🅽🅴🆁🅳🤓 episode 14

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9 months pregnant
Time for laborrr

I'm tryna get up and you know take a shower but feel a sharp pain in my lower back. I hold my back and still continue getting up. The pain stopped after I had breakfast so I ain't think much of it.

Next thing I know my legs start cramping up. "Darrian!" I groan in pain. "Yes ma!- you good?" He starts running to the couch where I was. "My legs are hurting so bad" I say. "Oh my fucking gosh the baby is pushing on my bladder.." I say getting irritated. I peed like 17 times this today, blood in my under wear, back aches, and contractions.

I didn't sign up for this shit😭

Darrian gets our hospital bag and puts towels in the passenger seat while helping me get to the hospital. My contractions get worse and worse every 5 minutes. While on our way to the hospital my water breaks and the pain gets worse.

We arrive to the hospital and I feel like I wanna throw up. "Hi I need a room now my fiancé (yeah he proposed) is in labor!" Everything thing is happening all so soon and I black out.

I wake up in a hospital bed with a gown on. "Wtf.." is the first thing I say. "You awake my heart I think the doctor said that if you didn't wake up in 15 minutes they'd have to do an emergency c section."

He says pressing the button to alert the nurses. "Is that my cousin?" I say seeing a girl that looks just like my cousin. "Omg y/n I haven't seen you in so long! Oh I'm sorry sir. But hi I'm y/n's older cousin, I'm Kali, nice to meet you." Kali says shaking hands with Darrian. "I'm Darrian her fiancé nice to meet you." He says shaking hands with her.

"Well at least I'm with someone who i know" I laugh.

Yall I never gave birth before soooo

"You're officially 10 centimeters dilated you can give birth now." I small white lady said. She prepped my legs up and I held onto Darrian's hands tightly.




I heard crying and I looked over at d who almost cried. "I'm really a dad now" he said and I was crying. He cut the umbilical cord off and the doctor handed me a baby girl . Once I laid eyes on her I fell in love. I gave her to Darrian and he held her small body and began crying.

"Awww" I say looking at him. The doctor took the baby away and we were left alone. "We are parents now." I say and Darrian leaned down and kissed my face as I cried.

The doctor came back with the baby. "You have a healthy 8 pound 1 ounce baby. Congrats to you guys!" The lady said passing the baby back to us.

 Congrats to you guys!" The lady said passing the baby back to us

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I factimed Mya and showed the baby not saying anything. "Hello?" She says then I hear a gasp. "You had your baby? Aww.." she says softly and I hear her crying. "Omg y/n really had a baby" i hear her say under her muffled cries. "Dd come here" she says and I see dd coming into the camera.

"You had the baby?" He says with excitement in his voice jumping. "Yeah like 20 minutes ago. "Whatchall gone name her?" Mya asks.
"We don't know yet" Darrian says.

After hanging up I start feeding the baby. "It look like that shit hurt" Darrian says making a "yikes" face.

We start giving names to eachother "Delaney?" I say "Noo everybody got that name how about Delilah?" He suggested. "I like that name how we gone spell it though?" I say grabbing the dry erase board. "D e ' L y l a h?" I write. ". So De'Lylah it is but what about her middle name?" Darrian asks. "Hmm.. Jazmine?" I say. "Ok then de'lylah Jazmine Jimenez?"

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