Tranquil (N/A)

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(its great to have ideas, which i dont)

The Goiky Canal. It sure is a place.

For the most part, the contestants of the Battle for Dream Island, as well as any other hapless people, living objects, and/or insane hosts going about don't really pay much attention to it. It's just a body of water. A large body of water. A body of water they come into contact with plenty of times, but still just a body of water. Good ol' water. Once you've seen one bit of water, you've seen it all, really; the water in the Canal is the same water as in lakes, in rivers, in the rest of the world. A dumb sports sphere like Golf Ball might want to tell you about the subtle differences in the various waters of the world, how they can differ *massively* in how it can affect you if you drink it, but nobody really cares about her. Especially her teammates. Point is, it's the Goiky Canal. It's water. They've seen water before. They've seen water 2,763 times. They've seen Teardrop. They've seen Ice Cube. They've seen Snowball. All of that, all water. Different forms of it, sure, but still just water. Same water as you see everywhere else. All of it. All water. All water, all the time. This may sound repetitive, sound like a broken record, and that's *exactly* what the water is. It's all water. All the same water. Always.

The only difference between this particular stretch of water and everywhere else is that they've gotten to see it plenty of times. The second contest of BFDI, the one right after the one that selected who was gonna be picking out the teams, was to cross the Canal first. Since then, they've crossed it quite a few times, mostly just for quick journeys to recover someone, grab a few things, or whatever. You used to do it by boat, as they did back during that first challenge, but many, *many* years have passed since then. Many things haven't really changed; the competition is still going, the contestants are still deranged, Needle continues to not matter, but the methods in which one crosses the Canal have only gotten better. You can get launched across it, or fly across it, or drive across it, or fly across it through the power of magnetism, or drive across it but *not* by going through it underwater, or whatever. It's the Goiky Canal. It's water. And it's no big deal. It's just water. All water. Always has been. May have had Dream Island at some point, but that place is history. It's just boring, unremarkable water now. All water, all the time.

But despite the all-too-obvious fact that it is *just* water, always has been water, always will be water, there are some that will claim that there is more to the Goiky Canal than most will bother to investigate. Those such as Golf Ball, that dumb sports sphere from earlier, as well as her... *friend*. Alleged friend. If anything is surprising in this world, it's probably not gonna be whatever's in the Canal, because it's just water; it's gonna be the fact that someone like GB had actual people that were actually close to her. Like, *actually* close. That's just outrageous. That's absurd. Who'd ever want to be near that bozo-brain bossy-bot, that terrible team tyrant, let alone talk to her, *befriend* her? And yet, it seemed to be true. Tennis Ball followed her wherever she went, always listening to her dumb talks about whatever lame science stuff was in her mind at that very moment. All very boring, all very uninteresting. Just like the water. The water that's in the Goiky Canal.

The sport globule always asks the same questions. Why's it called the Goiky Canal? For those that have been unfortunate enough to be forced to listen to her tirades, they can actually follow her deranged train of thought. A canal, she'd claim, was an artificial waterway that was created through deliberate effort by someone, as opposed to just the forces of nature deciding to put some water there as a joke. The emphasis is on *artificial*. Not natural. Not created through 2,763 years of the Earth churning deep underground, causing earthquakes and tsunamis and continental drift and whatever dumb buzzwords Golf Ball threw around to explain boring stuff nobody knows or cares about. Someone made this. The Goiky Canal. The place with all the water. Just water.

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