9: Rumors + Red Scale

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So, science class with Ms.Twain was interesting. I could tell she was really passionate about science and nature. Ms. Twain was enthusiastic, she talked loudly and used a lot of hand gestures while doing so. I didn't mind, or I tried not to. Everyone deserves a chance to be heard out while talking about their interests. And that's what I came here to do, I was here to speak and listen to others in hopes of learning more. It explained why she and Ms. Mara were friends. They were even just as eccentric as each other.

"I should take Aurelia!"

Apparently, we were supposed to learn more about the subject of communicating with plants. I didn't know people with magic were capable of doing that. Then again, I didn't know much, I only knew what I read from books.

"No. You've had enough time with her!" Sierrah replied in a passive-aggressive manner. I got snapped out of my thoughts by Sierrah tapping my shoulder. "Aurelia, what do you think? Who do you want to go with?" I considered shrugging, but that wouldn't help with anything. I took time to think about it.

Esme was nice, the nicest perhaps, but it was Sierrah who considered even asking for my opinion.

"I guess I can work with Sierrah for this assignment," I decided out loud. Esme opened her mouth and made another offended gasp. Sierrah nodded encouragingly, giving me a winning smile.

"Come on, Esme." Storm pulled Esme away from me and Sierrah, leaving us to our own devices. Sierrah turned to me, and grabbed my hand. She brought me to a table and I plopped myself onto a marble stool next to her.

"Now, Aurelia, you seem like a cool girl." Sierrah spoke to me, but didn't face me. Sierrah reached for one of the many tools on the table, fiddling with each one. Sierrah ended up using a dropper to add little amounts of a potion that would be beneficial in talking to plants. There's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say. "But I must ask, why do you want to go to Revenrie Academy? It doesn't seem like you want to be here."

"You hit the mark, congratulations." I told Sierrah bluntly, I noticed her eyebrows lifted up a little. I sighed. "The only reason I'm here is because I'm looking for a better future. I also want to be able to impress my older cousins and everyone around me. I want to prove that I'm more than just a commoner and slash or a little girl, y'know? And this seemed like the best place to do it." Sierrah nodded seriously. "What about you?" Sierrah shrugged.

"Parents. Been told and lectured about this place the minute I was able to comprehend speech. " Sierrah paused, "Look, my parents love me. And even Adriel's parents love him. And they want what's best for us. They're not, like, abusive or anything." I nodded, I wasn't even thinking that. "Well," Sierrah put the vial down and began stroking the plant's leaves, "I'm glad I came here now." Sierrah turned to me and flashed a reassuring smile, I couldn't help but smile back.

"Cousin stealer, attention seeker, thief, literally a criminal..." I could hear Adriel muttering from far away, it was very annoying. He was left to be partners with Sofia Spree. It was surprising, I thought everyone would flock to him, but people were afraid of Sofia for some reason. Sierrah told me that if anyone was spoiled, it had to be Sofia. That was one thing she and Esme agreed on. Sierrah also complained about how Esme was just assuming things. I just nodded and smiled, not knowing how to respond to her complaints.

When it was lunch, Adriel approached me while I was reading an interesting textbook about the history of magic that Aunt Mara had packed for me. I was sitting on a bench in the Eastern Courtyard by the fountain. I actually liked this place, everyone was playing, while I was in the quiet corner. The tree shade was nice. After hearing the dialogue from Esme and Sierrah fighting, it was nice to have peace for once.

"I don't get it," Adriel said, which kind of startled me because I didn't realize he was standing there at first.

"Get what?" I tried to act confused by raising my eyebrows and such, but I actually was more focused on my book and finding out how to tell if a dragon was agitated or relaxed.

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