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"Feel free to do anything you want, unless it's to cause darkness of course." Haerin teased as they entered the house. "Okay!" Minji replied cheerfully then tackling Haerin down to tickle her until they were on the floor. Minji loves doing that to Haerin, for some reason, she only does that to Haerin.

Laughs and giggles filled the quiet house, they can't help but to enjoy the time they were having. "We should practice now." Haerin reminded Minji that they were supposed to practice, and not tease each other. "Yes, ma'am." Minji gave Haerin a playful salute before chuckling again.


"When you walk or even just stand, make sure your shoulders are straight, your chest open, and also chin up." Haerin helped Minji position her body, she placed her hands on Minji's shoulders to fix them in place, then held her waist to maintain a good posture. "There you go, now just lift your chin a bit." Haerin spoke as she placed her fingers under Minji's chin and lift them up. Their eyes caught each other, both sparkling and shining. After arranging her posture, Haerin walked back to look at Minji up and down, making Minji feel flustered. She never had someone to look at her that way neither the feeling she felt when Haerin's eyes moved up and down.

"Now, try walking." Haerin broke the silence, Minji followed, she kept her posture and walked confidently as if she was already a model. "You're a natural! You didn't tell me you can walk like that!" Haerin admired how Minji walked so perfectly, her hips swaying with her hands, her shoulders slightly moving, and her beautiful long hair that complemented her body. Haerin watched Minji in awe, she was amazed by how she aced it easily, but mostly because she looked irresistable.

"Ugh! Why are you so pretty?!" Haerin groaned, her expression soon softened when Minji looked at her straight in the eye. "You found me pretty?" Minji asked innocently. "I- yeah... you guys all are." Haerin tried to save herself from getting caught.

She started having butterflies when Minji is around, the feelings were slowly coming back after their interactions, but this time, it was stronger. She knew she can't like her now, she already has Hanni. She doesn't want to ruin their friendship. All she could think about was how she was wrong for leaving Minji on read. If she just took a little bit of her time to reply, maybe they would end up together.

"Well, you're beautiful too! Now let's practice walking together!" Minji smiled happily and held Haerin's wrists to start over and walk together. "I should do this, right?" Minji asked while she held Haerin's waist, pulling her close to her. Haerin was out of words, so she just nodded. They walked in their pretend runway which is the living room, and practiced their poses together. For their last pose, Minji went behind Haerin, holding her hand outwards with Haerin's other hand on her jawline, while Minji's other hand gripped on Haerin's waist gently as they gazed into each other's eyes.

The two could feel the tension building up, they soon got off each other and took a break. "I'm definitely feeling like a model now, thanks to you." Minji teased and poked Haerin's chest making her look like a blushing mess. "You're turning red, are okay?" Minji asked worriedly before placing her hand on Haerin's forehead. "N-no, I'm fine, thanks." Haerin shook her head as she removed Minji's hand from her forehead.

Minji soon fell asleep while Haerin just watched her intently. "I tried to get you back, but I was too late." Haerin sighed, barely a whisper, she was staring at her first love. Her first love who once loved her so much, her first love that showered her gifts and affections, her first love who now keeps giving her mixed-signals... or she's just delusional like you guys? Just kidding.

10 minutes later, the cat-like girl also fell asleep. When she woke up, she found herself lying down on Minji's lap, with a blanket covering both their legs. "You're up." Minji smiled at the girl below her. "I-I didn't mean to fall asleep!" Haerin quickly sat up and apologized, she was amused when Minji giggled instead of doing something else. "Why do you always apologize? I told you, I'm always here when you need me, or atleast someone." Minji sat properly and turned to look at Haerin who looked guilty.

"I should go now, thanks for teaching me, and letting me sleep here." Minji chortled before hugging Haerin who was caught off-guard. "Sure, n-no problem." Haerin nervously chuckled while Minji hugged for 10 whole seconds. After that, Haerin led Minji outside and bid their goodbyes.



Why does she keep me thinking that we still had something special? Sigh, I'm not supposed to like her, not again. I don't know why I kept on coming back to her. Is it because she's my first? I can't keep this feelings to myself anymore, I have to tell someone.

"Yeah? Why'd you call?" Dani picked up her phone. "I have to tell you something." I spoke, I was getting nervous on what her reaction will be. "Go on, I'm listening." She simply replied. "I'm starting to like Minji again."


"Calm down! Sigh, I don't know... her gestures still gives me the butterflies and I'm trying to avoid her, okay? I know she loves Hanni and Hanni loves her too. Dani I'm trying my best to not love her anymore! I don't want to ruin what we have right now..." I let my feelings out, not realizing that a teardrop fell from my eyes.

"Sigh, Haerin- I know it could be hard to move on., but just keep on going, alright? Hyein and I will be here for you, we'll help you get through it, together, okay? If you want us to find someone for you, then we will. Honestly, I find that girl code number 1 is so stupid, and why does it only apply to girls??? I think no matter who you like or love, you should go for it, of course it's unless they already have someone. But, if ever they broke up and Hanni is fine with you dating Minji, then go for it, besides, you were each other's first love and you had something. So I'm guessing she broke that code as well? Lol. But hey, we'll always be here for you guys."

Danielle's support made me less sad, I actually found it funny when she talked about that girl code, I don't know if Hanni knew the thing between me and Minji before, but if she does, then I agree with what Danielle said that she may have broken that rule, doesn't matter for me though, as long as a person loves someone, they should go for it.

After talking for almost an hour, we decided to sleep and rest for tomorrow.

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