Chapter 14: Scorponok

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3rd Person POV

With Sincline

Staring up at the massive, Deathstalker-like titan, three things crossed through Sincline's mind: This is Cole's fault; his secret was probably going to be revealed given the size of the scorpion-like machine; and... why is it that every 'castle' he fights ends up transforming?!

A metallic groan echoed across the mountain as the giant scorpion's head turned to face them. A click, and its tail raised, energy gathering at the tip.

"Move it!" Sincline shouted. Seizing the back of Cole's jacket, he flung the younger teen out of the trench and flipped out after him seconds before Scorponok fired.

A flash of light, and a ray of energy lanced down from on high and plowed into the trench. A shockwave tore through the air, and a massive crater the size of a city block was ripped into the ground.

"...seriously?!" Cole shouted, staring up at the massive mech in astonishment as Scorponok began advancing toward them, crawling down the side of the mountain as its pincers snapped eagerly.

"Cole, get to the Milano," Sincline ordered, a pair of scimitars flashing into his hands as he assumed a fighting stance. "I'll draw its attention."

Cole blinked, gaping at him. "But—!"

"Oum, damn it!" Sincline cursed. His sensors flared, and he rolled to the side as a second beam lanced down, slashing a line between him and Cole. A moment passed, then two... and a chorus of explosions ripped the ground apart, throwing Sincline and Cole away from each other.

Sincline, having been closer, was thrown through the air and into a stone pillar with a loud crack, the pillar shattering upon impact as his Aura absorbed the blow.

Cole got lucky and, before he could hit the ground, managed to raise his Imperial Phantasm, angling it toward the side. "Away!" he shouted and felt the Imperial Phantasm's invisible grip settle around him as he was yanked off course, the deviation decreasing his speed. Hitting hard, he rolled to his feet just in time to see Sincline flip out of the way, dodging a third beam that hissed underneath him.

"Cole, get to the Milano!" Sincline repeated, pushing himself up. "I'll keep this thing off you as long as I can!"

Cole hesitated, wanting to argue... and that's when a pair of energy bolts flew overhead and slammed into Scorponock's helm.

"Hell yeah!" Jace called over the speakers as the Milano flew out of the clouds. Its guns flashed as it unleashed a second barrage on the massive scorpion-like mech, causing it to cover its head with its pincers to protect itself. "Come get some!"

Pulling the triggers, Jace fired, and three more shells pinged off the massive scorpion... which lowered its pincers, revealing four dual cannons: one pair on each 'forearm' and two pairs on its back. "Oh, come on!"

"Get out of there!" Sincline shouted... and the creature fired, unleashing four beams of brilliant energy that arced toward the Milano. Luckily, Jace managed to dodge, swerving the Milano into a corkscrew (and giving Mira a heavy sense of nausea as he did so). Undeterred, Scorponok continued firing as it raised its tail, taking aim while it rained shells of energy around the Milano, much to Cole's confusion.

Why isn't it trying to hit them? Cole wondered... only for his eyes to widen seconds after Sincline came to the same realization. It's corralling them!

"Jace, pull up now!" Sincline shouted... but he was too late. Even as he thrust his hand out, scimitars bursting into existence, Scorponok locked onto the Milano. Streaking through the air, three of Sincline's scimitars embedded themselves up to the hilt in the tip of Scorponok's tail milliseconds before it discharged a fourth jet of brilliant energy.

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