✧4✧ my heart jolts

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The next morning I awoke alone in the room

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The next morning I awoke alone in the room. Glancing over I notice Ellie's bed messily made. Maybe she was in class? I didn't really know her schedule.

I got up and got ready, Julia and I strolled to our only class of the day, casually walking through the campus. We exchanged the photos we captured for our assignment, sharing our thoughts. I captured a photograph of a ladybug on the back of my hand with my film camera.
"So what's up with the new roommate like how why and what?" she questioned
I went onto explain the situation.
"Although she's super hot and cold towards me for some reason?"
"How so?" Julia looked confused
"I dunno, i guess i've never really spoke to her before I just knew of her. She was kind of rude to me when she first moved in, then last night we had a proper conversation"
"Well... you know if you feel uncomfortable you can always try to move rooms"
"I know, I know."

Of course Julia had Olivia as a roommate who she was besties with right away. I have a glimmer of hope for at least a friendship with Ellie. Maybe i'm being delusional but I don't want to hate someone I have to live with. I've spent way too much of my life doing exactly that.
Julia was understanding and genuine. I didn't have any friends like that at home. Matter of fact I haven't spoke to those 'friends' in a while.

A few days go by and it's finally the weekend. I was feeling half burnt out from the overwhelming amount of assignments I managed to just complete by the deadline. Ellie and I gave each other greetings when we did see each other but that wasn't very much. She was always out somewhere. Where was she going all the damn time? Something inside of me wanted to know. I needed to know.

I was chilling out scrolling on pinterest and i hear my phone buzz. It was a text from the instagram groupchat that we made the night of the frat party. Me, Dina, Olivia, Julia and Jasmine

@dina.wwrdd: beach gathering thing tonight everyones going, anyone coming with me n jas?

@juliaumanzorr: for sure yesss i'll bring marshmallows and blankets

@itz0livia: i'll come

@cindysolace44: sounds good

@dina.wwrdd: I'll pick julia and cindy up at 5?

Finally, something to ease my stressful week. It wasn't too warm out so I put my jeans on, white cardigan and pared it with my miu miu belt and some nike shoes. I had an hour to spare so I decided to take my time perfecting my makeup. I start painting my face and hear the familiar creak of the door handle.

"Oh... hey" Ellie said in a way which indicated she didn't expect me to be here.
"Hi" Too occupied with my makeup to turn around, It was the same old, dry ass greetings all week.

I could see her through the reflection in the mirror, taking off her T-shirt leaving her in just a black sports bra and jeans. Her slender tattooed arms and shoulders were toned, her defined hands which had a few scars here and there-  She caught me peering through the mirror at her, one might say i was captivated. Fuck. Her mouth curved into a smirk and I can tell I was feeding her ego.
"You going to the beach tonight?"
I cleared my sudden dry throat, trying to hide how flustered I was. "Uh... yeah, are you?"
"Indeed I am... I guess I'll see you there then"
She slipped a button up shirt on with a vest underneath and left before I could even say car yes. She was in a good mood... It wasn't like her.

By the time I finish my makeup Dina was parked out front waiting on Julia and I.
I meet Julia at her room and we make our way to the car. I was mesmerised by the car, It was a red BMW e30 convertible. Dina jumped out of the drivers seat and opened the door for us. Julia sat in the back whilst I sat up front with Dina. I never noticed how beautiful Dina truly was, not surprising due to the fact I was incredibly intoxicated when meeting her. She's the type of girl that you are unsure whether you want to be her or date her. The wind danced through the open roof of the convertible car, weaving its way around us as we cruised towards the beach, tousling our hair in waves. The sun painted golden streaks across the sky, casting a warm glow on our faces. We played SZA on the aux the full way there.
We make our way onto the beach that was full of students drinking beers and seltzers. A fire burning on a stack of sticks and branches placed in the middle of the sand with blankets sprawled across the area. We found a free space around the fire, placed our blanket down on the sand and sat. We mingled and chatted with acquaintances until Dina starts to roll a joint. "You wanna share it?" she smiled and I of course nodded. She rolled it effortlessly. She sparked up the joint and inhaled
"Julia tells me you're roommates with Ellie Williams now"
"Yeah, it was super random she moved in last week" I answered
"Hmm" she said with a peering expression on her face.
"I used to be friends with her, nothing happened we're just not as close. One thing i'll warn you about though is she's a player"

She passes me the joint and I inhale "I'll keep that in mind we're not very close either" I chuckle, brushing what she just said right off my shoulders.
The night goes on and the sky has darkened. I didn't intend on getting THIS high. Dina was lying down with her head resting on my lap.
Julia was talking to me but I couldn't recall her last sentence. You could say i'm quite literally on a different fucking planet. I felt myself staring into the fire and recognised a face on the opposite side of the fire. Her freckled face wore a warm glow from the fire. It suits her.

Does her heart jolt every time she sees me like mine does? I doubt it.

It felt like I was staring at her for hours but in reality it was probably a few seconds. She was sitting with her friends and the same girl that was screaming at her in the fraternity house party. The blonde was laughing at every little thing Ellie was saying. What was she even saying that could possibly be that funny? My thoughts were interrupted by the realisation that she was indeed staring right back at me, her eyes looking at my lap which Dina was resting her head on, then flickering back up at me. She was staring right into my eyes and I had to look away, flushed almost but more confused.

My phone rings and it's my Dad calling. I get up and walk away from everyone so I can hear him properly. We chat and catch up about classes and grandma's famous peach cobbler, whilst I try my hardest to sound normal and definitely not high. We say our goodbyes and I hang up.

Turning around to walk back to join my friends, Ellie was standing there. I jumped. How long was she standing there listening to me on the phone?
"You scared me" I say embarrassingly

Her eyes were half lidded as she wore a smirk
"Didn't know you smoked"

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