✧8✧ whiplash

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Ellie looked up with a smile and greeted me "Hey"
"Your matcha" I reached down to hand her the iced drink and she grazes her finger on mine.
"Ooo and its still cold. ugh I needed this, thank you" She praised
"Of course" I began to feel reluctant to ask about what the fuck just went down, it's none of my business to be honest and I don't want to pry or anything... God Cindy grow some balls.

Her lips met the straw of her cup and she started drinking. Why does she look good even sipping on a drink. She looks so good that it pisses me off.

I cleared my throat and attempted not to sound awkward
"Who was that?" I ask casually
Ellie looks up from the floor and to the edge of my bed where i was now sitting.
"Who was who?" She sounded genuinely puzzled
I swear to god if she starts lying to me for no reason it's about to get mega awkward.

"Uh... that girl... you know, the one who was literally shouting at the door just a moment ago?" I said obviously

"Oh... um that was just my old roommate. We used to hook up casually and I guess she's still mad and just trying to cause trouble" She said nonchalantly as she began to fidget with the loose thread on the sleeves of her t-shirt.

"Yeah she didn't look too happy with me for some reason" I chimed, pressing my lips together

"Ignore her. She's like that with anyone who breathes the same air as me" Ellie rolled her eyes and shook her head.
I hummed in response.

A moment of silent goes by and we both sip our drinks with Kurt Cobain's melodies filling the room.

"Who's the girl she was talking about? Sarah or something?" I broke the silence

"Stella is my ex girlfriend" She informed.

"Ohhh I see"

I was unsatisfied with the lack of information Ellie was willing to share but I didn't want to interrogate her about her past, I certainly wouldn't like it. Plus i could tell she was hesitant to tell me anything more. Maybe in the future she'll feel comfortable enough to.

I see ellie in my peripheral vision get up from the floor and was now packing her bag with her wallet, charger and some other belongings.
"Im going out with Jesse, see you later"
"Ciao!" I said.

I had some time to spare before Julia was coming over so I started reading over my essay for the 3rd time. I was getting easily distracted from the sheer boredom of reading the same words I had read earlier.
I glanced over at Ellie's side of the room. Her half-made bed, her black converse, the sunglasses on her nightstand and her bag. Wait... her bag? Why did she leave her bag here?

*knock knock*

I open the door to Julia's cheerful smile and her infectious presence.

"Heyyy" She squeezed me tightly in excitement
She is so cute, i don't think i could've made a better friend in Cali.

LUNCH | Ellie Williams x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now