It takes a Village

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A week later...

"Girl, I'm going to kill Nicholas's ass." Mia says stepping off the plane with her phone in her hand calling her man for the 100th time.

Fatima chuckles, "What has he done now?" She asked. "He know he's supposed to pick me up from the airport and he's playing with his life righ...HELLO!!" Mia mumbled under her breath as the line picked up, placing the phone on speaker.

"Damn Baby, why you got an attitude?" "Because why haven't you answered my calls?" "MJ had my phone and she kept declining that shit because she was watching Princess and the Frog!" He explained.

"Oh." Mia murmurs, Fatima bursts in laughter. "That damn daughter of yours don't play no games." "She really don't." Mia retorted thinking of how she birthed herself.

"Well Fatima and I are about to go to baggage claim." "Oh she's not going home?" "No, her flight got delayed until tomorrow morning but she decided to stay a couple of days to see us and her people, so she's gonna come home with us for tonight then go see her parents..." "Oh ok cool." Nicolas uttered, "That means I can invite..." "No thank you, Nicholas!!" Fatima blurts,

"Awe come on Fatima..." "Gimme the phone." Fatima tells Mia motioning with her hand.

Mia laughs, shaking her head, passing over her phone.

"NICHOLAS," "What's up Ti?!" "Don't "what's up" me." Fatima responds, "Ain't nobody trying to get hooked up with one of your dusty ass friends." "Awe Ti, come on don't be like that." "Nicholas." Fatima took a breathe, "The last time you "hooked a sista" up, the nigga had a Jerry curl and a gold tooth in his mouth..."

"You can't fault him for that Fatima it was..." "THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN NIGGA TAKE THAT SHIT OFF!" Fatima yelled through the phone making Mia hurl over her luggage in tears.

"Ok I give you that but what about Bryant?" "More like BROKE Bryant." "He's not broke Fatima, just cheap." "Absolutely not. Because what we not gon' do is eat off an expired fucking two for one coupon." "Awe hell naw," Mia retorted,

"Give Mia back the phone." "I will after you promise me that you'll stop." "Ok, I'll stop trying to play matchmaker Fatima." "I'm serious.." "I am too but I can't make any promises because Bryant is supposed to come over tonight anyway because the game is coming on." "Fine but keep that muthafucka away from me." "You got it." He answered with a vow.

"Here girl." She said giving Mia her phone back.

"Babe," Mia says as they continue their walk to baggage claim. "Why you do that to my good sis?" "I never knew that nigga had a 2 for 1 special coupon Babe, I swear." "Yeah ok." Mia pursed her lips giving her phone the side eye. "I'm on my way to baggage claim though I'll see you in a minute." "Aight cool. Love you boo." "Love you too." She said hanging up.

"When are y'all gonna get married?" "Girl I don't think we want to." "Why not? You've been together since our senior year in high school..." "Yeah but you also know how we get down. He does his thing, I do mine." She shrugged, placing her phone in her pocket. "I mean we love each other and yeah we have the kids but.." trailing off, "I don't know." Mia shrugged, "What we got going on is good right now. No title. Just us doing us."

"Well if you like it I love it and as long as my God Babies are good then everything is fat meat greasy." Fatima waved off, considering she has known her friend since the 3rd grade and committing to one thing has NEVER been her thing.

Although Nicholas has been something that is consistent in her life Mia often believes there is always something better. Since Mia didn't want to get married, Nicholas wanted to be sure that no matter what Mia would always be his. Mia didn't mind either way because she felt the same way about him.

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