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Not again. Not again. Not again. I'm in such an awful situation. She is coming. Today itself. Today. I'm walking back and forth in my office. Everything was going better. Now she is arriving. Not again. She is too annoying. Such disturbing. She is my fiancé. I can't believe she's coming here today of all days. I thought I had a little more time to prepare for her visit. She always manages to ruin my mood with her constant nagging and complaints. I don't know how I'm going to survive the day with her around. I need to find a way to keep my cool and get through this without losing my mind.

The thing is, she is Mr. Brenett's daughter. She is Mr. Brenett's daughter, so I need to be extra careful about how I handle the situation. I do not know what has happened to Mr. Brenett. Why did his mood get ruined? I don't know. I don't have any answers. But I want it. I want to help them both in any way that I can. Our deal is still on, and I will do everything in my power to make sure it is upheld. I promise to never let them down. Mr. Brenett seemed to be disappointed the last time we met. I do not want to break the deal with him. On the other hand, I can't help but face his annoying daughter.

She always seems to be lurking around, ready to cause trouble. But I must remain focused on my mission. I need to figure out what is going on with Mr. Brenett and why his mood has changed so drastically. Maybe if I can gain his trust, he will confide in me, and we can work together to solve whatever problem is plaguing him. I will not let his daughter or anyone else stand in my way. I am determined to see this through to the end, no matter what obstacles may come my way. She acts childish. But I do know that she enjoys power. Wealth. All the things I have. I will not allow her to take any of it from me. She thinks I don't know any of it.

But I do know. Everything.

I have track of every person residing in this town. Their past information, age, and present. I also have those updated reports on them. I have statistics on every individual and their daily activities. The individuals who are my slaves. I get regular information about my men too. Their movements and whereabouts are always known to me. I have spies and undercovers roaming the whole city. But one thing I'm failing to find is the whereabouts of the missing citizens. In the process of the demolition of the towns, multiple people were killed, and those houses were wantonly destroyed. But the stats say different.

The statistics could not explain the disappearance of more than forty percent of people. There are many theories revolving around it. Mr. Brenett says they have been building an organization to target us. I have heard Ethan say that they possess some kind of supernatural power. But all of this is nothing but nonsense. Utter nonsense. But somehow, I agree with Mr. Brenett's theory. He's a wise old man. Perhaps there is more to it. Perhaps there is a hidden agenda behind the destruction of the towns and the disappearance of so many people. Maybe Mr. Brenett's organization theory isn't as far-fetched as it seems. As I reflect on the events that unfolded, I can't help but wonder if there is a larger, more sinister force at play here. Only time will tell if we can uncover the truth behind these mysterious occurrences.

I can see Ethan walking the length of the door outside my office. I give him a sound alarm for him to enter. He enters my office. He offers his usual bows and greetings, but there is something different about his demeanor today. I signal for him to sit down in the chair opposite my desk. He hesitates for a moment before finally taking a seat. Ethan is different from the other members. Unlike the rest, he is more reserved and contemplative. He is also somewhat of a well-wisher for me. He often goes out of his way to help me with tasks without expecting anything in return. I like him. Perhaps there is no one like him.

He hesitates before speaking. I show him a look of frustration so that he might speak up. And he does.

'Sir, your fiancé will be arriving at the helipad half an hour later,' he says.

I can feel my blood flowing through my vessels. I try to keep calm. I try to keep my nerves calm.

'So?' I ask without showing any emotion. But inside, my heart is racing. I can't believe she's almost here. I take a deep breath and thank my assistant before quickly making my way to the helipad to meet her.

This is all nonsense. All I do is for the sake of Mr. Brenett. I'm too focused, and I do not want to spend my time on such useless things.

As the helicopter lands, I can see her stepping out, looking as elegant and composed as ever. Despite my internal turmoil, I manage to keep a straight face and greet her with a polite smile. I quickly escorted her to the waiting car, all the while wondering how I got myself into this situation. But as we drive away, I know that I will do whatever it takes to ensure Mr. Brenett's satisfaction, even if it means dealing with her. I give her a bouquet of roses, and she appreciates it.

I can feel the tension in the air as we make small talk during the car ride. She is observant, picking up on my unease, but she doesn't let it show. I admire her ability to remain calm and collected in any situation. As we arrive at Mr. Brenett's estate, I can't help but feel a sense of relief that this encounter will soon be over. However, I know that this is just the beginning of a long and challenging journey ahead. I take a deep breath and steel myself for whatever lies ahead, determined to see this through to the end. I will not give up, no matter how difficult it may get. I step out of the car, my heart racing with anticipation and nerves. Mrs. Brenett gives me a reassuring smile before leading me towards the grand entrance of the estate. The imposing building looms over me, but I square my shoulders and follow her inside, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. I remind myself that I am strong and capable, and I will not let anything deter me from my goal. With determination in my heart, I take the first step towards my destiny.

I know that I have the power within me to overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

As we enter the foyer, I am immediately struck by the opulence of the surroundings. The marble floors gleam under the soft glow of the chandeliers, and the walls are adorned with priceless works of art. Mrs. Brenett leads me through a series of ornately decorated rooms, each more lavish than the last. I can feel the weight of expectation pressing down on me, but I refuse to let it overwhelm me. I have worked too hard and come too far to let my nerves get the best of me now. I take a deep breath and steel myself for whatever challenges may lie ahead. As we reach the grand ballroom, I see a crowd of elegantly dressed guests mingling and sipping champagne. Mrs. Brenett whispers words of encouragement in my ear before releasing my hand and leaving me to navigate the sea of unfamiliar faces. I stand tall, reminding myself of my worth and the reason I am here. With a determined look in my eye, I step forward, ready to prove myself in this intimidating but exciting new world.

I make my way through the crowd, introducing myself with confidence and engaging in small talk with those around me. I feel a surge of adrenaline as I push past my initial nerves and start to enjoy the thrill of networking and making new connections. As the night progresses, I find myself laughing and sharing stories with newfound friends, realizing that I belong in this world just as much as anyone else. I am grateful for Mrs. Brenett's wise words and for pushing me out of my comfort zone, as this experience has opened doors to endless opportunities and possibilities.

It's evening, and I'm back in my office. I'm too tired to lay awake. But I've got multiple tasks to perform before the end of the day.

I receive a call. Call from Ethan.

I pick it up.

'Sir, we have found something in the abandoned warehouse' he says with determination in his voice.

I put on my suit and rush for the door.

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