28. Shell-Shocked

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Author's Note: I'm going to have to go back in the story and make a few corrections. Re-reading the first part of Posy, I realize the betas already knew about the alphas finding their luna BEFORE Peri had dinner with the MacGregors at the alpha house, so chapters six-nine will need a few modifications. Eventually, I'll make a few tweaks to make it work, such as having Alpha Ash stay home with Posy while the other alphas meet with the betas, and Peri's chapters about eating with the MacGregors will come after the alphas' announcement to the betas. : )



The air was thick with the scent of decay and neglect as we approached the old house. Its frame, teetering on its last legs, looked like it could collapse at any moment. a ghostly reminder of a past I couldn't recall clearly, but needed to understand.

After I told Ash what I was looking to do, he directed me to Roger Poe, the oldest surviving member of Dark Woods, who was able to give me a basic idea of what my old house looked like and where it was located. He did warn me that, as far as he could remember, it was close to the alpha house, which meant it had probably been destroyed during the invasion.

Still, I knew I had to check it out, and that's how Peri and I found ourselves standing before my old home on a muggy afternoon at the end of August.

"Sunshine, I don't think you should go in there." I began, my voice tinged with concern. "Wait out here and let me—"

"Dammit, Tyler, I am a werewolf! If the fucking roof falls in on me, I'll dig my way out! Now let me by!" Peri snapped, fierce determination lighting up her eyes.

"Yes, ma'am."

With a formal bow, I made a flourish with my hand for her to proceed me up the rickety stairs. When her sassy self marched right by me with her nose in the air, I couldn't resist lighting her backside up with my other palm. She gasped and whirled on me with a dropped jaw.

Leaning down, I whispered in her ear, "And that's twelve dollars in the swear bear, my love."

"Dammit!" she squalled, and my smirk grew into a wide grin.


The house creaked and groaned as we stepped inside, the rotted floorboards protesting under our weight. The damage might not have been so bad if most of the roof hadn't collapsed, letting in sixteen years of wind and rain and snow.

The living room was a mess of overturned furniture and scattered debris. Dust motes danced in the faint light filtering through the broken windows, and we moved cautiously, searching for any clues about my parents.

When we made our way to the small office at the back of the house, Peri scanned the room, then headed straight for the metal filing cabinet in the corner. It took some grunting, but she managed to open all of the drawers except for the top one.

"Ty, help me with this," she said.

Going over, I grabbed the handle and heaved, the old metal groaning in protest. Papers spilled out as the drawer flew open, and I left her to rifle through them as I went back to searching.

"Ty?" she called a few minutes later, her voice tight with excitement.


"Tyler?" she said again, more urgently.


"I found your birth certificate."

"All right. Thanks."

"Come read it."

"I think I know my birthday, Sunshine," I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Get your ass over here and read it!" she demanded, thrusting the paper into my hands when I joined her.

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