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Playing cards fly into the now red sky. What's happening?! I watch as the cards fall, tranforming into guards of some kind? We watch the sky, the guards still falling. Fairy God Mother attempts to calm us down, but that ultimately fails. People immediately mame a beeline for the exits.

"Citizens, remain in the courtyard!" A soldier shouts. I notice Princess Red begging her mom to stop. Maybe she's not as bad as I thought.

I desperately cling to my mom, looking for any form of comfort from the chaos beginning around us.

The Queen of Hearts used some of her Wonderlandian magic to block off all exits with door-sized playing cards. The queen is laughing the whole time.

I look around the room, eyes wide. Help!

"Bibbity, boppity!" Fairy Godmother starts before The Queen of Hearts snaps off half of her wand. Oh, my God.

The Guards capture Uma, holding her back with their swords. This is when I know we're finished.

"Calm down, you're all acting like you've never seen a coup before." The Queen states simply as we all stare at her in disbelief. Maybe because most of us haven't seen a coup! She walks up to the front of the room, practically dancing in the red-blue light that surrounds her.

Red speaks up again. "Mom, this is crazy! Even for you!" She shouts.

Me and the rest of the... hostages? Stay silent in fear that she'd hurt one of us, if not all.

"Crazy that it's taken this long. I have been waiting years to be invited back into Auradon. So, thank you, Red. You finally did something useful."

Woah. How could a mother ever say something as... disgusting as that to her own child?! Mothers should be proud to have a child, no matter how they turn out. I'm beginning to realize why Red is so rude. It was a defensive mechanism against her mother.

"I should've known this was never about me." Disappointment was very obviously the main emotion she was feeling.

"Everything I do is for you..." The Queen tried to comfort Red, but failed. Her voice had a scarily sharp edge to it. I begin to wonder what will happen after this conversation. Will she hold us all hostage in Wonderland? Will she kill us all? I hope someone comes to save us.

Red and the Queen continue talking about how it was Reds' invitation, but I was too far to catch the whole conversation.
"We win!" The Queen laughs, clapping her hands before my mom steps up.

"Stop it, Bridget." She says. She's so brave. "You're better than this!" She quickly muttered, running up to The Queen. The Guards close her out, but The Queen allows my mother through.

I am fully attentive now.
"This is too far." My moms voice is shaky, as if she was scared. I've never seen her like this. "I know what happener was hard for you, but that was ages ago."

The Queen tilts her head slightly, not giving any thought to my moms words.
"It feels like yesterday to me."
What even happened?! Did my mom do something terrible to her?

"It was a stupid prank." My mom grumbled back in defense.

The Queen scoffed. "Stupid, I could forgive. Humiliating a girl at her first dance, turning me into a monster in front of everyone. Now, that's just cruel."

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