Chapter 2 Helping the lost sibling

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After some time of getting along, Oliver gave Jordan some advice, which is to forgive yourself, however it is a hard task for Jordan. He walked around so he can check on the others and they're doing just fine, except for Bushin when he stupidly absorbs Sasha's lightning. "Bushin?" Jordan's voice caught Bushin off guard, ending up shocked by the bolts emitted.

"What are you doing, do you realize how hazard lightning is?"

"I know it's dumb, but I think it's a good way to gain power if ever I wanted to get stronger." Bushin replied. Jordan then turns his head to Sasha silently mouthing his words if Bushin's okay, but Sasha mouthed back saying that she doesn't know with him, but she didn't think he's insane just a bit out of his mind. So, Jordan called off Bushin's "training" and told him to take a little break or meditate to calm himself, Sasha on the other hand is relieved that she won't do it again.

"Ow" whispered Sasha "Thank goodness he's done." It made Jordan chuckle a bit, but then he decided to stay with Sasha for a bit since she is Lynn's lost sister which he wasn't aware of until he helped Lynn during their training. Jordan looked down to her and spoke.

"You must be Sasha, right?" but before Sasha can stand up, she lies down on the snow and takes her deep breaths.

A few minutes later Jordan later hangs out with Sasha while helping her with her relationship with Lynn. Sasha told him that despite the reunion she had with her real family, Lynn seems to have a bit of a complication with her. Jordan understands that because of his relationship with Apollo and Emily, and he agreed that it is complicating. Then Sasha sighed and sits down on the bench where The Ghost was, and she speaks to Jordan.

"Wow, I'm really surprised you were able to get along with your sister. I wish I had those times with mine, I really missed a lot."

"Hmm... That must be sad huh?"

"Not exactly" Corrected Sasha "I still kept in touch with my Foster parents though, it was fun while it lasted."


"So how are things with Lynn by the way?" Sasha asked politely which makes Jordan stutter a little bit when answering

"She's fine I guess, but I'm not sure if I can help her get through her pain. There are things I understood, but couldn't do to help her with, Plus She's going to need you more than she'll need me."

Sasha was stunned, but at the same time she's always wanted to have a get together with Lynn. One day she realized something about him she found out what Jordan is planning to do. So, Sasha said in self-doubt. "I don't think so Jordan, you are a lot closer to Lynn than I am."

Jordan sighs and he admitted that he's trying to get Sasha to be with Lynn because it is what she wanted. "I don't know" is all Sasha could say about it. Jordan said to her

"Come on Sasha you got this; I just wanted you two to have a good sibling relationship. I know because I believe you can, I too understand what it was like when I struggled to form a good bond with my brother." And with that Jordan left, and Sasha is still in doubt, and 99% of her shows it, but 1% of her kept on going. Later on, she smiled, and she said thank you which was not heard from once Jordan went far.

"You know Jordan when he helps others." Bushin calmly replied, "But that's what I'm mostly worried about"

"Whatdo you mean" Sasha asked, and Bushin answered her question "Casper and I had alittle time to talk, and he had the same concerns as I did, Jordan helpsothers, but he didn't ask anyone for help."

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