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I'm eating peacefully. The meals taste better. This time. Every other time I had meals, I was so accustomed to it that I had lost my taste. But now, I savor each bite, noticing the intricate flavors and textures of the food. It's like I'm experiencing a whole new world of taste sensations that I had been missing out on. I now realize the importance of being present in the moment and truly appreciating the simple pleasure of a good meal.

The sound of the plates whipping against each other runs through my ears. I'm not at all lonely these days. Rhea keeps me occupied most of the time. She has feelings for me. I don't want to hurt her in any way possible. Even though I do not feel the same. I try to get a glimpse of her eating by my side. She's eating peacefully, just like me. I am relaxed. Everything's so peaceful and serene in this moment. I can feel the warmth of the food in my stomach and the contentment of being surrounded by good company. Rhea's presence brings a sense of comfort and companionship that I have been missing for so long. As we sit together, enjoying our meal, I can't help but feel grateful for this simple yet profound moment of connection and shared happiness. It's moments like these that remind me of the beauty of slowing down and savoring the little joys in life.

But is it all? It's been merely three days, and my men haven't seen a single trace of Anand. I fear he might be teaming up with those hidden people. He has wealth. He can easily overthrow any other man. Except me. I'm not the one to fall prey to him. I'm different. He knows it very well. I am overwhelmed by thoughts. I complete my lunch and head towards the hallway. I can feel Rhea coming in my direction.

'Hey' she says in a voice I find humorous. I turn around and face her.

'Yes?' I say it in as gentle a voice as possible.

'Can you...' she stops. ' Umm, come to my room once?'.

I nod. Already, I was going to be wasting my time on superficial thoughts.

'Yes love?'.

'You know that we are going to be married very soon, right?'.

'Yes love'.

She hugs me tightly. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach right now. I run my hand through her hair and kiss her forehead. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, love," I whisper. Rhea smiles and pulls me closer. "I love you more than anything," she says softly. As we stand there in the hallway, wrapped in each other's arms, I know that my future with her is going to be filled with love and happiness. Yes. Yes.

I am sitting by her side in her room. She is staring out of the window at the majestic view of the city. This side is pleasant for viewing. It isn't too awful. It's a dozen times better than that. No. I need to take control of my mind. I have multiple tasks to do. I can't spend my day like this. I need to analyze those shares. I stand up. She's still looking at me. I don't want to hurt her. But I still don't feel the way she feels for me. I walk out of the room. Walking faster than usual.

My mind is racing with thoughts of the tasks ahead. I need to focus on analyzing those shares and making important decisions. As I walk down the hallway, I can still feel her gaze on me, but I know I need to prioritize my responsibilities. I can't let my emotions get in the way of my success. I enter my office and sit down at my desk, ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. I take a deep breath and open my laptop, pulling up the latest data on the shares I need to review. As I start to delve into the numbers and charts, my mind gradually shifts away from thoughts of her. I remind myself that my career and financial success are my top priorities, and I need to stay focused on that. I block out any distractions and begin to make calculated decisions based on the information in front of me. Today, my work comes first.

I need to make my visit to the science lab. Today. Now. I'm again walking in the corridors. I reach for the elevator and make my way to the lab. The lift stops with a slight jerk. This floor is exceptionally surrounded by soldiers. I can't take any risks on this floor. I put on a pair of gloves before entering the lab. I fix my suit. I wear a black mask on my face, which I always have in my pocket. I'm standing outside the door, and the door opens automatically. The temperature is normal here.

I can see some men in those laboratory suits coming towards me. They bow down. I nod my head. I'm looking for Liam. He's in charge here. One of the men in the lab suits points towards a door on the far end of the room. I thank him silently and make my way towards the door, my heart pounding in my chest. As I approach, the door slides open automatically, and I step inside. Liam is standing in the center of the room, surrounded by various machines and equipment. He looks up as I enter, a small smile playing on his lips. "You made it," he says, relief evident in his voice. I nod, ready to begin the mission we've been planning for weeks.

I glance around the room, taking in the high-tech gadgets and monitors that line the walls. Liam gestures for me to join him at the control panel, where he begins to explain the details of our mission. As he speaks, I feel a surge of excitement and determination wash over me. Together, we are going to make a difference and achieve our goal. I listen intently to Liam's instructions, committing every detail to memory. The weight of the mission ahead settles on my shoulders, but I am determined to see it through. With Liam by my side, I know we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. As we finalize our plans and prepare to step into the unknown, I am filled with a sense of purpose and anticipation. Today, we will make our mark on the world.

Our mission is clear, and our resolve is unwavering. With Liam's guidance and our shared determination, we are ready to take on any challenge that comes our way. As we gear up for what lies ahead, I can feel the energy and anticipation building within me. Together, we will make a difference and leave our mark on the world. Liam leads me towards a small room. I enter the room only to be surrounded by two other scientists. The room is small, though. The temperature is hotter here. I feel like sweating. I take off my blazer.

'This room is unusually hot,' I say.

'Yes. We operated this machine a few minutes ago, so the radiation levels are still high,' Liam responds. I nod, understanding the situation. The two scientists start explaining the details of the mission we are about to embark on. Despite the heat, I feel a surge of determination and excitement coursing through me. This is our chance to make a real impact and contribute to something greater than ourselves. I am ready to face whatever challenges come our way, knowing that we have the skills and determination to succeed.

So the plan is genuinely great. We have been trying to locate the disappearing civilians. Reports suggest they have been taken captive by a rogue group of rebels who are using them as leverage for their own demands. Our mission is to locate their hidden stronghold and rescue the hostages before it's too late. As the scientists outline the plan, I feel a sense of urgency and purpose wash over me. This is our opportunity to make a difference and bring hope to those who have been suffering. With our team united and prepared, I know we can accomplish this mission and bring the missing civilians safely back home. Only to be exploited by us.

Let the mission begun.

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