when the Voices started pairing with mortals and how Chorus Children came to be. They weren't as powerful as the thirteen voices, but they were definitely more powerful than mortals. After the first Chorus Children died, Gaia knew that they would be reincarnated. But the reincarnation process has been dormant for the past eight hundred years." Ms. Mara finally finished.

"I still don't get it, we're not special... we're commoners..." Grayson frowned. Sonya and Oscar nodded in agreement. I knew what Grayson was saying and where he was coming from. I was always told I wasn't special. Everyone told me I was just a peasant, but that never meant I couldn't do anything worth paying attention to. So instead of remembering the doubtful words, I tried to memorize every advanced word spoken to me.

"I'm not just a commoner." I found myself saying out loud. "We're not just commoners. We're anything but common." Ms. Mara glanced at me. She didn't look offended, she didn't even look like she pitied me, she looked intrigued. Evianna spoke up.

"Of course. Everyone is special. Yet why do people spend their whole lives trying to stand out?" Queen Evianna asked her question softly. She didn't direct it at me though, she was staring into space. "I'm sorry for asking that, ignore me. You were saying, Vivian?" But I couldn't help but think about the Queen's question.

"Perhaps, it's because no one has taught them what 'special' means." I murmur. And who really could? Special had a relative meaning.

"Well," Ms. Mara continued talking, "Endeara had three kids; sons, to be specific. Phoenix, Ash, and Laro. Phoenix had the ability to conjure up fire, and was the most favored son. Ash could incinerate anything to ash 3 times a day ONLY. While Laro had the ability to make things melt into lava." I scoffed because I felt bad for Ash, since he had such a weak power.

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