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Aadyaa's first day in her new home after the pehli rasoi was both daunting and filled with expectations

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Aadyaa's first day in her new home after the pehli rasoi was both daunting and filled with expectations. After bidding farewell to Natasha, she found herself alone with her mother-in-law, Shivangi. Shivangi, with her sharp eyes and commanding presence, began assigning Aadyaa various tasks around the house.

It was nothing short of grueling, both physically and mentally. As she moved from task to task, she found herself battling not only the chores but also the discomfort of her traditional attire and jewelry.

"First, Aadyaa, make sure to sweep and mop the entire house thoroughly," Shivangi instructed firmly. "Then, collect all the laundry and sort it properly. You'll need to wash them, dry them outside, and some will need ironing as well."

Aadyaa nodded nervously, feeling the weight of Shivangi's expectations settling on her shoulders. She moved through the tasks methodically, trying to remember all the instructions her own mother had imparted to her before marriage.

As she was about to start sweeping, Shivangi called out again, "And Aadyaa, make sure you also clean the windows and dust the furniture. I don't want a speck of dust anywhere."

"Yes, Maaji," Aadyaa responded, feeling a bit overwhelmed but determined to meet the expectations.

Suddenly as she moved forward with the tasks, The heavy saree she wore, chosen by her mother for its marital significance, weighed her down. The intricate fabric, beautiful yet cumbersome, clung to her skin, absorbing her sweat and making her feel trapped. Every step she took felt encumbered, the weight of the saree pulling at her with each movement.

Her ghoonghat, or veil, which she had dutifully kept in place, was particularly suffocating. It hung low over her face, obstructing her vision and making it difficult to breathe freely. The fabric felt stifling, sticking to her damp forehead and cheeks. Each time she bent down to sweep or mop, the ghoonghat threatened to fall forward, and she had to keep adjusting it to maintain her modesty.

The bangles on her wrists, once her favorite adornments, now felt like shackles. The jingling sound, which had always been music to her ears, became an incessant noise that grated on her nerves. The bangles clinked with every movement, reminding her constantly of their presence and the expectations they symbolized.

Her anklets, which she had once loved for their melodious sound, now seemed to mock her. Every step she took was accompanied by their jingle, a constant reminder of her new status and the duties that came with it. The sound that had once brought joy now felt intrusive and irritating.

The waist chain, which she had admired for its delicate beauty, now bit into her skin with every twist and turn. It seemed to tighten around her waist as the day wore on, adding to her discomfort. The chain's presence felt more like a restriction than an adornment, a symbol of the traditional roles she was expected to fulfill.

Despite the physical discomfort and the overwhelming tasks, Aadyaa kept moving. The fear of disappointing her mother-in-law, Shivangi, spurred her on. She swept and mopped the floors, her muscles straining with the effort, sweat trickling down her back. The ghoonghat made the task even more difficult, obstructing her view and making her feel claustrophobic.

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