Chapter 9 - Nightmares

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You were curled up in the corner of your room, crying as you heard your mother and father arguing. Your dad was drunk again, and he always comes home and starts arguing with your mom for no reason. As you were huddled in the dark corner of your room, you heard things breaking and things being thrown. "YOU BITCH!" You heard you dad yell. You suddenly heard your mom scream and fall on the ground. Everything went silent. Your 7 year old form jumped as your dad busts open your bedroom door. "Where are you, you little brat?" He asked. He spots you in the corner and smiled. "There you are, my little princess." Your dad approaches you and grabs you by the hair, pulling you up. You scream, grabbing your dad's arm, trying to get him to let go of your hair. He drags you out the room and shows you your now dead mother on the ground. "MOMMY!" You shouted. Your dad throws you against the wall. You hit the wall hard and fell onto the floor. "SHUT UP!" He shouted and took a step towards you, pointing a knife at you. You look up at your dad with fear in your eyes. "If you run or say ANYTHING, I'll do the same thing to you that I did to your mother..." Your dad said. You didn't dare to say anything. Your dad raised his fist, about to punch you. But before his fist collided with your face...


Your eyes snapped open, and you shot up from your bed, breathing heavily and sweating. You looked at the clock next to your bed. It was 3AM. "Another sleepless night..." You sighed, knowing everyone was still sleeping. You got up from your bed and walked out into the hallway. You noticed the lights in the hotel lobby were on. You wondered who was awake. You walked downstairs and saw Lucifer sitting on the couch. He looked up from his phone as you came downstairs. "Hey, what are you doing up?" Lucifer asked. "I'd like to ask you the same thing." You said, sitting down next to him. He chuckles. "I had trouble sleeping, so I got up." He said. You nodded. "I just had a nightmare." You said. "A nightmare? What about?" Lucifer asked. You hesitate to answer. You don't like remembering those painful memories. "I'm sorry, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Lucifer said. You shook your head. "No, it's okay." You said and took a deep breath, wrapping your tail around yourself. Lucifer waited patiently for you to start. "When I was seven years old, I had an abusive father." You started off and Lucifer nodded. "My dad would come home drunk a lot and argue with my mom, even when there was nothing to really argue about. He ended up killing my mom and told me that if I ran or said anything to anyone, that he would do the same thing to me." You explained. Lucifer widened his eye, hearing this. "Every night, I have a dream, the setting is different, but the scenario is the same. Abusive." Your tail sinks down as you finish your story.

Lucifer looked at you with sympathy. "I just want one night where I can sleep peacefully with no issues." You said. "This may sound weird, but what if I stayed with you?" Lucifer asked. "Stay with me?" You asked. "Yeah, watch over you while you're sleeping, in case you have a nightmare." Lucifer said. "Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that Lucifer, you need your sleep too." You said. "Who said I wasn't going to get any sleep?" He smirks. You looked at him confused. "Then how else are you going to get sleep?" You asked. "I mean, I can sleep next to you." Lucifer said, still smirking. "WHAT?!" Your face turned red. "Oh, come on, we've already kissed." Lucifer said. "Yeah, kissed! Not sleep with each other!" You said. "Hey, it's not going to be like that." Lucifer laughs. "I-I don't know." You said. "Please?" Lucifer gave puppy dog eyes. You groaned. "Fine!" You gave in. Lucifer smiles and he grabs your hand leading you back upstairs. Instead of going into your room, you were in his room. He lays down on the bed and pats the spot next to him. "Come on." He said. "Well, I didn't think this would happen now." You said. "Its still late! Its only 3:30am." Lucifer said. You sighed and walked over to the bed and laid down on it, trying to keep distance from Lucifer.

Lucifer wraps his arm around you and pulled you closer to him making you yelp in surprise, and you wrapped your tail around his leg. "Don't be shy to move closer to me." Lucifer chuckled. You blushed as you were practically up against him. "I'm not sure if we can be any closer than we are right now." You said. "Or can we?" Lucifer questioned. "What are you talking ABOUT?!" You screamed the last word as Lucifer suddenly rolled over, so you were now laying on top of him. He smirked at your red face. "Now I think we can't be any closer." Lucifer said. "Well, I'm getting off now." You said crawling off his body. "Aw, no fun." Lucifer pouted. "Let's just go to sleep." You laid back down on the bed. "Fine." Lucifer mumbled. He lays down next to you once again and wraps his arms around you. You sigh contently, feeling safe in his arm. You closed your eyes and soon fall asleep as Lucifer does the same.

~3 hours later~

Lucifer's P.O.V

I wake up and stretch looking at the clock. It is now 6:30am. I look next to me seeing Y/N still sleeping peacefully. I smile and run my fingers through her soft H/C hair. She shifts slightly making me stop. "" She mumbles in her sleep. I lean down closer to see if I can make out what she's saying. "Daddy, no..." She mumbles again. Her nightmares are bothering her. She begins to cry in her sleep. I start to shake her gently to wake her up, but she doesn't wake up. "Daddy, please..." She mumbles again. I shake her again. "Y/N." I said. Y/N opens her eyes and breathes slightly heavy. She looks at me and hugs me. I hug her back. "It's okay. He's not here to hurt you anymore." Lucifer said. She tightened her grip on me and held back tears. I continued to pat her back. 'Man, she's really messed up about her past. I guess the only thing I can do is be there for her. Don't worry Y/N, I'll make sure no one hurts you ever again.'  I thought.

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