1. Always and forever

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Amelia Roberts was just a normal girl. As happy as could be. She was known for her long brunette hair and pretty blue eyes. Yet, despite the upstanding image her family carried, behind closed doors was a different story.


The young brunette was so tried of hearing her parents argue. It felt like it would never end and she needed to get out. She had managed to quietly get downstairs and push open the back door. Not like her parents would notice if she was loud anyway. In times like this, there was one place Mia wanted to be. Much rather people than a place.

The journey to the Knight Siblings' house was around a 20 minute walk. 15 if you take the ally down Hollow Road. Despite the girl's young age, she had made the trip more times than she could count.

She turned the corner and walked down the pathway lined with fences that separated the "rich people's houses" these fences separated the back gardens of each house, the small pathway was perfect for when Mia wanted to sneak into her friends house.

Once she got to the end, she pulled herself up on a wedge between the fence and managed to climb over. Jumping down and landing on all fours.

The girl was proud of herself for landing just right, like a trained spy or superhero. She stood up and brushed herself off before walking over to the tree in the corner.

Hanging from a branch was a small swing where Autumn Knight slowly pushed herself
"Hey Aut" Mia smiled, grabbing the girls attention.

"Hey Mia" despite the smile, Mia could tell something was wrong with her younger friend,
"What's wrong? Where's Reecey?"
"Locked in his room again" she sighed.

Autumn felt awful about the incident and her brother's punishment that had just taken place.
"I dropped a glass of water and it smashed all over. Reece told daddy it was him" she told Mia.

Mia knew the siblings' dad was hard on them. When they made a mistake he usually locks them in their room for hours or even something worse. Reece usually takes the fall for his sister. If he didn't protect his little sister from his father's wrath, who would?

Mia knew how much her best friend suffered. It wasn't fair at all. One day all three of them would run away together and live a happy life. Reece would become an astronaut and Mia a famous actress. They would play with Autumn all day and eat cake and sweets until their stomachs hurt.
They would be free.
If only dreams could come true.

"Come on, I have an idea" Mia takes the girls hand and they ran towards the house. The girls quietly snuck inside and made their way to Autumn's bedroom.

"If daddy catches us he will go mad Mia!" The 6 year old whisper-shouts.
"Don't worry Aut. I'll protect you" she smiles before taking a pen and some paper from the little art table.

Mis writes a note before slipping out of the bedroom again. Carefully walking across the hallway to the other door, she crouches down and slides the paper beneath it.

Reece was sat on his bed aimlessly staring at the roof. His father had taken away his toy boxes and electronics and he was left with the bare minimum.

The ruffling sound brought the boy out of his trance, thinking his father was about to unlock the door, but no. Instead a small folded bit of paper was sat just poking out of under the door.

He sat on the floor and unfolded the paper,
'Reecey, are you okay in there?

The girl's handwriting brought comfort to the boy. Knowing his best friend was there when he needed someone. He quickly grabbed a pen and wrote his own note.
'I'll be fine. Just look after Aut, okay?'

"Always and forever Reecey" Mia whispers through the door after reading his words,
"Always and forever" the boy repeated.

The pact the children had made was a promise. They would protect each other always and love each other forever. Because family isn't always blood. Family is what you make it. And in a world so dark and cruel, you take comfort in the ones who show you the light.

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