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Today is Saturday night and Haerin is planning on going out for a coffee at Bo's. Finally decided to boycott Starbucks huh? Anyway, support Palestine!



The weather at night wasn't always this cold, so it's perfect for some coffee. Normally, I would prefer tea over it, but I'm giving it a try. Besides, it's been a while since I went out to spend some time on my own.

As I got out of my car, I walked in and took my order. "One Caffe Latte, and a slice of Dulce De Leche Cheesecake, please." I looked down to take my wallet and when I looked up, I saw...


"Hi, Haerin."

"I didn't know you're working here?" Marcus could be a troublesome guy, but sometimes, he turns into someone opposite of him.

A gentle guy that looks innocent.

"Yeah, guess I never told anyone about that. But now you know." He chuckled. Seeing this side of him is actually kind of nice, he looked warm and cheery.

"Anyway, may I ask for your name? Ma'am?"

"Shut it, you literally called me a while back." I rolled my eyes playfully and looked for a seat. I sat near the huge glass window, where the rain is visible, some bushes outside, and a lamp that gives me comfort.

As I waited for my order to arrive, I took out my phone and took pictures. Yes, I love taking pictures to post on my feed. What? Can't a girl share her moments in life?

A group of people talking suddenly entered, when I looked up, I saw Minji with her family. Her older brother with his girlfriend, two of her little brother and sister, her mom, and her dad.

She managed to see me and did a little wave with a small smile on her face. Haha, cute.

"Here ya go! Enjoy!" Marcus swooped in cheerfully and winked as he placed my order on the table. "Thanks, you're weird today." I chuckled out as I wiped the knife and the fork with a tissue.

"Whaaatt? I've always been like this, what do you mean?" He placed his hands on his waist and asked sassily. "You're not the usual Marcus I know. The one who always make trouble, lacks of respect, basically the Marcus who's got a huge ass pride on himself." I spoke facts. I really hated the real Marcus, he was a disaster to everyone, goodness.

"Oof that hurts, can't I change?"

"You know what, you really should. But I think you have to be in this café in order to have that attitude." I laughed out as he did the same.

"I will, and not only inside here. I'm going to change myself, Haerin."

"I wish you will stick to that." I was amused by his statement, I rolled my eyes playfully again.

"Excuse me? Is anyone working here?" I heard a low female voice spoke at the cashier. It was Minji.

"Welp, gotta go back. See ya around, Hae." I gave him a nod in response and devoured my food... cutely and neat of course. I didn't wanna make myself look like a pig.

Why did I feel like I'm shaming a pig???? Pigs are cute, so don't hate me. They're messy eaters though, still cute.



"Minji, isn't that Haerin?" My mom asked. She knows about our childhood past, she doesn't know that I already have a girlfriend though. I'm not sure how to tell her that I have Hanni already, she was kinda rooting for me and Haerin to end up when we were younger.

"Yes, ma. Why?"

"Call her here! She's all alone, and besides, it's been a while since I've seen her. She's all grown up and beautiful now, are you two together already?" I choked on my own saliva and cleared my throat.

"AHEM, n-no."

"Why not? You don't have a lover yet!" After that, mom stood up and went to Haerin.

Oh nononono.

"Haerin-ah! Do you still recognize me? I know it's been 7 years since we last saw each other because I left the country for work, but oh my! You're still the sweet Haerin that I know, just more mature and all grown up now." They talked for a while, until mom finally came back...

With Haerin by her side. Great.

"Hello, Haerin." I smiled awkwardly. "Hi."

"How are you? How is my Minji doing, huh? Is she a nice girl to you? Tell me, so I can teach her what to do." Mom asked Haerin.

"I'm doing great, auntie. Minji is also doing excellent at school, she's smart, talented, and the best heartthrob I know there is. She takes good care of her friends, she even took me out for ice cream because I got one mistake on our quiz!" Haerin giggled as my mom listened, fully invested in what she's saying.

Hearing her say those things about me made my heart flutter...

"Haerin, since I only have a week before going back to America, why don't you come with us on a beach trip? Your school announced that you will have 1 week of break, right?"


Please come please come please come!

"Yes auntie, but are you sure you want me to come with you guys? I mean, it's not that I don't want to come, but because I might just be another burden for you guys..." Haerin is so wrong to say that she's a burden, she's always a bundle of joy to people.

"Nonsense! Besides, Minji wants you to come too, right? Minji?"

"I- uh, yeah, of course! Why not?" I replied, trying to control myself as I got nervous. "It's settled then! You'll be coming with us! Minji will pick you up tomorrow morning at your house, and we'll stay at the beach for atleast 3 days and 2 nights."

It feels weird that this is happening, but I'm kinda excited anyway. I just hope Hanni won't be mad about this. Should I tell her about this? I mean, I shouldn't keep it a secret, or else we can't learn to trust each other.



Minji told me that she was out with her family tonight, I don't wanna bother her while they're hanging out since her mom just got back, so I'm here, playing my guitar and listening to some music.


Huh, a message from Minji.

"Hi babe, so... I told you that we went to a café, right? Well, we saw Haerin there and my mom really missed her, and she asked Haerin to come with our family trip this school break. Haerin didn't say yes or no, but she said she didn't want to be another burden, my mom asked her to come anyway and she can't do anything about it anymore. Is that alright with you?"

Is it alright with me?

Fuck no. Of course not.

But it wasn't my decision if she should go or not, it was Ms. Kim's. As much as I want to not see them together, I can't do anything about it either. I'm gonna have to trust Haerin that she doesn't do anything with my baby. She's a good friend, she won't do anything, right?

"Honestly, it's not okay with me, and I'm kind of feeling jealous here. But it's your mom's decision, so she should go anyway. Just don't do anything that can make her fall for you. Although I know that every single thing you do will make her anyway. Just kidding, it's alright. But know your limits with her, alright? You're my girlfriend, and she's my bestfriend."

I'm glad that she told me the situation, even if she knows I might get mad at it, I'm glad that she tells me things rather than hiding them.

"Thanks for understanding, Han. Love ya."

I love her too.

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