10. Boom to Bust

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The shopping center was full of people rushing from store to store, their laughter and conversations blending into a constant hum.

Definitely not my scene.

Em, Tris, Crew, Matthew, and I flanked the ladies as they walked around, chatting excitedly and pointing out various shops and window displays, but I could see the tension in luna's posture. Her eyes darted around and her hands tightly gripped the hem of her pretty blouse.

I stayed close, but gave her space, knowing how important it was for her to feel some semblance of control. From the way she held herself, it was clear that she was trying to keep it together, trying to appear strong, but I could see the fear in her eyes every time a stranger got too close or the twins squealed too loudly or a motor revved or...

Or so many things.

It broke my heart. It really did.

We came to a small café, and Peri suggested they take a break and get a drink. As they picked a table, I studied luna's face. She looked like she was holding her breath, and I had to do something to ease her anxiety.

"Luna, what can I get you to drink?" I asked, keeping my tone casual, like we were two friends chatting, and she looked up at me, her eyes wide and a little wild.

"Um, maybe an iced tea?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I know just the thing! You wait here. I'll be right back." I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.

Even if I had to DoorDash it here, Luna Posy was getting some Arizona Sweet Tea!

Fortunately, I only needed to go to the counter, order, and pay for it while the other girls visited the restroom. As I walked back to luna, I tried to think of a way to make her feel more comfortable.

"Here you go. I hope it's to your liking." I set the bottle in front of her.

"Thank you, Tyler," she murmured.

She tried to get the lid off, but her hands were shaking too much, so I cracked it open for her, then moved to stand a respectful distance away as she took the first sip.

"Luna, I can see that this is a lot for you today," I began the little spiel I'd rehearsed between the counter and here, "and I just want you to know that we betas are here to keep you safe, but we're also here to support you however you need."

"Sorry I'm so bad at hiding how uncomfortable I am," she murmured, setting down the tea bottle. "It's probably making everyone feel awkward."

"Don't apologize. You're allowed to feel however you feel," I assured her.

"Thank you."

She gave me a little nod, and I realized that she was thanking me for giving her permission to feel. I knew that must stem from her father's abuse, which made anger bubble up inside me, and I had to swallow it down to focus on her quiet voice.

"Everything is too loud and bright, and I've never been around so many people. I'm..."

"Frightened?" I finished for her when her voice petered out.

"Yes," she whispered and curled her shoulders in, a defense posture if ever I saw one, and I couldn't stand it anymore.

Crouching down next to her, which put us almost eye to eye, I wanted so badly to give her a hug, but knew she wouldn't welcome it. She might sit through it in silence because she felt she had to, but it wouldn't bring the comfort I intended, so I kept my arms to myself and settled for waiting until her dark blue eyes flashed to mine.

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