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𝙑𝙞𝙙𝙮𝙪𝙩' 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

As I stepped into the room, my entire body froze at the sight before me. There he was—a man holding Advika in a tight embrace, and she stood there, emotionless as always. My chest tightened, and anger surged within me, boiling hotter than anything I’d ever felt.

Before I could process the scene, the man’s next words hit me like a punch to the gut: "I know your husband can never satisfy you the way I used to, right?"

I roared, my voice echoing in the room, "What the hell is happening here?!"

Everyone turned to face me—my family, Advika, and that man. And for the first time, she looked at me with an emotion I hadn’t seen before: hurt. Why was she hurt? What did I do to deserve that look from her?

My voice dropped, but the fury didn't leave my tone. "What's going on?" I asked, my gaze fixed on her, demanding answers.

The man smirked as he swaggered toward me. "Oh, so you’re the great Vidyut," he sneered. "The man who forced my Advika to marry him. Don’t worry, I’m here now, to take her away from you—to where she truly belongs, safe and happy."

My fists clenched so tightly that my knuckles turned white, and the room seemed to close in on me. I looked at Advika, hoping—praying—for her to say something, anything, to deny his words. But she remained silent.

It was then that my mother, standing nearby, spoke in a voice filled with concern. "Beta, see what he's saying. He claims to be her lover and even gave us these pictures."

I snatched the photographs from my mother’s trembling hands, and my eyes widened as I saw them—Advika in that man's arms, hugging him, kissing him. My vision blurred with rage, but beneath all that fury, I felt something else—something that tore at my very soul. Pain.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This had to be a lie—it had to be. I trusted Advika. I knew she could never do something like this. But I had to know the truth.

I approached her, my voice a low growl. "Advika, what is this?"

She looked at me, her eyes steady, and asked, "Do you believe this?"

For a moment, I wanted to scream 'no,' to tell her I didn't believe any of it. But then, doubts crept in, and I knew I had to force her to speak the truth, even if it meant saying something I might regret. I gritted my teeth and asked, "Did you really have an affair behind my back when I wasn’t there?"

Gasps echoed around the room, and I saw the hurt and anger flash through her eyes. But then, just as quickly, she wiped it all away, her expression turning cold and emotionless. She let out a bitter chuckle, one that cut through me like a knife.

"You are no one to ask me this question," she said in a voice so calm it was terrifying. "You have no right to ask."

She turned to walk away, but I couldn't let her go—not like this. My anger exploded, and I lashed out, knocking over anything within my reach. Glass shattered, and pieces flew everywhere as I screamed, "So this was the reason you handed me that contract on our wedding night, wasn’t it?"

She froze mid-step, her back still facing me. Her silence was like a knife twisting deeper into my chest.

"I want answers, Advika!" I shouted, my voice echoing off the walls.

When she didn’t respond, I let my rage pour out. "So, this is why you said you don't believe in love? Because you wanted to marry him, but I forced you into this marriage out of my damn ego?!"

She turned around slowly, her face set in a cold mask. "You’re not in the right state to hear anything from me right now, Vidyut," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Calm down before you do something you'll regret."

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⏰ Last updated: 18 hours ago ⏰

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