Chapter 8: Alice Owens

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"I could use some rest too," I assert, making sure that my needs are heard too.

When I tried to get out of bed to get a warm washcloth for myself, I could barely walk, which meant that I needed a break as well. It feels good, there's no doubt about that, but it'll be better in the morning when we sleep.

After chugging some water and getting some amount of clothes on (mostly because we're both paranoid about a fire starting and having to run out of the apartment which neither of us would want to do naked).

My head lays on his chest as we lay together in a comfortable silence, no need for either of us to say anything. My right leg is thrown over both of his, my body curling up into him.

My eyes flutter closed, the sound of his breathing lulling me to sleep.

It's about eight in the morning when I wake up to the smell of coffee filling my apartment. I turn my head to see Nick sitting up in my bed, using the pillow he used to prop himself up, and drinking from the hot cup of coffee in his hand.

He scrolls through his phone, typing away too, probably responding to messages from the other Devil's Rose MC members asking where he is.

Unable to help myself (he just looks so damn cozy to cuddle with), I move my body so it's in between his legs, my head rests on his stomach, and my arms are wrapped around his waist.

I hear - and feel - him chuckle as he sets down his phone and begins running his fingers gently through my knotted hair.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine," he grumbles out, his voice thick and rough from sleep.

God, that's so hot I can barely think.

I sigh and breathe him in.

"What time is it?" I ask in a whisper, not wanting to puncture the moment with my voice.

"About nine in the morning. We were up pretty late last night."

I feel the ache between my legs, and although it's slightly annoying, I'm pleased with how I got in. Not being able to walk right today is fully worth it.

"I didn't even realize," I reply, putting my hands under my chin to get a better angle of Nick.

"My watch had to tell me this morning. Record calorie loss yesterday," he notes with a chuckle, sweeping his thumb over my cheek.

"Ugh, I'm so glad that it's Sunday," I say, starting a new conversation because in the morning I can't seem to have the capabilities of holding just one.

"It's Monday, sunshine," he responds, his eyebrows scrunched together in a way that tells me that I'm an idiot, and he has to be concerned about how stupid I am.

I fly out of bed, forcing to him to cover his coffee with the palm of his hand. I run around my room, gathering clothes and desperately trying to ignore the ache in my legs.

"I can't believe you didn't wake me up early! What's wrong with you?"

He only laughs, smirking from his sexy position on the bed.

"It's not funny, Nicholas! Now I only have to get ready for work and show up late and then people are going to ask why I was late and then I have to come up with a lie and we both know I am a terrible liar!"

But he doesn't say anything in reply, just letting me run around like a mad woman until I have to sit back down on my bed half-dressed and in need of a breath.

"I texted Hazel that you're in need of another day to relax. She said that she was thankful that you're finally taking a day off," he says matter of factly, but I can hear the hint of mischief in his voice.

"I'm taking a day off? And you let me run around my bedroom like a crazy person? Yelling at you?" I answer as I turn to face him, my eyes pointed directly at him.

"It was funny," he shrugs, smiling up at me, "you're cute when you're flustered."

"You stupid, stupid man. Get out. Get out, get out, get out," I huff, standing in frustration.

He sets his coffee on the side table and crawls toward the edge of the bed. He sits down, legs spread wide, eyeing me.

"Baby, please. Don't be mad," he rasps, giving me those delicious sex eyes.

"You're such a jerk," I sass, but I know that I'm giving into any of his demands the moment he says them.

I'm not giving that away though.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise. Sit on my face," he practically begs, and just as I knew I would, I push his shoulders down with no force so when he flops down on the bed, I know he wants it.

I leave his shirt on, one we should probably wash, but peel off my underwear (another thing I need to wash). He groans out at the action, palming his cock. He's not getting anything from me when it comes to that.

He's going to have to figure that one out for himself due to the soreness that I feel and as punishment for stressing me out. I move around the side of the bed cause it seems easier to straddle him that way.

Nick's eyes don't leave my body once as I get onto the bed and throw one leg over his head. It takes me a second to line myself up with where he wants me, but once I do, I awkwardly settle myself down on his mouth.

But he has no hesitation about what's happening which helps me relax. As does the steady grip he has on my hips. His tongue works wonders on my pussy, moving exactly as his fingers do, in the ways I want.

And as my arousal gathers, all thoughts of restraint leave my mind. My orgasm runs through me, twice, before Nick is finished, and I'm surprised that I've still got anything left in me.

We both take a much-needed shower, separately because my shower literally cannot fit two people, and I watch Nick try to find his shirt but run away once he starts thinking about accusing me. I cannot lie, and he knows this.

This means he will automatically find out that I hid it in my closet - it's not like he actually needs it - the second he gets into the shower.

But I don't think he minds since he has a hoodie that he can wear when he leaves which he will have to do soon because he does have to work today, unfortunately.

Although it's not at the bar but in Devil's Rose headquarters, not that I know exactly what he's doing there. That information is for the few privileged enough to know. It's probably something stupid though, like filing.

What I can't believe is on the day he calls me out of work, he's leaving me. What am I supposed to do with this time?

I should clean my sheets. That's exactly what I should do. And binge-watch Psych while I'm at it.

Nick strides up to me, hoodie on and motorcycle helmet in hand. He lays the helmet on my couch as he kneels in front of my relaxed body.

"No, I can't take any more head. I need a break," I whine, pushing his head away from me.

"Sunshine, I wasn't about to give you head," he replies with a chuckle.

"Then what are you doing down there?" He holds out his arms for a hug, and it occurs to me that he knows all my soft spots.

I try to convince myself that I hate when people touch me. And for the most part, I do when it comes to strangers which is reasonable for any person.

But hugs from a person I know, it's my weakness. Even though I try to stay dark and mysterious, if anyone I know asks me for a hug, I will never say no. It's physically impossible for me to.

I lunge out to him, letting myself fall into his arms. I tuck my nose into his neck and breathe him in. He wraps me up tightly and continues to hold me. He's so warm.

I want to stay here forever, clutching onto him like a koala bear.

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