27. Messy, Messy, Messy

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As I walked through the forest, the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. I was looking for River and Sid, who'd been suspiciously quiet all afternoon. Tyler had been exhausted after having two bad episodes in a row last night, and he finally gave in to my badgering and took a nap.

I didn't know how much sleep could help when your soul was tired, but at least his body would benefit from it.

Since River had said a very definitive no to a 'nappy-nap,' I'd given him permission to shift and go for a run with his best friend. I had a big sewing project I wanted to get done before school started and didn't need him underfoot, whining about how bored he was.

Now, hours later, I was worried. Knowing their penchant for getting into trouble, I had a sinking feeling he and Sid were up to something, especially since neither of them would link with me.

Following their scent trail into the woods near the alpha house, I let my oldest brothers know what was going on, just in case they wondered why I was wandering around on their property.

Since Jay and I are at the alpha offices, let Mase or Cole know if you need help, Wyatt linked back for all of them, sounding unconcerned, and I smacked my lips at him. Why so worried, Periwinkle? They're nearby, still on pack territory, and no one is picking up on anything but the usual silliness coming from them.

Because you know as well as I do that neither of them have the sense the Goddess gave a goose! I sassed back, quoting one of Dad's favorite sayings.

Of course, that only made him and Jay giggle, but Mase sighed and said he and Cole would be out to help me in a minute, so I blew a raspberry at the other two rascals and closed the link.

As I walked a little further, the rich smell of wet earth tickled my nose and wolfy giggles reached my ears. I followed the noise, weaving through the trees until I came upon a small clearing where I found River and Sid rolling around in an enormous mud puddle, the muck splattered everywhere as they wrestled, their fur absolutely caked with the sticky stuff.

"River! Sid!" I called out, exasperated. "What on earth are you two doing?!"

They froze, then whipped around faster than a hiccup to stare at me. River's face was completely covered, only his golden eyes visible as they blinked innocently up at me, and Sid, equally muddy, gave me a shameless grin.

Hi, mate! River said with a little too much excitement. We find mud!

"I can see that," I replied, trying to suppress a smile. "You two are a mess. Tyler and Ash are going to either bust a gut laughing at you or burst a blood vessel scolding you."

But mud fun. Sid tilted his head, looking puzzled. It cool and squishy!

I had to laugh at his logic.

"Yes, it's fun, but it's going to take forever to get out of your fur. Come on, babies. Let's head home and get started."

Then River and Sid exchanged a devilish glance and, next thing I knew, I was flat on my back in the 'fun, cool, squishy' mud that seeped into my clothes amazingly fast.

"River! Sid!" I shouted, but their laughter drowned me out, their joy too infectious for me to be mad. After flailing around for a bit, I managed to sit up, grimacing at the wet sucking noise the mud made as it finally released me. "Okay, okay, you got me, but now we're all in trouble."

Sorry, mate. River looked at me with wide, apologetic eyes. We just playing. Me good boy. Siddy good boy, too!

"Yeah, yeah, you're both good boys," I sighed. "The very best good boys."

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