✧6✧ dazed

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The rest of the car ride we didn't speak much as she turned her music on quite loudly until we got the campus dorm car park.
We jump out of the car and make our way upstairs and along the dim lit corridor to the room. Ellie scrambled in her pocket to find her keys and unlocked the door.
It was dark outside with the street lamps glowing through the blinds as it was midnight.
Ellie sat herself onto her bed.

She tucked the loose strands of her hair behind her ears and asked
"So... do feel like you're settled in yet?"
I sit opposite her on my bed and pause to think "I think so i mean i've made great friends, doing okay in my classes and im not really missing home much, except for my dad" I reply
I really never want to move back home. California feels right for me.
Ellie didn't look satisfied with my answer
My brows furrowed with genuine confusion
"What do you mean and?" I asked
"You're missing something"
I shrugged my shoulders. I don't know.
"You have me as a roommate... of course" She revealed finally, accompanied of course with a cocky smile
"Shittt how could I forget?" i said sarcastically

It was getting late so I grab a wipe from my bedside table to start removing my makeup as Ellie gets up and starts undressing. I was trying not to look but god was it hard and before I knew it I was staring at her again. Maybe it's the weed? I'm lying to myself. Her back was facing me, she peeled off her shirt and bra which revealed her toned back.

I could never stare long enough but needed to keep staring to find out why i couldn't.

Ellie turns around with her bare chest on display and I am in a daze. I mean wow. Was she doing this on purpose or was she just comfortable with me and this is a normal thing with her? My thoughts are interrupted.

"Eyes up here pretty girl" She demanded looking smug as ever.
"Wh-What? Oh I wasn't-"
"Relax... I don't mind you perving on me" She chuckled
"No... I swear I wasn't I just was in a daze" I tried to come up with an excuse but it was pretty evident I was embarrassed. My cheeks became more and more flushed as she stared at me with the most amused but smug expression and a tilted head. Fuck my life.
"Okay, okay I believe you" She surrendered her hands and laughed.
She continued getting ready for bed as did I. We both got into our beds and laid on our phones. I couldn't get that encounter out of my head. She was definitely flirting. If it wasn't for her scrolling through videos on her phone it would be dead silent in the room. My phone pinged

@juliaumanzorr: i have so much to tell you rn

@cindysolace44: come round tomorrow night we can have a movie night and you can give me the deetssss!! no

@juliaumanzorr: cya at 5 ish xo

"Night Cindy" A soft spoken voice came from Ellie's bed. How different that voice is from her rough exterior.
"Night" I replied, of course.
I could barely keep my eyes open but curiosity got the best of me and searched for Ellie on instagram.

I didn't have any way of contacting my own roommates besides in real life so why not follow her right? I stumbled across her profile pretty easily. She had few photos up but it contained photos of her tattoos, her guitar, a moth on her hand, some outfit pics and low quality pictures of herself and friends. I hit follow and immediately put my phone down and drifted off.

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