13. When it comes down to it.

210 13 7

A week had now passed. 7 days and Mia was still receiving messages. She had blocked the number multiple times, yet it still found a way to torture her.

The messages weren't exactly threatening, but they did freak the girl out. They were random, and things such as;

'Your hair looks pretty today Amelia'
'That's a nice outfit today Amelia'
'Soon you'll get what's coming to you Amelia'

They always ended with 'Amelia' and Mia hated that name. That was the name her father gave her. The name her mother used. That name was filled with hurt and pain. It was the name of a scared, hurt little girl who was never good enough.

Mia, on the other hand, that was the name of a confident, pretty girl who people liked. Who was popular and wanted and perfect. That was who she wanted to be.

At first she ignored the messages. Probably some kid with a crush, right? But when she started to receive notes in her locker, passed to her in class, even in her letter box at home, that was when she started to grow concerned.

She had no idea who could be sending these messages. And as time went on they got progressively worse. More threatening.

They began to move away from how nice she looked, to how nice she would look if they had her. What they would do to her. What they will do to her.

No one else knew about the notes, Mia kept it all hidden. She didn't let it faze her. At least on the outside.


Mia was studying with Reece when she revived the worse of them all. 

"This is sooo boring" the girl grunts.
"Yeah but you want to actually pass this exam, right?" The blond laughs,
"Not really. Why do we even need to know this, it's all in the past"
"I don't know. Okay, last one, what year did Henry the Eighth marry Anne Boleyn?"

"I don't know. He probably didn't even know. He married that many times" she rolls her eyes, causing a laugh from the blond.

"Oh, you got a text" Reece picks up Mia's phone from the side table which Mia quickly takes from him. Reece raises his eyebrows at her sudden moves.

"Sorry. I'm just, waiting on something" she makes up. As she looks down on her phone she sees a message she certainly wasn't waiting for. "Uh, I um, need to go to the bathroom" she quickly stands from the bed and walks out of the room. Which confused Reece even more as he has his own bathroom.

Mia rushes down the hall to the bathroom, she locks the door and stares at her phone once more.

Blocked ID
Everyone wants you dead. I'll give them what they want. Watch your back Amelia.

She frantically shoves her phone in her pocket and goes to splash some water on her face. Calm down. It's okay. Just a prank. A stupid low life who has nothing to do. It's not serious. The girl attempted to calm herself.

"Okay Mia. Stop being so stupid and pathetic and pretend it's okay. It is okay. Okay. Breathe. It's fine" she told herself. Despite her hard as a rock wall, she actually suffered with quite the anxiety. And she hated herself for it.

Mia fixed her hair in the mirror before opening the door again.
"Amelia" her head snapped to the man before her,
"How are you today? You look frightened?" He questions. Was this man seriously taking an interest in her feelings now? No. He's a terrible man. An abusive dick.

"I'm fine. I should get back" Just as the girl turns to leave, he stops her once more with his voice,
"What makes you think you're good enough for my son, Amelia?"

Mia turns around to face the older,
"Excuse you?"
"Reece is to take on my family name. The Knight fortune. You look out for what's yours, do you not?"
"You don't own Reece. Or Aut. I'd do anything for them. They are my family. If only you could say the same about them too"

Roger was a little taken back by the comment. It wasn't like anyone to stand up to Roger. He was the one in charge. And he certainly didn't like anyone challenging his dominance.

After a short moment of silence Mia turns her back again and begins to walk away. Until he spoke again.
"Reece wouldn't pick you, Amelia" Mia didn't turn back this time. She just stopped in her tracks. "If it came between you and his sister, he would choose Autumn" he continued.
"And I would want him too" she replies simply before walking away.

Mia already knew that if it came down to it, Reece would pick Autumn. And she would want him too. She knew that nothing could separate the siblings and they would always have each other. She didn't care about her own safety or happiness. It was all about Reece and Autumn. She would always put them first. They were family.

Except sometimes, it's your family that leave the deepest wounds.

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