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A//N: ~'~' means time skip!!


Chloe and I walked into our dorm, not saying a single word to each other. After she entered the room, I shut the door and sat on my bed. Chloe did the same.

We just exchanged awkward glances before Chloe soon spoke up.

"I'm sorry, Red. I should've thought that not everyone has the same life as me." Chloe mutters, staring at the floor and fiddling with her hair.

I sigh. "Just, let's go. We need to find out what Uliana is up to." I push myself off my bed and head out of the room, not looking behind me to see if Chloe was following. Why would I care if she stayed or not?

Chloe and I soon arrived at the Black Lagoon, or what looked like it. We were careful not to make any sound when we saw Uliana and her... goons? Friends? I have no idea. Uliana shouted something unintelligible as a fish rose from the water. Uliana walked into the fishes mouth, the rest of the villians following right after her.

Me and Chloe waited a few minutes, waiting until the coast was clear before we climbed up the fish, ripping the side down. We peered into the rip.

Uliana and her friends were discussing ways to ruin Bridgettes' life. This is must've what turned her into... well, my mom.

"Well, why don't you make her walk the plank?" A person, who I assumed to be Captain Hook, suggested.

Uliana scoffed, looking displeased. "Nah, that's too easy. We need something worse."

"Why not burn her to a crisp?" Hades asks, Maleficent clinging to his arm. Hades hair lit up as he said the words with a smirk.

Maleficent pushed herself off Hades, walking up to Uliana. "Maybe prick her with a thousand thorns?" The fairy suggested, grinning.

Uliana pushed Maleficent back to Hades. Maleficent puts a hand to her chest, obviously being offended.

"Hah! That's the worst one yet." Uliana groaned before turning to the cauldron in the middle of the room. She was silent for about three minutes before speaking up.

"Calling all spirits of the Black Lagoon..." Uliana began, chanting some sort of spell. "Show me a recipe fit for her doom.." She continued, the cauldron bubbling up. "Toxically sweet with a side of pure spite. I need the perfect revenge that will bite!" When Uliana finished the chant, a projection of a book appeared. Uliana and the others looked completely confused.

"A book?!" She shouted. As she thought for a moment, the book opened. It revealed a spell. Wow. A bunch of spells are involved in this prank.

"Perfect." Uliana smirked before she led all of the villians out of the lair. Me and Chloe took this as a chance to leave, too.

The second everyone was out of sight, Chloe and I hopped on the stones to leave. Just as I reached the shore, two eels exposed themselves. One of the eels bit Chloes pant leg, pulling her into the water. No!

Chloe screams and reaches for my hand. I immediately grab Chloes hand, trying to pull her away. No. Chloe was the first person, excluding Maddox, who was kind to me. Sure, she may be annoying, and I'd love to feed her to the Jabberwocky, but I just can't lose her..

Me and the eel fight for Chloe. The eel eventually lets her go. Chloe, panicked, crawls away. I hit the eel repeatedly with Chloes sword, causing it to shriek in agony. Both of the eels eventually shrink back into the water.

I help Chloe get up, pulling her to her feet. The second Chloe stood up, and I pulled her into a tight hug. I don't know why, but it just felt right.

Chloe gasped but soon wrapped her arms around me, too. We just stood there, hugging until I pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I hugged you." I apologized. Chloe just looked at me with a small smile on her face.

"C'mon, let's go." She replied. I nodded.

I walked into Auradon-- Merlin Prep, still a bit confused as to why I was so scared when Chloe was about to be taken from me. I glanced over at Chloe every few seconds. Soon, we arrived at our dorm again.

"Maybe we should talk to Bridget. She has to have the cookbook that Uliana is going to use." I suggest, resting my hand on the door knob.

"That's actually a good idea!" Chloe nods. I move my hand, walking to Bridgets dorm with Chloe following behind.

As we walked, we admired the paintings on the wall. Well, it was more Chloe admiring the paintings and me admiring Chloe. WAIT, I shouldn't say that. We're not friends.

Soon, ws arrived at Bridgets dorm. I leaned in and knocked. The door swung open, revealing Bridget in pajamas.

"Hey guys!" She grinned, waving at us. "What're you doing here?" She asked, letting us in and sitting on her bed.

"We're just here to see if you have a cookbook? It's called.. Sorcerers Cookbook!" Chloe smiled at Bridget.

My mom stood up. "I can see! I have just about every cookbook you can think of!!" Skipped over to her bookshelf, scanning every book she had.

I looked around the room. Everything was so... pink. It was so wonderful. That's when I spotted it. A heart mirror decorated with red jewels. The looking glass. I glanced up at Bridget to make sure she wasn't looking before picking it up and hiding it in my pocket. I quickly walked back over to Chloe, and she gave me a weird look.

"What? It's just so we can check in on the future every now and then." I said. Yes, I was planning on stealing the Looking Glass. Why not?

Chloe just sighed in defeat before Bridget hopped up to us.

"I don't have it. I thought I had every book!! Well, except for the banned ones." Bridget said, pulling her headphones down to her neck. A faint "shuffle of, shuffle of love!!" Was heard playing through her headphones.

This piqued my curiosity.

"And where do you find said banned books?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest while raising my eyebrow.

"You don't!! The books are banned for a reason!' Bridget shouted, looking worried.

"No we know, it's just that we... want to know where not to look for books!" I lied, earning me another look from Chloe.

"Okay then.. uh, all the banned books are in Merlins office.. but they're enchanted, so no rule breakers can get them!" Bridget nodded, sitting on her bed and pulling her headphones over her ears.

I grabbed Chloes wrist, pulling her out of Bridgets room. Thoughts were running through my mind, a plan slowly coming together.

I'm going to steal that book.
A//N: HEY GUYS I'M BACK!!!! HOW'D YOU LIKE THE CHAPTER?? I waz so bored so I decided to write more:3

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