Chapter 10 - Secrets & Gaming buddies

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You were downstairs in the hotel lobby with everyone. Charlie requested we do another activity. You sat down next to Alastor, who smiled at you creepily as you sat next to him. You smiled nervously and your tail curled around you. You looked back at Charlie trying to ignore his gaze. You silently sighed with relief when he turned his attention back to Charlie as well. Charlie looks around the room seeing that everyone was here. Except for one person, Lucifer. "Where's dad?" Charlie asked. We all shrugged as we have no idea where he is. "Ugh, he's probably still sleeping. It is pretty early." Charlie looked upstairs for a second. "Does anyone want to go wake him up?" Charlie asked again. Everyone shook their heads. Except me, I was looking at my phone. "Y/N." Charlie said. You looked up. "What?" You asked. "Do you want to go get my dad?" She asked. "Why don't you do it?" You asked. "Well, he's gets a little cranky when people wake him and I don't want to be the one to upset him." Charlie said. "So you want me to be the one to upset him? Got it." You said sarcastically as your tail swayed behind you. "Pleeeeeeaaaaasssssse?" Charlie gave puppy eyes. You groaned. "Fine, but you owe me for this. I don't know what this guy does when he sleeps..." You muttered.

You started heading upstairs to Lucifer's room. Once you reached the door, you knocked on it. No response. You knocked again. Still no response. You creaked open the door quietly and saw Lucifer in bed, sound asleep. You walked inside and closed the door behind you. You walked up to Lucifer's bed, he was wrapped up in the blankets, the only thing you could see was his head. "Lucifer..." You shook him lightly. "Mmmm..." Lucifer groaned turning over. "Lucifer." You said again. "Five more minutes..." Lucifer groaned again. You rolled your eyes. "Get up, Lucifer." "Nooooo." He whined. "I didn't expect the "king of hell" to be such a damn baby when it comes to waking up." You mumbled under your breath. Lucifer was laying down, still sleeping. "Get up now, Lucifer, or I'll pull the covers off." You said. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lucifer mumbled. You grabbed the covers and pulled them off. "You're acting like a chi-" You cut yourself off when you saw him. He was shirtless and wearing pajama pants. You blushed as you stared at his chest. "I told you." Lucifer said. You could hear the smirk in his voice. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. You didn't know what to do, but you stood there blushing and staring at his chest like an idiot. 

Lucifer looked at you and smirked. "What's the matter, darling? Like what you see?" He asked. You blushed more and looked away. "G-Get dressed and come downstairs, we're doing something." You said. "Fine." Lucifer stood up and grabbed his signature suit out the closet. You eyed him as you couldn't stop looking at his shirtless body. "Are you going to watch me get dressed too?" Lucifer asked. You blushed again. "NOPE. I'm outta here." You said walking out of Lucifer's room. Lucifer chuckled and started getting dressed. You went back downstairs and sat next to Alastor where you were. "Is he coming do-" "YES!" You cut Charlie off as you were a blushing mess. "Why are you blushing so hard?" Angel asked. "Nothing..." You mumbled. "Now, don't say nothing. Something happened and I want to know." Angel smiled at me. "I rather not talk about it."

A few minutes later, Lucifer started coming downstairs. "Morning, dad! Nice of you to join us." Charlie said excitedly. Lucifer hummed and he sat down next to you. Lucifer looked at you out the corner of his eye and smirked causing you to blush once more before he turned his attention back to Charlie. "Okay, guys we're going to be doing a 'Show-and-tell' today! Yay!" Charlie said excitedly. We all stared at her, unamused. "Well, don't act so excited." Charlie said sarcastically. Charlie went first, then Vaggie, Alastor, Husk, Niffty, Lucifer, Angel, and last but not least, You. You were standing on the stage looking down at everyone as you were about to reveal a big secret to everyone. "Well, everyone, this is going to come out as quite a shock to you all." You said as you stood nervously on the stage. You took a deep breath and pulled out a beautiful tiara from behind your back. Everyone stared. "When I was alive, I was an Indian princess." (I'm actually an Indian princess IRL soooo.....) Everyone stared at you in shock, including Lucifer. "The royal side of the tribe is still alive, which means we pretty much have everything we need. A chief, king, queen, prince, princess's. One day, our chief had passed away and my dad was asked to take the role as chief. If he did, I would have had to move to Massachusetts, but thankfully, my dad didn't want the responsibility, so we stayed where we were. But even though my dad turned down chief, I still carry on the role as an Indian Princess. My Indian name is 'Little white feather'." You finished your story, and everyone started to clap.

 "Any questions?" You asked. Angel raised his hand. "How come you don't wear the tiara?" He asked. "Well, its actually for multiple reasons, but one main reason is that is brings back too many painful memories." Angel looked confused but decided not to press any further. "Why did you hide the fact that you were a princess?" Husk asked. "Well, because I don't want anyone to feel like they have to treat me differently just because I'm a princess. I like being treated the way everyone else gets treated!" You said and smiled. Husk nods. You looked at Lucifer and he's just staring at you. You avoided eye contact with him as you awkwardly stood on the stage. Just then, Charlie comes to the rescue. "Thank you, Y/N for that amazing story!" Charlie said, stepping up on stage and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Now that's all for today everyone, thank you for participating. This was so much fun!" Charlie said excitedly. I chuckled at her childish behavior. "You all can go back to what you were doing!" Charlie said and got off the stage. You walked off the stage too. You thought for a moment, wondering what you wanted to do. You decided to play some video games since you haven't really played in a while.

You walked upstairs to your room and walked inside, closing the door behind you. You set up your Xbox and played the one game you really enjoyed playing. Apex Legends. (If you don't know what Apex Legends is, it's a battle royale-hero shooter game) As you waited for the game to load you in, you hear a knock on your door. You sighed and stood up, answering your door. Lucifer stood on the other side. "Yes?" You questioned. "What are you doing?" Lucifer asked with a smile on his face. "Just playing a video game." You said. "Video game?" Lucifer tilted his head to the side. "Yeah." "Can I watch?" He asked. "You want to watch me play?" You asked confused. "Yeah! I'm not very experienced with video games, but I've tried them." Lucifer said. You stepped aside and he walked inside your room. You shut the door behind him and sat down on the couch in front of the TV. "So, what are you playing?" Lucifer asked. "Apex Legends." You replied. "Oh, I've heard of that! Isn't it like a first-person shooter game?" Lucifer said. "Something like that." You smiled. You got into a game and picked Lifeline.

After a few minutes of playing, it was just your team, and one squad left. Your team was so close to winning. You ran into a building as you were getting shot at. You grabbed some more ammo and threw open the door to the building, shooting at the enemy. You downed one. "You got one!" Lucifer said. You continued focusing on your game. The enemy tried to revive his teammate but got shot down by one of your teammates. "NICE!" You said in the mic. You looked around, looking for the last guy. He was hiding somewhere. After a few minutes of searching, you found him hiding in a corner and shot at him, eliminating him. The word "CHAMPION" appeared on the screen. "WOO!" You cheered. Lucifer laughed and cheered with you. "That was amazing! You're really skilled at this game." Lucifer said. You smiled. "Wanna play?" You asked. Lucifer looked at you. "Me? Play? I'm probably not as good as you." He said. "That's okay, I'll put you on casual games!" You said and switched from ranked games to casual games. You handed the controller to Lucifer. Lucifer took the controller from your hands. You explained the controls to him. After explaining all the controls, Lucifer started up a game. He chose Bloodhound. He got into the game and waited for his teammate to pick where to land.

After a few seconds, his teammate picked where to land and his team jumped out the airship (or whatever the fuck it is, idk) Lucifer landed and he went inside a building, picking up a gun and some ammo. As he was grabbing his stuff, he didn't notice that an enemy came up behind him and started shooting him right in the back. "AH!" Lucifer screamed like a little girl and got downed. You started laughing at his little girl scream. His teammate downed the enemy and revived him. Lucifer's character got up and he started playing again.

After a while, you and Lucifer were taking turns on playing the game. You found it actually quite fun to have someone to play video games with you. You always used to just play games by yourself, but having Lucifer there with you was really fun. A few hours have passed, and it was now almost midnight. You started to grow tired as Lucifer continued to play, as it was his turn. You soon fell asleep on the couch while Lucifer still played. "Yes! I did it, I got my first win! Y/N, I- oh." Lucifer cut himself off as he saw you asleep. Your breathing was slow and steady as you slept peacefully. Lucifer smiled and he turned off the game and the tv. He got up, turning off the lights and sat back down on the couch. He grabbed you gently and moved you to lay your head on his lap. Lucifer stroked your hair softly, smiling down at you as you sleep. Soon, Lucifer laid his head back and closed his eyes, falling asleep as well.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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