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Me and Chloe followed Bridget and Ella into the courtyard where we arrived. I still can't comprehend how my mother, the one who tried taking over Auradon, the one who's going to kill Cinderella, the one who told me that love ain't it, was once the kindest person.

Bridget hands out her magic pink cupcakes to anyone who'll accept them, which was a lot.

"So... you're friends with everyone here?" I ask, pointing at the pink filled crowd discreetly.

Bridget lets out a sigh, still smiling. "Oh, not yet. But they will someday!" She tosses the empty tray on her cart, still smiling. Bridget pulled another full tray of cupcaked

I glanced at Chloe, and she was observing all of the kids. She's pretty, I must admit. She also looks a lot like her mother. She has long, mid-back length blue hair. Her eyes are dark and filled with curiosity, a glint in her eyes nobody could match. She's smiling, and her smile fits her face just right, if that makes any sense. She isn't wearing any lipstick, but she's wearing light blue eye shadow decorated with small gems. Her lips are full and thin, a beautiful light shade of pink.

Then, a guy skates by. He has dark hair that ends at his shoulders. His eyes are similar to Ellas, a dark brown color. He has a light brown... jacket thing over a white undershirt. His neck is decorated with a short, black chain, a gold chain, and another longer gold necklace.

"Okaaay.." I say to Chloe as I look the guy up and down with a smirk.

"That's... my dad.." Chloe responds, her voice seeming a bit grossed out.


Uuhm. Anyway! Prince Charming stops in front of us and kicks his skateboard to his hand. He looks at Ella.

"So... Castlecoming" Prince Charming begins before Ella interrupts.

"I'm not going, especially with you." Ella tries to hide her smile. "You know what I think of Royales."

Prince Charming sighs in defeat and skates off, but not without taking a cupcake from Bridget first. He nods at Ella, puts his helmet on, and then skates away.

Chloe speaks up. "Sooo... we sensing some chemistry hereee??" Her tone is teasing. I smile.

"No. Nope. None at all." Ella chuckles, but Bridget looks at her with a knowing expression on her face. "Besides, all royales are stuck up brats who don't know the difference between us presents and a piece of dirt. Besides you, Bridget. You're different." Ella puts her hand on Bridgets shoulder.

We begin to walk away when a loud scream is heard.


Bridget immediately stops in her tracks and twirls around, making sure her cupcakes don't fall.

"She's Ursulas' baby sister." Ella whispered to us. Me and Chloe nod awkwardly.

"Heyy Bridget.." Uliana said in a teasing tone, touching her fingers to palm in a waving manner.

"Hey, Uliana." Bridget strained her words through gritted teeth.

Ella, me, and Chloe look at each other.

"I see you made cupcakes. Care if I borrow them?" Uliana used her tentacles to grab the remaining cupcakes, letting the platter clatter to the floor.

"No!" Bridget shrieks, stepping forward towards Uliana until Ella grabs her wrist, bringing Bridget back to us.

"Oh, don't worry, I just want the feathers.." Uliana took the flamingo feathers out of the cupcakes, tossing the extras toward Bridget.

"No! More than one can.. can lead to terrible side effects!" Bridget shouted. Hmm, I'd like to see what side effects she's talking about.

Uliana laughs menacingly before sticking her tongue out, dropping the flamingo feathers, and swallowing.

Bridget gasped, covering her mouth with both of her hands.

Uliana continued laughing until.


The whole courtyard burst into laughter, pointing at Uliana.

She had grown a beak.

I laughed too for a moment before Chloe slapped my arm quickly. Ouch.

Bridget put her hand on Ellas upper arm. "I tried to tell her! She... she didn't listen!" Bridget's voice sounded guilty.

"Hey, hey Bridge it's not your fault... Uliana is just an idiot." Ella tried to comfort her friend as me and Chloe stood there awkwardly."Plus, not like she will do anything to you."

Bridget nodded as we left the courtyard, heading into Merlins Prep.

The rest of the day blurred by. Me and Chloe went into every class together.

As we were walking to wherever our dorms weres supposed to be, we over heard Uliana talking to her little minions.

"I have to get revenge... embarrasse her as bad as she did me.." the octopus said with a hushed tone. "And it'll happen during Castlecoming."

Chloe and I let out a gasp unanimously. We quickly went to the dorm room and shut the door. The room was a typical Auardon-looking room, just more outdated.

"You heard what I heard. It was Uliana who turned your mom into... your mom." Chloe panted.

I flopped on a bed, and Chloe sat on the other.

"It's... crazy. My mom, the elegant Cinderella, seems to hate Royales..."

I nod, staring at the roof.

"Yeah, well my mom, the queen of Wonderland, used to be nice."

There was a moment of silence before me and Chloe broke out into fits of laughter.

"Wow!" We breath out.

Chloe stands up, sitting next to me on my bed.

"Yeah." She sighs, looking at my eyes.

We just... look at eachother. Until eventually we both fall asleep next to eachother.

Love Ain't It. (Or is it?)Where stories live. Discover now