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It's cold outside. Too cold. I'm walking in the dark fields outside my boundary. I can hear the wind howling through the trees. The cold wind is bleeding through my chest. I can feel the chill seeping into my bones. I wish I had worn a thicker jacket. I can't feel my fingers anymore; they're completely numb. But I need my body to cooperate in this cold. I told Ethan it would take some time for me to come. The warehouse is outside the border comprising my building. The warehouse. The warehouse. I think. I think it's this way. My head is becoming heavy. Not because of the thoughts but because of the cold. I make my way through the moist grasses..

This part of the land is mainly underdeveloped. Most of the poor workers live in houses stationed one to two miles or more from this place. It's a long and tiring walk, but it's worth it for the fresh air and open space. I met with one of my soldiers along the way. He's done, but he doesn't have the right to question me. So I get along my way. I'm wondering what Ethan might have found while exploring this forested region. Anand could be hiding in a forest. Ready with a gun to shoot. No. It's not possible. I've got reports to prove that Anand was nowhere near this forest during that time. Anand could have entered this region during the night, just as I do now. I need to stay alert and keep my eyes peeled.

As I continue through the dense forest, the leaves crunching beneath my boots, I can't shake the feeling of being watched. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I grip my rifle tightly, ready for any sign of danger. The trees loom overhead, casting eerie shadows that seem to dance in the dim light. I push forward, determined to find any sign of Anand before it's too late. The silence of the forest is deafening, broken only by the occasional hoot of an owl or rustle of leaves in the distance. My heart pounds in my chest as I scan the undergrowth for any movement, my senses on high alert. Suddenly, a twig snaps behind me, causing me to spin around, my finger poised on the trigger. But it's just a rabbit darting across my path, and I let out a shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves. I press on, knowing that time is running out and that I need to find Anand before it's too late.

I can see some flashes of light from a distance. That must be my man. But I must not resort to deadly force unless absolutely necessary. I walk slowly, hiding my way in those tall grasses. I must find a peaceful resolution to this situation. I take my pistol out of my hand. I'm unarmed this time. One bullet, and I will be dead. But I love taking risks. I love to. So I must proceed with it. I must proceed with it, no matter the consequences. I slowly make my way towards them. This time, I'm sure they are my men. I can see Ethan lunging towards me. My men are surrounding the warehouse. The warehouse is about to be taken down.

The warehouse was abandoned long ago. Some of the reports indicated that the leftover people who had disappeared were living in it and had access to it in some sort of way. I couldn't risk it. I'm the most powerful leader in this whole area, and I can't risk it. I have guards surrounding it at night. Also in the morning. But this time we are back at the same old warehouse.

'Sir' he bows and starts, 'we have found some footsteps here of human nature that are not of our soldiers'. I think for a moment. This area is moist, and it catches footsteps. But not of ours. I have designed special boots for my men who are on duty here, such that no footsteps catch here. Same boot, which I'm wearing now. There are no footsteps from our men. Then it must be one of those outsiders. Or of Anand. I narrow my eyes, considering the possibilities. Anand was a skilled infiltrator, known for his ability to move silently through the night. If it was him, he could be a threat to our mission. I make a mental note to keep an eye on him. As for the outsiders, we would need to increase our security measures to ensure they didn't interfere with our plans. I give the order for a thorough search of the area and to report any suspicious activity immediately. The success of our mission depended on our ability to keep our movements undetected.

'Show me those footsteps, Ethan' I ask him. He leads me towards the main door and concentrates his light on some footsteps. I focus my eyes on those steps. I bend down on my legs. I carefully examined the footprints, trying to determine who had been there before us.

'This isn't the footsteps of any outsider,' I say, and Ethan gives a nod. No other high-skilled men come here. Also, no outsiders. There's a bit of a possibility for Anand to come here. But from the look of these footprints, it seems like he hasn't been here either. We continue to scan the area, looking for any other clues that could help us in our mission. Suddenly, I spot something glinting in the corner. I motion for Ethan to come closer, and together we uncover a small piece of fabric. It's a clue, but to what? We're not sure yet. We pocket the fabric and move on, determined to solve the mystery of who has been here before us.

I'm perplexed. Even if it's not Anand, someone did come here. But who? This is a highly prohibited area. No one could enter it without my permission. This property comes under my jurisdiction. The night is becoming too cold. My legs are shivering. After a few minutes of searching, I'm exhausted. I must go. It's already late. It might hamper my sleep patterns. I need to rest and prepare for tomorrow.

As I make my way back to the safety of my home, my mind continues to race with questions. Who could have been here without my knowledge? What were they looking for? And most importantly, why did they leave behind a piece of fabric as a clue? I can feel the weight of the mystery pressing down on me, urging me to find answers. Tomorrow, I will return to this spot with a fresh perspective and a determination to uncover the truth. But for now, I must focus on getting some much-needed rest before the sun rises once again.

I need answers to my questions.

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