13. Sink or Swim

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Author's notes: 1. In honor of tonight's supermoon blue moon, a double update of The Beta's Heart! Enjoy!

2. If you read Posy or Thoreau, here's where we meet our little precious cinnamon roll!



It was Peri's birthday, and I was invited to her party.

All the betas and gammas and their mates were, so it wasn't like I was singled out or anything. There was nothing to read into her asking me to come. Nothing at all.

At least, that's what I kept telling myself, right along with the reminder that she'd find her mate - if not tonight, then soon - and that would be that.

The Barlow family had set up the party in their enormous pool area, colorful streamers and twinkling fairy lights hanging everywhere and everyone laughing and chatting and having a great time.

I was both nervous and excited for Peri to open my gift. Luna and I had gone shopping for her presents earlier, and I'd found a stunning prism at Stella's, an eclectic little shop in Greenville. Luna found an antique kaleidoscope there, too, and since Peri collected both of those things, it seemed like a sign to get them, so we did.

When Peri held up my present, I breathed a sigh of relief. Her eyes shimmered almost as much as the prism did when it caught the light of the dying sun, sending a million rainbows over all of us, and knowing she was happy because of me made the tiny dent in my savings worth every penny.

Something else that made her happy was when Nathan and Evie Barlow announced that they were having another pup.

"Goddess, Nathan," Emerson chuckled as Peri hugged Evie and congratulated her. "There is something you can do to prevent that from happening, you know."

"Well, this is the last time it's happening," he smirked.

"You say that every time, Daddy!" Peri laughed as she came over to give him a hug, too.

"Oh, hush," he grumbled.

"Maybe this one will be a girl, Per," I chimed in as she released him and stepped back.

"That would be ah-maz-ing!" Her grin was everything, and my lungs stuttered for a second, making me cough. Then she sighed and gave her dad a playful glare. "I know the likelihood of that happening, though."

"Hey, it's not like I can help it." He rolled his shoulders in a shrug. "The best sperm wins—"

"Stop!" She threw up one hand with a scowl.

"It's true, Peri," Emerson teased her. "Don't they teach sex ed in school anymore?"

"Argh!" With a little growl, she flounced off, and the three of us fist-bumped each other.

"There's something about irritating a feisty girl that makes whatever happens next worth it," I spoke my thoughts aloud, which made Mr. Barlow laugh and Em snort through his nose.

"I'll remind you that you said that after you find your mate," Em promised.

As the party rolled along, most people dove into the pool, not surprising since the day was a real scorcher, but little Wesley Barlow saved me from scrambling for an excuse not to break out my trunks.

"Beta Ty, if I write a letter for Honor Nelson, will you give it to her when you get back to the O?" he asked me.

"Of course, but why don't you text her?"

"I'm nine, beta, and she's only six." He shot me a quelling look, as if he were the adult and I was the child. "I'm not allowed to have a phone until I'm twelve, so I can't imagine she has one, either."

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