16. Respect me.

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Weeks had passed and Amelia was still living with the knight family. It wasn't meant to be a permanent thing, but she stayed in the guest room next to Autumn's and opposite Reece and they were closer than ever.

Of course being allowed to stay with the knight family came with its pros and cons.

Mia adored being able to spend almost every waking hour with Reece and Autumn, what she wasn't too sure about what the way she'd catch Roger around the house a lot more than usual.

Despite the feeling of uncertainty and how uncomfortable she may have felt, there was also a slight connection there. Mia did feel grateful to Roger for allowing her to stay in his house, away from her mother. He was the only and closest thing to a dad. A shit one. But still father figure in some messed up way.

Maybe it was the abandonment issues or just daddy issues in general that her father left her with, but Mia felt the need to grab the attention of any man she could. That's how she made herself feel validated. Her dad didn't want her. But if these men do, maybe it's not all bad?

He may a terrible man and an even worse father, but Roger gave Mia an escape from her mother. He gave her the basic things she needed. And most importantly, he gave her Reece and Autumn.

Roger knew that Mia felt uncomfortable around him. That she really didn't like him at all. However she would still be nice and polite to him and respect him and his home. Roger knew that Mia could be feisty and say exactly what she's thinking, which is why he felt so much more confident in knowing she would repress her emotions and still be kind to him.
Was she afraid of him?
Did she want to please him?
Whatever his sick mind come up with to boost his ego just a little more.

He knew Mia needed someone to count on. Besides his children. She was a child. A young teenage girl. She needed that comfort and support. Especially after her father left her. Roger took that and he played with her like some toy. Seeing her in any way he felt like to suit his fantasies.

It wasn't that Roger was attracted to the girl. He did see her as a child after all. It was more that she was young and still had time to be moulded into whatever he pleased. She needed a male figure in her life, a father figure. Mia was vulnerable and Roger a powerful man who got whatever he wanted. And he wanted her.


The sun had already set and Amelia was outside watching the stars take over the sky. She looked over the huge back garden and all the memories it held.

The tree in the far corner with the swing hung from it. She would always push Autumn and Reece would worry it was too high. The left side of the garden where a long path of stones would run along the fence, sealed by small walls of wood. She used to help Autumn and her mother plant pretty flowers in the soil there.

Autumn hated that side of the garden. She hated how her mothers flowers where torn out like weeds by the gardener months after she left and were replaced with boring stones. Yes, it looked more modern and appealing to Roger's guests, but those flowers were beautiful and the last good memory she had of her and her mother together.

The whole garden was filled with memories. Good and bad. Reece and Mia used to sit on the very swing she was sat at now and talk about their futures. Running away from this place, living together and being best friends forever. They would raise their children together, Reece a little girl that he would protect a from the world and Mia a little boy who she teach how to really be a man and name him after her best friend.

In that garden she made the best memories with her friends. And now, years later, she was sat in the same garden smoking the pain away.

She didn't look when she heard the door open, assuming it was Reece come to look for her. When he sat down next to her, the cold feeling she got up her spine told her it was not her boyfriend at all.

"Amelia" his words were cold and hard. No emotion at all. Mia put out the cig and placed it in the bowl she had brung out with her so to not leave a mess. She knew better than that around Roger.

"Evening" she replied. The stench of alcohol coming off of him was sickening yet she was so used to the smell she barely noticed at all.
"I need you to do something for me" the girl looked at the man beside her as he pulled out an envelope.

"What's this?" She questioned,
"That's none of your concern, what is is that my daughter receives it" Mia was extremely confused at this. If he had something to give to Autumn, why didn't he just give it to her?

"Why can't you just give it to her?"
"She cannot know it is from me or you. You need to put it in her locker at school without her knowing"
"Because I said so Amelia" his voice became a lot more stern and Mia knew this must be serious.

"I'm not doing anything for you until you tell me what it is and why" She stood up from the chair,
"You do not question me Amelia" Roger was now getting angry. He stood up and towered over the teen.

"I took you in, Amelia. I kept you off the street but I can easily throw you away like you mean nothing. You will do what I tell you to or my children will pay the price. You won't ever see them again. Is that what you want? To be left with nothing but a drunken mess of a mother?" Mia was frozen in her spot as Roger spat through gritted teeth.

"You are nothing without me Amelia. You will be nothing without me. You are what I make of you. Do you understand?" She nodded slowly, fighting the tears stinging the backs of her eyes. He knew she was afraid and he fed on that fear.

"I'm just doing what's best for you Amelia" his voice softened as he placed his cold hand on her shoulder, "you're like a daughter to me. I want to help you" he held out the envelope again, and this time she took it.

"You should treat me with a little more respect, Amelia. You need a father. And I am willing to be that for you. I let you into my home did I not?" Mia wasn't sure what to say, if she should say anything at all. So she simply nodded.
"You should learn some manners girl" he gritted his teeth again, stepping closer the the teen
"I'm sorry" she mumbled
"That's better. Now go"

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