10. Did that just happen?

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Mia walks into Reece's room just as he walks out the bathroom
"Woah children present" she laughs "Mia? What are you doing here?"
"Came to check on you of course"
"Don't play that game with me Reecey. I'm not stupid"
He rolls his eyes and turns to grab some clothes out of his draws. Mia notices a big purple bruise on his back and immediately gets angry
"Reece..." she trains off. She never calls him Reece.

He turns around and remembers the state of his back. Crap.
"Who did that to you?"
"No one. It's nothing"
"It was him, wasn't it?" Reece stays silent "Reece"
"Mia just leave it" Mia goes to turn around and leave, Reece quickly runs to grab her wrist "you're not going out there"
"He can't do that to you Reece!"
"Mia just leave it okay? Please"
She huffs, knowing Reece is only looking out for her by stopping her going to Roger. She was just so furious about how he treated his children.
"Fine. I won't do anything. But Reecey it's not okay"
"I am okay. Okay?"
"Fine. I'll let you change. Is Aut in?"

Mia goes to Autumn's room and opens the door a little to poke her head in
"Hey Aut, you okay?"
"Yeah come in" Mia closes the door and sits in the bed beside Autumn.
"Soo, how are you?" Mia asks, she knows today is a hard day for the siblings. It's their mother's birthday.
"Fine" she smiles. Mia knew both of her friends would hide how they really feel, they do every year. But she knew deep down they were hurting and despite not wanting to bring it up, she wanted to make sure they knew she was there for them.

"Mia it's okay, I'm fine, really" Autumn smiles after Mia drifts off to her own world for a moment,
"Okay. I won't pry. But I'm here for you, okay?"
"I know. Always and forever, right?"
"Always and forever" the older brunette repeated.

"Oi, soppy sisters" the two girls turn to face Reece standing at the door, "Party tonight?" He holds up his phone,
"I'm in. Aut?" Mia would never say no to a party, but Autumn wasn't exactly a fan of public places.
"Uh, I'm okay. But you go, have fun"
"We're not leaving you here alone"
"It's fine, I much prefer staying here and reading. I'll be fine" Autumn reassures them,
"Fine. But call if you need anything okay? Anything" Reece insists,
"I will"


Hours had passed and it was now 7pm, half an hour before the set time of the house party.

Mia had gone home to grab some things before meeting the siblings again. She was now wearing a red low cut dress with black heels. Autumn admired her from afar, but she wasn't the only Knight family member to admire Amelia Roberts that night. She had also caught someone else's eye.

"Okay, Gemma's gonna pick us up" Mia walks down the stairs case while texting on her phone.


Once they arrive at the house, the music is blaring and people fill the halls despite being practically a mansion.

The two friends make their way to the kitchen,
"Miaaa Reeceee" one of the boys from their year slurs while pouring multiple bottles into two cups.

Mia and Reece both take one and are hit with the strong smell
"Woahh what is this?"
"Little bit of everything. Try it" the liquid burns as it goes down.
"Ew. I love it" Mia laughs, "come on, let's dance!" She puts the cup back on the counter and grabs Reece's hand, dragging him out of the room.


Mia had been talking to her friends when she noticed Reece stepping outside. She follows him out and finds him sat on a bench,
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. You?"
"Yeah. What you doing out here?"
"Needed air" Reece doesn't look at his friend. If he did she would be able to read him like a book. She would know he is upset.

"Reecey, it's okay. I get it" the blond looks over at his best friend, "you're aloud to be upset, you know? You can have emotions"
"I'm not upset" he replies,
"Okay. But you're thinking about her aren't you?" His features soften yet he doesn't reply. Just looks away. "You know, it's not your fault. She doesn't know what amazing kids she missed out on" the brunette smiles.

"I'm not upset that she left. I'm just, angry. We needed her. Aut needed her. And she just left"
"I know. But look at who you both became without her. Because you had each other. And you always will" the blond smiled and takes a swig from the bottle in his hand.
"And you?" He looks at her,
"And me. You've always got me too" the friends share a smile.

They knew no matter how many people disappoint them or hurt them, they will always have each other. No matter what. It was Reece and Mia forever. Always and forever.

They loved each other deeply. They weren't just any type of friends. And it may have been the alcohol running through their veins, or the built up anger and emotion from rehashing the past. Whatever it was, the two best friends found themselves getting closer than ever before.

It didn't last long. A few seconds of sweet silence as their lips connected. As soon as it registered in their brains they pulled apart from each other. Not a word. They just looked over the large garden, the sun setting in the horizon. None of them truthfully knew what to say, so they said nothing. And sat in silence as they battled with the thought in their head. Did that really just happen?

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